I wonder what Julia Reynolds thinks as she reads the daily papers, sated with pictures of the tented ‘99%’ busily focussing media attention on the in tents debate regarding corporate greed and those companies that form the
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
Mincing on a Pin Head.
The New Statesman is quite clear on the subject – you do not have the “right” to discriminate, such a right does not exist.
I would have been quite happy arguing with the headline alone,
Continue reading →Dog obedience class…
You don’t have to shout to be obeyed……..
Just to amuse you.
Knocking the Weegie Bored.
The meeja love superlatives – watch them climb aboard the latest nonsensical press release from Stuart Hughes, see them gather like bluebottles round @occupylsx ‘10,000 protestors’ (only you can see them, Jeff) – I
Continue reading →Honey! I Shrunk the Tumour!
Wow! I scarcely believe it. ‘Tis true though. I’ve got there – and I’m still here!
Four months ago I said I wouldn’t comment on the subject ‘til further notice’, I didn’t want to turn this
Continue reading →Requiem for Tommy.
Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul?”
But it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll …..
Who Are You Tommy? Or rather, who were You?
Not Blowin’ in the Wind
How many facts must a minister ignore,
before his costly dreams are all canned?
How many zillions must tax-payer pay,
before he gives up his stupid plans?
Sacred Cows.
Taking an autumnal Sunday afternoon stroll through the Blog heartlands with my trusty keyboard trotting alongside yesterday, I managed to put up an entire flight of feministas – Cor! Feathers everywhere! I
Continue reading →Sovereign Piracy
I realise that many of you may see this as something of a specialist rant, if you will, but bear with me.
I was provided with a link to a rather fascinating document about the matter of
Continue reading →Female Bloggers Cry Rape?
I published this piece this afternoon on Dale and co.It has attracted a string of retweets by the predictable few, and some interesting comments.
The consensus of opinion seems to be that because I have never
Continue reading →Archive Post – Callow Jarrow.
75 years ago, 200 carefully selected men, in strict formation and their Sunday best, accompanied by a barber – lest they give the impression of being unemployable en route – set out to march the
Callow Jarrow.
75 years ago, 200 carefully selected men, in strict formation and their Sunday best, accompanied by a barber – lest they give the impression of being unemployable en route – set out to march the 299 miles
Continue reading →Pouring Greece on Troubled Waters.
Just when the Bankers and the Politicians thought they had it all sewn up – even Gordon Brown has done a complete about turn from his days of ‘British Jobs for British Workers’ and called (from the
Continue reading →Competition -The National Animal?
A suggestion from Saul, following the news that Canadians are lobbying to change their national animal from the Beaver to the Polar Bear (so very ‘this year’!) .
What animal would you choose to represent
Continue reading →Go Faster – Spend More.
In the week after Cameron (and Miliband) showed their utter contempt for the principle of MPs being in parliament to reflect their constituents wishes, and proved conclusively that they were merely the henchmen of their party leader;
Continue reading →Anonymous – Hints for Citizens in a Revolution.
Anonymous, the internet based activist group best known in the UK for its attacks on Amazon, PayPal, Mastercard and Visa in the wake of Wikileak’s publication of the US diplomatic cables, has published its definitive volume of
Continue reading →Spread-Sheeting Sanctimonious Sanctuary.
Giles Fraser took the cheap way out of advertising his resignation his morning. No beautifully penned letter with a first class stamp for him – he did it via Twitter.
The Patchwork Quilt.
‘Europe’ as a legal entity was designed to stitch together disparate nations.
As any student of the origins of patchwork quilting (I am not talking of the modern commercialised, ready to sew version) would tell you
Continue reading →Snip! Snip!
Ah, those terrible cuts! We have protests, we have rage, we have the incomprehensible irony of people occupying public spaces against global capitalism, while yakking on their spanking new iPhone 4S’s and sipping a Starbucks decaf
Continue reading →Lord of the Flies Beds Down in Animal Farm.
The Occupy UK shower have done their best, there was always a delicious irony in their making their bed in the guest accommodation of the wealthiest ‘corporation’ in Britain and certainly the one that pays the lowest
Continue reading →Stop Press | Democracy – the Left Wing Version.
Hastings Borough Council, a Labour dominated council, are committed to “equality of opportunity” – so long as you agree with their views.
If you don’t agree with their views, or you chose to listen to those
Continue reading →Desktop Pork and Other Raccoon Distractions.
An eerie silence in the Raccoon bar, no e-mails from the prudish Thaddeus telling me I’ve shocked him yet again, nothing from Gildas threatening to put me on the naughty step once more – not even the
Continue reading →A Shaggy Hamster Tale.
The crowded route to Liam Fox’s arse, being on the line, has produced some strange bedfellows; last night I stumbled on possibly the queerest one of all. The Pet Shop Boy.
Nah, not those singing mongs,
Continue reading →This is not an April Fool’s joke.
Truly it’s not, I promise you. I’ll even give you a link to an ‘authoritative’ source. Honest. Soon as I stop laughing.
You remember all those families living ‘below the poverty line’, the ones the heartless
Continue reading →Something odd going on…
I don’t understand it at all. Help me out here folks!
Whilst those who would seize any opportunity to get ‘out from under the thumb of Brussels’ are happily chortling that having iDave and Vague in
Continue reading →The Real Cost…
Exclusive – Welsh Wails.
There is a folk lore image of the down-trodden miner, coal grimed face, singing ‘Men of Harlech’ as he is forced down thousands of feet underground with hundreds of his fellow men for the exclusive benefit of
Continue reading →Occupy! Occupy!
I have watched, with increasing amazement, the occupation of various “symbolic” venues by people representing “99%” of society, in protest against the greed of the remaining 1%.
I don’t know who this mysterious 99% is,
Continue reading →Sacrificed Alternatives
Imagine, if you will, that from our point of view, the government is a business, just like any other business. And just like any other business that we deal with, we pay them a certain amount
Continue reading →PentUpToDate Rants.
What a week to miss in politics!
Liam Fox resigns to spend more time with his exotic extended ‘family’. While we wait with scarcely baited breath to find out which ‘wing’ of his family he will
Continue reading →