The spectre of Margaret Thatcher has been waved before the hissing, booing legion of the unemployed in Liverpool this morning and the response was as predictable as that of a pantomime crowd.
‘Hurrah’ they chanted, ‘Find
Continue reading →The spectre of Margaret Thatcher has been waved before the hissing, booing legion of the unemployed in Liverpool this morning and the response was as predictable as that of a pantomime crowd.
‘Hurrah’ they chanted, ‘Find
Continue reading →A is for Arab Spring, Aiden Burley, Adele, Aflocalypse and Azerbaijan
The wind of change whirls around the Arab world in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Libya
Continue reading →Over the past 20 years, the NHS has systematically – and I use that word deliberately – built itself into a closed shop for every variety of care.
It has done so I believe deliberately; for
Continue reading →
Doncha just love it?
Let’s see how good your memory is! “War, disease, crime and banditry, distress of nations and perplexity will increase until …”
If you were a connoisseur of 1960′s and 1970′s Fleet Street newspapers, you will recognise
Continue reading →The Quiet Man. He touched your life today, all of you, though you may not have noticed. He is ignored, today, as he is every day. Ignored by the public, ignored by the politicians, ignored by the
I raise a glass to you all – and wish you the best possible Christmas.
It has been an extraordinary year, so many changes in the world – and a good few in my world.
Continue reading →I was sent this newspaper link a few minutes ago by a reader who is oft times amused by my ability to see an alternative view of any issue. ‘Go on, spin this one’ he said. I
Continue reading →It must be Christmas – guilt inducing adverts and press releases have increased dramatically.
In between Fedosi starving in the arms of her well fed Mother, (only £2 a month) and saving Ayesha from marrying at
Continue reading →For the last couple of days President Sarkozy has been looking slightly like a 1.65 metre man standing at the bottom of a 1.75 metre puddle having a rhetorical go at the old enemy, but blowing a
Continue reading →Ignore for the moment that the picture shows that Windows has failed to load on the computer driving the display.
Just think back a bit. Back behind the bus. In the brain of the driver of the car behind the bus.
Continue reading →“Planning laws should be changed radically to ensure that retail developments are built in town centres rather than on edge-of-town sites or in the countryside, Mary Portas has said.”
Thus spake the Queen of
Continue reading →The Peelian principle states that “The police are the public and the public are the police“
So when a member of the public is willing to stand up when something goes wrong rather than stay
Continue reading →As you settle down to listen to the news tonight over your plate of chicken nuggets smothered in Hellman’s mayonnaise and baked for a mere 6 minutes, prepare yourself for the doom and gloom.
Not the
Continue reading →I make no apology for reposting an entry from 2009. I said at the time it was a classic Bear Trap – and so it has come to pass – The government that didn’t have the spine
Continue reading →Half a brain half a brain,
Half a brain between us,
Hours in the Houses of Commons
Jawed the six hundred:
‘Forward, the Right Brigade!
Screw up the Huns’ Cameron said:
Into the valley of Austerity
Talked the six hundred (and 49!)
‘Veto! the Euro is slayed!’
The Lib-Dems have a remarkable propensity to swing both ways. Bleeding heart hand wringers over the dinner table – right wing reactionaries when they encounter real life.
The constituency office of Ian Swales received a swathe
Continue reading →Alone amongst the EU countries, Plucky Little Britain and its plucky little Prime Minister has walked away from the negotiating table, noisily demanding the right to be profligate with its national budget if it wishes.
Continue reading →What now? This is a watershed moment. For some Lib Dems, it is close to breaking point. Business secretary Vince Cable spoke passionately in cabinet last Monday against making the small casino part of the City a
Continue reading →Not I – don’t be daft!
I’ve just become very aware over the past few weeks that less than 10% of my RSS feeds to other blogs have been updated.
Tim Worstall still beavers
Continue reading →I would dearly love to write fiction – but how can one compete with the truth? The media continue to churn out (reasonably) factual stories that I could not dream up with the help of a gallon
Continue reading →Though a turbine to some may seem pleasing
When it’s blowing quite briskly or breezing,
In the winter’s deep chill
When the air is quite still
They need heaters to keep them from freezing.
Continue reading →Who’d a thought it eh?
The Dutch government are to abandon the likes of the dreadful Deborah Arnott’s Dutch colleagues to public subscription!
No more public money for the anti-smoking lobby. No more free
Continue reading →Remember all those stories of the ‘useless’ wind turbines. Operating at less than 25% capacity. £283,000 a year subsidies for managing to operate at 30%?
Last night the near stationary fans in Scotland finally got enough wind.
And whoops…
I had deliberately stayed away from this story. Something about the age of the child and the nature of the injuries made me very cautious. It was fairly obvious from the early twitter comments that there was
The ‘My Little Pony Brigade’ have long been used to the idea that they must dig deep into the bank of Mum and Dad if they want to continue their hobby.
Some are desperate enough to
Continue reading →The National Centre for Social Research today released the latest British Social Attitudes report, its annual study of how people’s lives are changing and their views on how Britain is run.
One of the main findings
Continue reading →’40% of cancers caused by lifestyle’ screams the BBC, a story they have been mainlining on all day – illustrated by a large picture of a smoking cigarette….
Now, only 2% of the population each
Continue reading →Hah! That’s cheered me up. Hilarious.
They are going to send the ‘morning after pill’ by post – over Christmas.
They’ll be lucky if they get it by the end of January.
We don’t
Continue reading →‘Tories at War’, scream the headlines – naturally they are at war with each other, rather than the enemy at the door. The comments on Conservative Home this morning would be hilarious if the situation wasn’t so
Continue reading →