When Aretha Franklin belted out those words at the start of the era of gender politics, I, in my innocence, having never heard of gender politics, assumed that she was making reference to the civil rights movement in
Continue reading →“Oh, a little respect, Yeah, baby, I want a little respect”
On Judgement by your Peers and Historic Sex Abuse.
‘Trial by Jury’ is one of the most quoted cornerstones of ‘British Justice’ – or rather, British Justice as we like to believe it exists. Until the last few years of Labour control of the British eduction
Quite a Thunderbolt for the Pope on a Sunday…
Not since it was revealed that the Vatican’s financial advisor, Michele Sindona, was a Mafia connected crook who had embezzled 20 million quid of the Holy Father’s piggy bank has there been such a catastrophic financial insult
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Outrage at Outage for BlueHost, HostGator, HostMonster.
And lo! On the seventh day, was the Techdom of Provo built. They called it Endurance International Group. A perfect, pristine land pulsating with technology. Encased in stainless steel, with na’er a finger print in sight; temperature
Continue reading →Chuggers-R-Us – the NSPCC and Daniel Pelka.
You see them everywhere, representatives of the NSPCC. You hear them on the adverts during afternoon TV; they are on the breakfast sofa’s opining on the latest ‘terrible outrage’; they are in the side bar advertisements in
Continue reading →The Boys are Frackin’ Town.
When the Saxons first ventured up the stretch of water we know as the River Stour, the surrounding land was an unspoilt wilderness of fertile land and wild fowl.
The settlement that came to be known
Continue reading →Twitter, Twatter, Twotter…and Thumb Gymnastics.
The Twitterati. The word has even made it into the Oxford dictionary. Because nobody ever wrote anything down until humans learnt to dance a jig on double jointed thumbpoint whilst having breakfast with a lover that they
Continue reading →Puerile Savile and the Mexican Staring Frog.
What arrant nonsense have the hacks that write our Tabloids ‘Penny Dreadfuls’ come up with now? What balderdash-on-stilts is served today?
When the Sunday Pictorial was launched in 1915, Lord Rothermere said that the idea was
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Workshy Britain?
814, 359 employers in Britain are so keen to find employees that they have signed up to a European initiative that pays a bounty of 1000 euros to anybody in another European country who is
Stuart Hall and that Guilty Plea.
Today, the lord chief justice, Lord Judge, sitting with Justice Rafferty and Justice Macur, will decide whether the 15-month jail term that Stuart Hall received after pleading guilty to 14 counts of indecent assault, on girls as young
Oh Come All Ye Debt-full,
Feckless, Unrepentant,
O come ye, O come ye to Welby.com
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Tallymen;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, Good Lord….the bloody world’s gone mad.
Continue reading →Exclusive – Austerity is Working!
Whether you believe that austerity IS working or not depends on your definition of a desirable outcome. If it was to ensure that the ‘trickle down effect’ relieved poverty amongst the sofa resident young, or poured more
Continue reading →The Other Side of ‘Exposure’ – The Real Victims of the Jimmy Savile Story.
Before I started writing this, I played a segment of ‘Exposure’ back to myself. Within the first few minutes I was listening to yet another lie – the story of ‘Sarah’ allegedly portrayed by an actress both
Continue reading →Cami-knickers!
Last week, a focus group of Dentist’s assistants in Sunderland told Cami-knickers’ re-election agent that pensioners had had it too good for too long – before the week was out we had sound bites galore as to
Continue reading →A New Role for Our Glorious NHS?
Eight years ago, James Adams was a male nurse working with ‘vulnerable adults’.
Something occurred in his workplace, we are not told what, which resulted in him uttering a ‘swear word’ directed at one of his
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Magda Romanska – a long post, and an excellent read – ‘How I Survived Socialism’!
Duff and Nonsense on Damn statistics.
Macheath on true love 2013 style
Continue reading →Britain on DaftCon 2 alert!
Good Heavens Britain! Did the clouds part and the sun peek through for five minutes? Every newspaper in hysteria mode!
Mothers ‘mortified’ because they thought they could put a four week old baby out to bake on a
Continue reading →Turned out Sunny Hundal again!
Cracked Nest-egg Syndrome.
Long ago, Equitable Life had a canny scheme. ‘Give us your money now, and we’ll give it back to you with a bit extra when you are older’. And lo! many wealthy people with money to spare
Continue reading →Zimmerman Framed.
Who knew that Trayvon Martin had morphed from this angelic picture of a 12-year-old into a 6’2″ 17-year-old body builder? Were there no up to date photographs of him to plaster the country with? No matter, he has
Continue reading →Saturday Night Posts Worth Reading…
The misery hiding behind the Savile headlines.
I spoke yesterday of the vast volume of mail I am receiving, since starting to write of the Savile case. Some makes me angry beyond belief – and as if by magic, one such arrived overnight. The writer is
Continue reading →Some positive progress for a change…
I had not thought when I first put pen to paper on the Savile affair, that it would still be lustily gorging every spare moment of my time months later. I doubt very much that the handful of 70s
Continue reading →Whole Life Tariffs and the European Court of Human Rights.
Death twitches my ear. “Live,” he says, “I am coming.”
~ Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), Minor Poems, Copa
‘Jam tomorrow’ is the meme that gets us all through today. It is what makes us say to ourselves ‘five
Continue reading →Perception, Deception, and Misconception.
Several weeks ago, the Daily Mail ran a story concerning two women who had ‘fleeced’ their aunt of £200,000. The Mail gleefully listed the Rolex watches and named the designer handbags the women had bought,
Continue reading →Pants!
The Urban Dictionary describes the word ‘Pants‘ thus: Adj. British slang. Not good; total crap; nonsense; rubbish; bad; woefully inadequate; useless; a waste of time and space.
I just thought I’d mention that before
Continue reading →Oy! You Left Something Behind Abu Omar!
Abu Omar ibn Mahmoud ibn Othman al-Filistini used to live in a dusty fly blown house in downtown Amman. He shared the house with his wife, three children, his elderly parents, and 18 other individuals all related by
Continue reading →Help me find my G-Spot!
Dear People of the Internet and Raccoon Readers,
I am writing to you in search of help and advice and consolation, because it seems that I have lost, or rather been locked out of what
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