I’m really baffled by this:
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has reaffirmed street photography rights at a Metropolitan Police
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I’m really baffled by this:
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has reaffirmed street photography rights at a Metropolitan Police
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Years ago, Uncle Tom Cobbley would take off down to the local public house after his supper to enjoy his pipe and a conversation with the other allotment holders without having to mind his language in front
Continue reading →The ‘Dog Days’ of August are nearly upon us. Parliamentary gossip will dry up. Press releases from helpful celebrity PRs will be rarer than hen’s teeth as they all take off for their holidays.
But what
Continue reading →86 year old Sister Marie-Daniel and 82 year old Sister Saint-Denis have gone on the run from their convent in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.
They had intended to be accompanied by 89-year old Sister Maurice-Marie, but she managed to
Continue reading →iDave’s Big Society is up and running. All those doubting Thomas’ who said it would never happen; people were too selfish, too dependant on the Nanny State, there was no community any longer….
OK, it’s not
Continue reading →Will Hutton has a lengthy piece in today’s Guardian entitled “Stick up for the BBC. It’s the last bulwark against rule by the mob”.
He complains about the ‘bile, unfairness and lack of restraint in the blogosphere’ infecting
Continue reading →A DRIVER was left baffled after receiving a £30 fine for playing music too loudly on his car radio.
Christopher Cureton, of Seacombe, was listening to the rock band The Killers’ hit, Human, as he drove
Continue reading →To help economies develop across Africa, he said nations needed to increase access to broadband internet, which he said less than 1% of people currently had access to.
“I am already working with
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The media were quick to apply for reporting restrictions to be lifted when Jon Venables appeared in court. Their motive is clear. Publishing up to date information, photographs even, which are likely to
Continue reading →It’s not, not something you see every day:
Dog wanted me to have sex with it – accused
By Shellee Geduld
A Cape Town man has appeared in court for allegedly having sex with his neighbour’s poodle.
Anthony Julies appeared in the
Continue reading →I see the police in New Zealand are shocked at the behaviour of young people again. Apparently, a bunch of youths who like something
Continue reading →This is the United Kingdom 2010. ‘Walking the dog’ is no longer the low-tech activity it used to be.
If you are lucky enough to avoid the marauding transvestites intent on introducing your Pekinese pooch
Continue reading →Stonewall are flapping their petticoats again. They have monitored 126 hours of TV programmes such as Coronation Street, The Bill, Eastenders and the Simpsons to come to the conclusion that the BBC is ‘not
Continue reading →From the Telegraph:
Transvestite had sex with a dog at English Heritage castle
A transvestite had sex with a dog in the moat of an English Heritage castle.
The cross-dressing man was caught with the animal in the dry moat of
Continue reading →I never cease to be amazed by the repeated victories of, and lack of response to, the New Puritanism. It seems curious to me that a society as tolerant as the British is, and has been for centuries,
“They put on their headphones, drape a hood over their head and drift off into the world of ‘digital highs’ called i-Dosing.
Oh dear, what you going
Continue reading →Mrs Thatcher’s words, almost always taken out of context, inspired me when I read of David Cameron’s latest project. Mrs Thatcher was, of course, completely correct: there is
Continue reading →It was dark and stormy night in 1726. Tobias Muddlestick bent over the leather bound ledger, dipped his quill in the ink, and carefully inscribed the words ‘Received 6d’. He paused over the words heading
Continue reading →Our Vera only got £32,383 of our money as a resettlement grant when we kicked her out of Redcar. The ‘winding-up’ expenses she can draw on finish on
Continue reading →I hate the men who would prolong their lives
By foods and drinks and charms of magic art
Perverting nature’s course to keep off death
They ought, when they no longer serve the land
To quit this life, and
A young soldier is confined to barracks today, awaiting possible court martial.
His crime was apparently to think on his feet, and comply with his instructions by the most efficacious method available to
Continue reading →On Friday, the High Court gave permission for a judicial review of the government’s failure to hold a public inquiry into the UK’s alleged complicity in the torture of a large number of civilians.
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Is an hour too long to wait in an emergency? Can passion survive the wait?
In an age when the Pizzeria guarantees your appetite will be sated within ten minutes of your call, I wonder at
Continue reading →Feelin’ okay this mornin’
And you know,
We’re on the road to paradise
Here we go, here we go
As it does so very often manage to do, the issue of road pricing has come around once again. And, as
Continue reading →You really, really, need to go HERE to read this image in all it’s glory.
A quite brilliant effort from The Poke reducing the Daily Wail’s secret editorial formula to a map of the moral underground.
This is a piece
Continue reading →400 years before Christ was born, Hippocrates wrote his essay on the so called ‘sacred disease’ – Epilepsy. He was trying to debunk the theory that epilepsy represented a ‘possession by the spirits’.
Continue reading →My sister-in-law once famously arrived here for a week’s holiday with six packs of Waitrose prunes in her luggage.
She has never lived it down – this part of the Dordogne is bang in the centre
Continue reading →Perhaps the website designer is working on some horizontal bars? Or did he mean ‘charges will occur from time to time’?
The Crown Prosecution
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