Watch the Pennies and the Pounds will take care of themselves
Censorship – Love it or Hate it?
Madoff given 1% in years of what he stole in pounds
Raccoon bites off man’s penis
Pharmageddon – ironing out eccentricities.
Another one bites the dust. One less eccentric to thrill and appal the world in equal measures as he dances across its stage. Michael Jackson RIP.
Primitive societies knew what to do with
Continue reading →Truth and Consequences.
Whilst the Punch
Continue reading →“You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel………”
Couldn’t resist it Mr G!
Continue reading →Sadistic pleasures on the Isle of Sodor.
We have scampered like feral brats across the Isle of Sodor, untrammelled by the rigid lines of regulation in the real world.
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Bercow beckoned, and unbecoming Burkhas.
As the days are getting shorter, so it seems are the newsworthy men.
John Bercow elevated to the Speaker’s chair, by tradition, not because he couldn’t reach it unaided, was not
Continue reading →The Times…They are a-Changin’
The hypocritical actions of The Times this week, in publishing the identity of ‘Nightjack’ the police blogger, contrasts harshly with both the victory of Suzanne Breen in obtaining a court ruling that she need not
To Trough is Human, to Steal Devine,
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Facts by themselves can often feed the flame of Maddie-ness,
In the land of the one-eyed King………..
Gordon Brown has been sounding like a cracked record of late, stuttering his way through Prime Minister’s Question time, pausing only to expose his slack tongue in the floor of his
Continue reading →Vera Baird QC – ’tis baffling.
MPs redacted expenses have been released this morning by the parliamentary authorities. HERE
Don’t bother looking up Tony Blair’s – so redacted as to be a miracle he admits his name is Tony
Continue reading →Renovation, renovation, renovation.
Foster’s XXXX
Patrick Foster’s ‘outing’ of the blogger Nightjack has created a firestorm in the blogging world.
Old Holborn, with characteristic chutzpah, has outed young Patrick in return. If Patrick is congratulating himself
Continue reading →Who blinked first?
The answer is that Colin Port did.
It is one thing grandstanding to the tabloid readers and assorted bigots, quite another to face up to the wrath of three High Court judges.
Continue reading →The indignity of this forced marriage.
On Sunday, whilst the world was consumed with the Moto GP duel, Geert Wilders was giving a remarkable speech to the Danish Free Press Society concerning the battle between two ideologies. It is a
Continue reading →Be afraid Guido, you too Old Holborn….
No hiding place for bloggers…….
The High Court has refused to preserve the anonymity of an award-winning policeman blogger who has written about the force and government ministers.
Mr Justice Eady refused an injunction to prevent The Times
Continue reading →Why France? – No 3.
I had a choice yesterday. Watch Rossi disappear up his own exhaust, or watch the area heats for the Tracteur Pulling 2009 European Championship. Or do the ironing
I opted for second choice on the grounds that it
Continue reading →May the force be with you – in your cell.
The tentacles of the troughing pandemic are spreading into every corner of public life.
Little wonder that that the Metropolitan Police were so unwilling to press charges against MPs in respect of alleged fraudulent expenses
Continue reading →The one eyed trouser snake’s true purpose exposed.
Rake’s Progress.
Nu-Labour’s desire to infiltrate every last bastion of your private life continues unabated.
The Family and Parenting Institute, yet another government funded quango, is to be headed by the ferociously feminist Dr Katherine Rake.
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Impotent fags – the silent revolution.
Is this self-delusion on the part of the Righteous, or a sinister plot to increase company profits?
The American senate voted overwhelmingly yesterday, to limit nicotine in cigarettes. The legislation, one
Continue reading →‘Bottoming out’ in the Merseyside jobs market……
T’was barely two weeks ago that a Bank of England Committee member Andrew Sentance was telling Channel 4 news that:
“We have to get to a point where the economy stops
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Mrs Ball’s Bear Trap.
The twin specialities of the Righteous, the ‘emotive’ platform, and ‘oppressive’ legislation, will reach a crescendo today as Mrs Ball’s lays down her bear trap.
Continue reading →Death rattles from the ongoing Colin Port saga…..
John Ozimek in The Register has an exclusive interview today with Jim Bates, the man firmly in the sights of Operation Ore Ire. I am reproducing it in full
Continue reading →Inexorable Choices.
So, the wrong kind of voters (pace Hain) have elected the wrong kind of MPs (pace Howard) under our great democracy that we seek to export
Continue reading →How to dress up a dickhead…….
BOYS as young as 12 are to be issued with condom “credit cards” allowing them to pick up free contraception at football grounds, barber’s shops and scout
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