When M16 use GCHQ computer experts to hack into Middle Eastern computers and replace bomb making instructions with a recipe for cup cakes, it’s a bit of a giggle, What Ho! Boys, just a jolly
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
Quid Pro Quo.
How curious it is that a country such as the UK, which has been so staunchly socialist for the past 13 years, should be so obsessed with ‘individual rights’. It is those ‘individual rights’ which lie behind
Continue reading →Party Time!
Hello my darlings – I haven’t half missed you all!
Rural France excels at things like growing lettuces, keeping families together, fostering community spirit; by heck, it struggles when asked to integrate with the modern high
Continue reading →Fi Fa, Foe, Fumble…
I don’t want to be told that we ‘live in a democracy’ any longer; the phrase now irritates me beyond belief.
Everywhere I look I see evidence that the feudal system of kings and serfs is
Continue reading →The Ballard of Elliot Morley
Elliot Morley
Pays off his mortgage and pockets a cool sixteen grand
All cash in hand;
‘Sloppy accounting’,
All a mistake and there’s nobody else he can blame,
Oh, what a shame!
All the crooked people,
Where do they
Picture Caption Contest.
Just think, if all the footballers in all the world kept their dongle in their trousers, we could have saved an entire rain forest from being cut down to provide news paper…..
Continue reading →Heralding a New Division
The Scottish Herald appears to my southern eyes to be a strong supporter of Alex Salmond and thus his desire for independence from the UK. Scottish readers are free to disagree with me on this point.
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The Quiet Revolution.
There are 10,000 miles of railway track and around 2,500 railway stations in Britain. Not many people know that – except the railway buffs, and the British Transport Police. For despite their all
Continue reading →Rude Boys Rule, OK?
Reading through the morning blogs, you can be amused, intrigued, informed, misinformed, inflamed, alarmed, and very occasional, completely pole-axed, as someone relates an incident in their life that illustrates a truism that had never occurred to you.
The New Improved DIY Daily Fail.
We have whinged so long and so competently that the Daily Fail and the extra informative Sunday edition merely makes up its stories – when it is not nicking them from bloggers that is – that today’s
Continue reading →Could be a serial killer?
Tales From The Cabinet Room Bug
Call Me Dave: “Welcome, colleagues, a jolly good day to save the planet by inventing new taxes and throwing more money at the PIIGS. Theresa, how are we doing
Continue reading →Strauss-Kahn and the Diallo violin orchestra.
The global economy has been described as a ‘world family’. Let us stick with that analogy for a moment.
The family owes more than it is earning, in fact owes mores more than the total amount
Continue reading →Right, said Fred…..
Despite reports to the contrary, Ms Raccoon is not superwoman, and cannot manage to be in two places at once.
I am currently in the middle of moving house.
Mr G finds it perfectly normal
Continue reading →The Ancient Art of Verbal Origami.
The ultimate goal of practitioners of this art is to take perfectly inoffensive words, good deeds, incentives, bright ideas, and through intricate folding of the same words into other sentences, incorporate them into a new sculpture of
Continue reading →Hot-Bunking in God’s Little Acre.
God knows what has made me think of graveyards and resurrecting dead bodies today, I should be painting my toenails whilst I am still agile enough to reach them…anyway, here goes.
60 million people crammed onto
Continue reading →Lies, Hypocrisy and Politicians.
Trawling through my morning reading, the e-mails, the newspapers, and the various blogs, is like trying to swim through the flotsam and jetsam that washes up in a Greek tanker port.
Dead wood, dead fish heads,
Continue reading →The Rally Against Debt.
At 11am this morning, Libertarians and all those who believe in simple thrift, honesty, and personal responsibility will be gathering at Old Palace Yard in Westminster to demonstrate their support alongside Old Holborn, Guido Fawkes, Mark Wallace
Continue reading →Parish Notice.
I understand that Blogger is still down – which for a Libertarian blogosphere, the day before the Rally Against Debt, is disappointing and unfortunate. If anybody has posts prepared on the
Continue reading →Withering Sleights
After some weeks of deliberation and back biting, punctuated by some extraordinary arguments and innuendo, it would appear that the chairman of the Libertarian Party has finally found a method of publishing the results of his promised
Continue reading →Hiding in Plain View.
Sitting in on one of those interminable Social Services conferences, the question of the ‘subject’s’ past mental health came up. “No, he’d never attempted suicide before, but he had been a counsellor for the Samaritans for many
Continue reading →A Close Shave.
The wriggling and the incredible excuses of those caught out in their lies are a joy to behold.
I imagine their minds whirling at a rate of knots, until finally collapsing into the vortex with a
Continue reading →Once Upon a Time.
Are you sitting comfortably children? Gather round.
Once upon a time, the Germans and the French fell out. Rather badly. They were neighbours and it became difficult for everyone. “What can we do to stop
Continue reading →The Super-injuncted Crossword Puzzle.
3. Devoted to his wife but went to bed with a prostitute.
4. Shagged his wife but was embarrassed about it. Perhaps you would be too.
5. Spin Doctor advised him that a super-injunction was the latest Continue reading →
Annie votes to give up the national teat.
A search is under way in Donald Dewar’s old fiefdom, for the seven men and women that delivered a resounding punch on the nose to the hallowed ground from which the Nu-Labour project was accidentally born.
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Libertarian Candidates and the Blog Society.
It is time to take back control of the ‘Libertarian’ label and restore the covenant between those who would seek election on its policies, and those who should choose and fund those candidates.
It is time
Continue reading →Morality on Manoeuvres
‘There Is No Possibility of Mistaking Midnight for Noon, But At What Moment Twilight Becomes Darkness Is Hard To Determine’
I followed the on-line conversations regarding the assassination of Osama Bin-Laden with grim fascination. Certainly he
Continue reading →Wig and Pen stuff.
Were it not for that well documented phenomena whereby those who sit above the salt never sweat, though may discretely perspire, I might be tempted to think that Carl Gardner was getting agitated.
Continue reading →Well All Riiiiight! Yeah!
The classic ending to every American movie, the moment when the assembled crowd raises their right fist in a salute and whistles, cheers and stamps their feet yelling ‘well, all riiight’ is being played out in front
Continue reading →Comments of the Week
Six if you count Elton… Rob on Rank Hypocrisy
I suspect
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