I make no apology for reposting an entry from 2009. I said at the time it was a classic Bear Trap – and so it has come to pass – The government that didn’t have the spine
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
The Charge of the Right Brigade.
Half a brain half a brain,
Half a brain between us,
Hours in the Houses of Commons
Jawed the six hundred:
‘Forward, the Right Brigade!
Screw up the Huns’ Cameron said:
Into the valley of Austerity
Talked the six hundred (and 49!)
‘Veto! the Euro is slayed!’
Swales’ Tale – A God-awful Fail.
The Lib-Dems have a remarkable propensity to swing both ways. Bleeding heart hand wringers over the dinner table – right wing reactionaries when they encounter real life.
The constituency office of Ian Swales received a swathe
Continue reading →Plucky Little Britain.
Alone amongst the EU countries, Plucky Little Britain and its plucky little Prime Minister has walked away from the negotiating table, noisily demanding the right to be profligate with its national budget if it wishes.
Continue reading →Live Cable Going Underground?
What now? This is a watershed moment. For some Lib Dems, it is close to breaking point. Business secretary Vince Cable spoke passionately in cabinet last Monday against making the small casino part of the City a
Continue reading →Throwing in the Blogging Towel…
Not I – don’t be daft!
I’ve just become very aware over the past few weeks that less than 10% of my RSS feeds to other blogs have been updated.
Tim Worstall still beavers
Continue reading →Muff Marching in Marylebone.
I would dearly love to write fiction – but how can one compete with the truth? The media continue to churn out (reasonably) factual stories that I could not dream up with the help of a gallon
Continue reading →Friday Limerick Competition
Though a turbine to some may seem pleasing
When it’s blowing quite briskly or breezing,
In the winter’s deep chill
When the air is quite still
They need heaters to keep them from freezing.
Continue reading →Deborah, Deborah, what will become of you?
Who’d a thought it eh?
The Dutch government are to abandon the likes of the dreadful Deborah Arnott’s Dutch colleagues to public subscription!
No more public money for the anti-smoking lobby. No more free
Continue reading →Air Hits Fans…..
Remember all those stories of the ‘useless’ wind turbines. Operating at less than 25% capacity. £283,000 a year subsidies for managing to operate at 30%?
Last night the near stationary fans in Scotland finally got enough wind.
And whoops…
Latest News:The ‘gay’ rape of a one month old baby?
I had deliberately stayed away from this story. Something about the age of the child and the nature of the injuries made me very cautious. It was fairly obvious from the early twitter comments that there was
Expensive Horseshit.
The ‘My Little Pony Brigade’ have long been used to the idea that they must dig deep into the bank of Mum and Dad if they want to continue their hobby.
Some are desperate enough to
Continue reading →The Lurch to Libertarianism.
The National Centre for Social Research today released the latest British Social Attitudes report, its annual study of how people’s lives are changing and their views on how Britain is run.
One of the main findings
Continue reading →Damn Statistics…
’40% of cancers caused by lifestyle’ screams the BBC, a story they have been mainlining on all day – illustrated by a large picture of a smoking cigarette….
Now, only 2% of the population each
Continue reading →First Class Post.
Hah! That’s cheered me up. Hilarious.
They are going to send the ‘morning after pill’ by post – over Christmas.
They’ll be lucky if they get it by the end of January.
We don’t
Continue reading →12 Step programme for the Euro?
‘Tories at War’, scream the headlines – naturally they are at war with each other, rather than the enemy at the door. The comments on Conservative Home this morning would be hilarious if the situation wasn’t so
Continue reading →More benefits of democracy
I must state at the outset that I have precious little time for Stonewall as an organisation, as they seem to relish “positive discrimination” and I find Peter Tatchell a brave but rather irritating cock.
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Will it never end?
No wonder they flock to our shores. Two immigrants have been given a £275,000 house, and guaranteed £600,000 a year in benefits for ten years. Not only that, but they are being encouraged by the authorities to breed
Continue reading →The Enterprising Blogger.
This saga reminds me of the fabled Victorian melodrama ending ‘and with one mighty bound, Jack was free’. A tale of extraordinary determination and a desire to grab life by the scruff of its neck.
Continue reading →Disingenuous Language.
Hand wringing Liberals are the undoubted masters in the use of disingenuous language.
First we had the ubiquitous ‘joy riding’ to describe theft of a motor car, the property of someone who had paid for it
Continue reading →Pension Raids.
Last Friday, the Portuguese Government quietly filched almost £5 Billion pounds from the pension fund of Portugal Telecom which was sitting in the vaults of four Portuguese Banks, and added them to the country’s assets in order
Continue reading →Friday Limerick Contest.
“Oh Daddy please buy me a tent”
“My humongous allowance is spent”
“There’s mammon to smash”
Rejoice – the end is nigh!
The demonisation of the elderly continues.
Yesterday we were told that bed blocking ‘by elderly patients’ was costing the NHS ‘more than £500,000 per day’ without a shred of evidence that the bed blockers were
Continue reading →Time Honoured Traditions.
When the Spartans threw the envoy of a Persian King down a deep well, they set in train a desire to protect envoys from malicious harm that has resulted in the present system of ‘diplomatic immunity’.
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That went well didn’t it?
Can we have another public sector strike soon? Next week maybe?
Travellers at Heathrow airport were delighted, racing through passport control manned by ‘scabs’ who only took two days to be trained to perform this arduous
Continue reading →A Slice of Pond Life.
I heard news of my (thankfully, very thankfully) ex-brother in law this afternoon. The youngest of the clan.
He was 19 when I first knew him. 4 years younger than me. A gilded youth with long
Continue reading →Public Sector Perks.
The Devil is always in the detail.
Time was when the only civil service ‘perk’ was the tea trolley merrily clanging its way along the corridors of power; they have become much more sophisticated at accruing
Continue reading →Parish Notice
Apologies for the last week, folks. I have had the week from Hell!
My computer welcomed me back from my last stay in Hospital by rolling on its
Continue reading →Taxpayer Can You Spare A Dime?
In some situations I’ve always reckoned it’s better to leave your emotions at home; it’s more difficult to deal with somebody who’s seething with rage or deliriously happy (which can
Continue reading →It’s my Party and I’ll fund if I want to…
Not if Christopher Kelly has his way!
”If the public want to take big money out of politics, as our research demonstrates they do, they also have to face up to the reality
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