Turned out Sunny Hundal again!

Sunny is on scorching form today; no more hiding his guiding light behind a passing cloud.
He has defined evil for those of us who need re-education.
First, how do I define ‘evil’?
My definition is this: if a person of considerable responsibility or power deliberately ignores or cheers on policies that lead to multiple deaths, they are ‘evil’.
So who qualifies as evil by Sunny’s definition? In a crowded field, the following stand head and shoulders above the throng of left wingers.
Tony Blair for the war on Iraq that so many Britons campaigned against.
Alastair Campbell for providing the laughable ‘research’ and sound bites that allowed Blair to mislead parliament.
Andy Burnham for presiding over an NHS policy that led to target chasing being more important than patient care – and 13,000 deaths.
Ed Miliband and his ‘Green revolution’ pouring billions into useless wind farms leaving no spare cash to buy extra faggots for pensioners dying of cold in their hovels.
I’m sure someone will come up for a reason why Gordon Brown should be in there…
Over to you folks – remember by Sunny’s definition they must have caused multiple deaths by deliberately ignoring or promoting policies that led to deaths.
Some excellent Foie Gras for the most ‘evil’ suggestion.
July 23, 2013 at 22:25
Most Evil – Bob Geldoff ( Controversial Choice but…)
Yes, He stopped the death by starvation of several hundred thousands in
North Africa in the 1980′s through various charitable enterprises I am sure we
can all recall the song “Do they know it’s Christmas” which is a silly name
for a song for starving Muslims in Ethiopia or Sudan.
Through Sir Bobs direct actions the famine stricken peoples have continued
to increase in population by several times and I recall a figure of 65 million
souls now at risk of starvation who are the 2nd and 3rd generation of those
Sir Bob saved. If we deduct the original estimate of 1 million saved from 65
million now facing death we have a net death effect of 64 million…Thanks
I cannot think of a single incidence in the last 30 years where a single
person has contributed to the deaths/near deaths of so many and by direct
result of his thoughtful actions contributed to so much human misery through
lack of resources. One day the charity works will stop then the population
will adjust to the the resources available. This will kill millions more from
starvation than if Bob had done nothing in the first place.
I am aware this is both true and offensive in equal measure but how many
millions can a desert support without international food aid.
I have given a solution some thought as I felt bad writing this. Wind
Farms/Solar (Controversial subject in these parts I know) or some other
renewable energy source to power desalination stations for sea water to be
redirected to irrigate the lands thus removing the need for rain and drinking
water. The cost will be astronomical but less than the cost of new nuclear
submarines or space stations. We can then feed these new irrigated fields with
pages from the Guardian as this contains more shit than most manure.
July 24, 2013 at 00:49
Ethiopia has plenty of water and supposedly is the seat of ancient
Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. Alongside
Rome, Persia, China and India,[14] the Kingdom of Aksum was one of the great
world powers of the 3rd century. In the 4th century, it was the first major
empire in the world to officially adopt Christianity as a state
The problem they had in the 80′s was War War War. Admittedly Bob gave us
the Jaw Jaw Jaw……
July 24, 2013 at 23:51
I was trying to make a cheap point at the expense of Sir Bob. You are
correct that Ethiopia has a long Christian tradition, however the areas
that suffered most from famine where in the Islamist rebel held areas,
Eritrea, Sudan and the points in Ethiopia where these conflict lines were
drawn. I will not bore you with the details as I have instead provided a
very informative link http://www1.american.edu/TED/ice/eritrea-ethiopia.htm
The movements of masses of people avoiding Government bombings or into
refuge camps combined with drought on an already over populated desert
area dependent on agriculture was combined with a ruthless government
policy of indifference.
July 19, 2013 at 16:58
Is there such a thing as an evil person? I don’t know because I don’t
understand it, so I prefer to think that their wiring got crossed for some
Some of us instinctively rush to help and empathize, but this
doesn’t make us better people. It is simply what we are, and no credit should
be taken for this. So you could say that bad people are simply what they are.
Society in general has to be protected from harm from such people. But it is
not my place to judge them morally, and so I don’t.
And No, I don’t believe
that they will be called to account in The great Hereafter, or at least I hope
not. I have done one or two things that I am not greatly proud of, and I
certainly don’t want to be called to account for those.
July 19, 2013 at 18:09
Isn’t the point that we all know odd people with what we consider
unacceptable attitudes to others and society in general?
No real problem
while they remain just the sad nutter living down the road at number
Different issue when with skills and opportunity they become the
nutter at number 10.
July 19, 2013 at 18:17
Some nutter has to be at Number 10. I don’t want the job, that’s for
sure. But anyone who does has got to be suapect.
July 19, 2013 at 16:51
@Furor T
The construction of Birkenau began in October 1941. The building was
supervised by the “Central Building Authority of the Waffen SS and Police,
Auschwitz, Upper Silesia”, established on 1 October, 1941, and headed by
Sturmbannführer (Major) Karl Bischoff. The Blueprint Office, headed by
Hauptscharführer (First Sergeant-Major) Wichmann, was responsible for
preparing the construction plans, which were drawn up by SS officers who had
studied architecture or engineering, and several prisoners with the
appropriate technical training. Herta Soswinski, a prisoner who worked as a
clerk at the Building Authority, recalls:
The W conference was the site of the discussion/s to co ordinate the ‘Final
Solution’ FYI !
July 19, 2013 at 17:04
This is correct, although some of those involved in The Wanasee
Conference were not all that keen, although mainly from a legal point of
view. But it was never a “Discussion” because the plans had already been
formed. Actually, the matter of factness of it all was the most
July 20, 2013 at 22:52
XX The construction of Birkenau began in October 1941.XX
As a KL/KZ NOT a VL.
The idea MAY have been mooted,(There are great questions as to the
translation. It did not NECCESSARILY mean what the allies WANTED it to mean
at Nürnberg), but the final decission was not made until Wansee.
July 19, 2013 at 15:32
Yes – if you are a neo-anything, then what on earth were you before? It’s
always a question worth asking, but it seems that the prefix has been dropped
like a hot rivet.It is perhaps a term to be used only by those observing.Or
perhaps, Krypto?
See Gore Vidal vs. William F. Buckley, Jr…
July 19, 2013 at 11:22
According to my ‘political spectrum’ questionnaire, I am a ‘right-wing
libertarian’. Some confusion there, but my instinctive response to that tale
is that the corrupt little fucker should be locked up. But so should the
people who facilitate this nonsense. The unintended irony of these hapless and
hopeless alcoholics being ‘housed’ in an ex-pub is not lost on me.
So perhaps I’m a consequential libertarian…
July 19, 2013 at 11:46
@Robert – this is no tale, it is 21st Century Great Britain. This man
owns numerous ‘multi – occupancy’ abodes with a ‘portfolio’ of circa
£23,000,000 or thereabouts. There is nothing new in this ‘tale’, such
exploitation of a basic need has existed since basic needs began to be
viewed as an easy target for the ‘self made’ truly heroic, entrepreneur. I
would not attach any political label to myself, I can see good and bad (and
very good and very bad) in most mainstream politics, but I do know Right
from Wrong at least, I know what I perceive to be Right And Wrong.
BTW this guy teaches other would be Rachman’s to do the same – good luck
to none of them !
July 19, 2013 at 12:35
I q. agree; but it is simply a matter of ‘leverage available’. I can
only hope that the housing market does what it really should do and
collapse in a welter of blood, snot and pain and a few neo-Rachmanns get
stretchered off. After all, there is either a housing policy or there
isn’t. State sponsored support of these dreadful spivs is not the way
forward. It amounts to little more than market manipulation, of which I
disapprove profoundly.
I know an engineering company down here (SW England) which has been
struggling to re-negotiate terms on a working capital overdraft which they
have used happily for twenty-five years. Imagine their deep joy when the
learned that their bank, which I will not name, have been equally happy to
join a syndicate to fund a payday loan company whose first act was to
sponsor a mediocre football club.
As they say over the pond – ‘go figure…’
July 19, 2013 at 14:05
Someone remarked that many neo-cons were ex-Trotskyites.
Maybe we
might all benefit from some ex-Monetarists becoming neo-liberals………
Presumably the “Third Way” got lost someplace between Bill Clinton’s
trousers and Tony Blair’s vanity.
July 19, 2013 at 11:16
OOPs – did I mention the Nazi’s ?
July 19, 2013 at 13:41
This wiki extract is brilliant………… :-0
A young corporal, Adolf Hitler, stationed in Munich,[33] was sent by
Captain Mayr, head of press and propaganda… to investigate the DAP.[34]
While attending a party meeting on 12 September 1919, where Gottfried Feder
was speaking on ‘How and by what means is capitalism to be eliminated?’,
Hitler got involved in a heated political argument with a visitor.. In
vehemently attacking the man’s arguments he made an impression on the other
party members with his oratory skills and…According to August Kubizek,
Drexler was so impressed that he whispered to a neighbour, “My he’s got a
gift of the gab. We could use him.”
The rest is history……
July 19, 2013 at 11:14
@Moor – Hitler DID NOT ‘create’ the National Socialist Party – his
‘followers’ already existed !
July 19, 2013 at 11:07
Of course that should have read mastectomy not masectomy
July 19, 2013 at 10:58
I saw something truly horrible (not evil) on telly last night. It was
called ‘Meet the landlords’ and it was on BBC 1 so you can cop it on the
Iplayer. A man buys an old pub with enough space to house 6 people. What does
he do ?, he creates dwellings for 12 people all of whose ‘rent’ will be
covered in the main by Housing Benefit. Not all of it though you understand,
this piece of work has the temerity to inflict a ‘top up’ of £15 a week for
facilities that his tenants do not have. Now before anyone fires back a salvo
about private enterprise and they, the tenants should get jobs etc etc, think
on. THIS IS WHERE so much of the public purse is squandered, the greed of
these individuals knows no bounds. This man was quite candid about the service
he provides these mostly alcoholic middle aged men. He kept his dog out of one
of his, recently abandoned, damp infested, dirty tiny abodes. He did not want
his dog to catch something. Rachman eat your heart out !
BTW the programme
also contained one single parent, a 30 something who has received notice to
quit because her landlord wants to fit more tenants into the space her flat
occupies. This poor lass was diagnosed with breast cancer, has had a masectomy
but the cancer has spread and still the council would not accept that her case
is priority, so she has to wait for the bailifs letter in between hospital
visits before they will help her. I haven’t watched the end yet, I taped it,
but I watched just about as much as I could stand.
July 19, 2013 at 10:42
Sunny H. is a puerile fool, like most of his political kidney. I cannot
recall him writing (or saying – he infests the media from time to time)
anything of any value whatever about any matter.
It seems to me that the only requirement to be a ‘left-wing commentator’
(and always has been) is a breathtaking naivety coupled with the concentration
and attention spans of a retarded goldfish.
July 19, 2013 at 09:38
@ Wot abaht Anglo-EVIL ? @
Anglo….. English…. Now there’s a poser…… Anyone in particular in mind?
July 19, 2013 at 08:42
Wot abaht Anglo-EVIL ?
Well exposed on Anglo KingofHit$ great site, with the also great if sadly
forgotten (until now) ‘Brass’ !
18, 2013 at 22:37
Lol…Sunny Hundal still a bellend, what’s new?
July 18, 2013 at 22:32
“….if a person of considerable responsibility or power deliberately ignores
or cheers on policies that lead to multiple deaths…”
Sir David Nicholson and the senior management of parts of the NHS and the
Care Quality Commission quite clearly qualify. Why the Prime Minister chose to
publicly support Nicholson is a complete mystery to many people. I don’t
suppose he will do again, though.
July 18, 2013 at 21:51
sackcloth and ashes July 18, 2013 at 21:09 , replied, “Have you just taken
your head for a shit?”
Such blunt ineloquence sadly proves our good points.
” ..worthy only of the worst raving Right/Wrong-uns, Brit-Yank trash
tabloids…Longtail’s snug is currently like the worst Rugby schoolyard bully’s
Punch & Judy Show, an insult to True Brits. Flashman, you naZty little
thug! Get to the Head’s study now. Or you’ll know the reason why !! “
July 19, 2013 at 18:42
“sackcloth and ashes July 18, 2013 at 21:09 , replied, “Have you just
taken your head for a shit?”
Such blunt ineloquence sadly proves our good points.”
Yup, that’s about it.
July 18, 2013 at 20:05
” if a person of considerable responsibility or power deliberately ignores
or cheers on policies that lead to multiple deaths, they are ‘evil’. ”
OK, I nominate God. Here’s the policies:
1. Noah’s flood. Led to the death of very nearly every man, woman and
child, and nearly all the animals too.
2. The Slaying of the Firstborn in
Exodus. The firstborn of every family in Egypt was killed; that must be about
25% of the population.
3. The erasure of Sodom and Gomorrah.
July 19, 2013 at 07:13
@drsolly ‘I nominate God ‘
Well yes Dr Solly if God is the god of the
Old Testament which is implicit in the examples you give
19, 2013 at 07:36
He’s also the Christian god. Same one. “Eternal, unchanging”, he’s the
same as he always was.
July 19, 2013 at 13:19
@Dr Solly —He is also the Christian God.–depending on ones point of
view possibly —-though old testament scholars identify two (or more)
quite separate but by no means compatible views of the nature of God
(Yahweh and Elohim)—I suspect it depends on the authority one gives to
the Old Testament —and of course if one believes in a God—— and whether
that belief is theist or deist (in the sense used by the Romantic Poets)
—mind you Pauline Theology admits both the possibility of supernatural
good and evil —–and presumably the demiurge can conjure up a bit of
supernatural mischief if he finds opportunity to so do. Whilst
respectful of the old testament I am mindful that it is written by man
with all the fallibility that that might engender
July 20, 2013 at 01:06
Yes, it’s a bit of a problem. With so many One God possibilities to
choose from, how can you choose the right one? So, for this
nomination, I’m nominating the one that confessed to the murder of
everyone on the planet except Noah and his family. That probably
includes (but I’m willing to listen to theological debate on this) all
of the religions that believe in One God, because they all accept the
Old Testament as referring to Their God.
So what I’m saying is, if you accept that evil is measurable in
terms of people deliberately killed, God seems to outrank even the
worst humans. On the other hand, if you think that God isn’t evil,
you’ll need a different definition of evil.
July 20, 2013 at 08:41
Given that God created the whole idea of death in the first place,
she’s obviously also the most evil one of all.
It’s hard keeping
yourself entertained when you’re facing the prospect of Eternity I
suppose, so we shouldn’t be too hard on her.
July 19, 2013 at 13:42
XX 2. The Slaying of the Firstborn in Exodus. The firstborn of every
family in Egypt was killed; that must be about 25% of the population.XX
Good. Stopsa the bastards coming heer an nicking all our dole and
pitty he just picked on Egypt. The whole middle East would have suited
July 19, 2013 at 14:51
How can you nominate God? No one has actually proved He exists. You might
as well convict Jimmy Savile on the word of a bunch of hysterical
girls/middle aged, disappointed women. The Devil, on the other hand, could
be a different kettle of fish.
But I think I will go with the person who
invented Junk Food. That person must have killed millions, and many more to
20, 2013 at 00:59
I can’t even prove that I exist.
July 20, 2013 at 11:45
@Dr Solly —I suspect the greatest contribution that the Old Testament
made to humanity was that if there is a higher intellect than that
possessed by man then there is one God rather than many —Monotheism —-as
to the nature of any God that may exist? Well that is a matter of
choice/of individual freewill/ of the individuals understanding and
probably loads of other things well beyond me. I am personally in some
difficulties in understanding the chosen race implicit in the Old
Testament and even more in understanding literal theistic intervention
of the kind described in the Old Testament but hey just coz I don’t buy
into it who says I am right? As to whether I or you exist? —Well
Descartes ‘to do is to be’ —-Sartres ‘to be is to do’ and (groan coz its
an old one) Frank Sinatra ‘Dobbee Dobbee Do’
July 20, 2013 at 12:00
Or as one of my kitties looks at me rather guiltily and conveys the
message ‘ I bin dooin doo doo’
July 18, 2013 at 19:08
So, each member of the late, great Sir. Winston Churchill’s wartime
cabinet, in all their political eclecticism, must have been ‘evil’ in this
‘Sunny’s estimation.
Whatever, Sunny, whatever.
July 18, 2013 at 18:39
The trouble is that there is a thin line between evil and insane. Ian Brady
straddles it.
July 18, 2013 at 16:58
I find it hard to describe any human as ‘evil’, indeed does it even
If it does then Desmond Tutu is evil personified.
July 18, 2013 at 17:05
@ I find it hard to describe any human as ‘evil’, indeed does it even
exist? @
You evidently haven’t been following the Jimmy Savile thing ….
July 18, 2013 at 20:46
No, that is a modern ‘evil’ defined by the hacks and sold to the base
instincts of the mob.
Both Savile and his ‘victims’ were most likely following basic human
instincts, you know that ‘male’/’female’ thing, ‘sex’ etc. before it was
all replaced by the mandatory super-normal BGT ‘gender’ stuff that we are
all supposed to ‘embrace’.
No, Tutu is devoid of any evidence of ‘love’, a pre-requisite I would
thought for a self-declared Christian. Cut a slice of him and ‘hate’ is
probably written right through him, like a stick of rock.
July 18, 2013 at 16:05
“book is vague and self-contradictory”
But that’s true of every Holy Book I’ve ever encountered. The advantage of
that, is that it means you can take it to mean whatever you want it to mean.
I’ve been asked by a friend, “If you don’t accept the Bible, how can you
know right from wrong?” To which my puzzled answer is, “If you do accept the
Bible, how can you know right from wrong?”.
July 18, 2013 at 15:51
A politician who calls himself Sunny who then selects “global warming” as
evil is beyond mockery.
July 18, 2013 at 21:32
Of course it is. And in the sequel Sunny gets to save the world.
July 18, 2013 at 15:06
Sir Walter Raleigh.
July 18, 2013 at 16:00
Would that be because of the tobacco thingy or something else?
July 18, 2013 at 16:36
I was thinking of the ‘baccy thingy.
…and curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid ghet. ( Beatles) To
rhyme with cigarette.
July 18, 2013 at 14:35
Pure evil is (fortunately) quite rare, but the supporting of evil because
it’s convenient to do so is not quite so rare. Hitler was evil, but what of
all those who, despite possible misgivings, went along with his policies
because the alternative was uncomfortable for them? Are they also evil, or
just caught between a rock and a hard place? (By the way, I’m not sure that I
know the answer to my own question – there’s an awful lot of ‘it depends’
here, I think.)
As for Bliar, Campbell et. al., I’m not sure they are evil, just seriously
blinkered and misguided. I hold them in contempt, mainly because they acted
(and continue to act) not in the best interests of the country, but in their
own or their party’s interest. That’s not what government is about, to me.
Brown is closer to evil. His policies may not have directly killed many,
but they did adversely affect almost everybody in the country. He can’t accept
that he got it badly wrong, either; his willingness to have his minions brief
against people and smear them just because they happened to disagree with him
is also close to evil. Balls is from the same mould.
Also very close to evil are the unelected apparatchiks of the EU, the likes
of Barroso and assorted unelected Commisioners. Their actions have blighted
very many lives in Southern Europe, and there seems little possibility of a
positive resolution to the problems for many years.
July 18, 2013 at 22:29
You’re confusing evil with incompetence. In fact even if you were using
the word in a more appropriate context that would more likely be a case of
Brains scans and psychometric testing can identify
psychopaths these days. They have no empathy and an inflated ego amongst
other things. You could argue that its more of a disability than anything.
‘Evil’ is a lazy description more suited to tabloid hysteria and to give the
less intelligent something to hang a hat on.
July 18, 2013 at 22:37
There may well be something in what you say. I still think the EU
apparatchiks are close to evil though; there is more than enough evidence
that the policies they are persuing are damaging a great many innocent
people. Is 50% youth unemployment in Spain a price worth paying to save
the Euro?
July 18, 2013 at 14:18
Julia Gillard. She has caused the death by drowning of over 1000
July 18, 2013 at 14:00
By the given definition:-
Hitler was evil- as was anyone who actively
opposed him or even suggested active oppsition (think everyone in the 1940
labour party amongst others)- abject surrender would have saved many
Napoleon was evil- as was anyone who opposed him, for the same
Abraham Lincoln and the abolitionists were evil- if they’d just let
the south secede and forgot about the slaves they could have saved many
Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. were evil- as indeed were/are all who
apologise for or support them, but since these people compassed the deaths of
their own supporters it could be argued that actively opposing them was not
evil as it didn’t increase the death count.
Nye Bevin introduced the NHS-
enough said.
Strange results from this definition!
July 18, 2013 at 16:14
Not a bad list, but I think Nye Bevin is misplaced, he had what he
thought to be a good idea, unfortunately like most socialists he had no idea
how to fund it, and it was implemented poorly.
The evil of the NHS (and I
agree it is evil in it’s present form) is in it’s soviet style demand
management. I don’t believe Bevin intended that.
July 18, 2013 at 16:25
It was Nye Bevan, a nasty little socialist, not to be confused with
Ernest Bevin, who was a patriotic, working class Briton, of the sort we
ought to be proud of.
July 19, 2013 at 18:13
Dooh! now that is a dumb mistake. Thank you for correcting me, and
apologies to Pat.
July 18, 2013 at 13:08
Mother Teresa perhaps
I do take issue with your definition of evil. There’s a whole bunch of
society that happily covers up for these deaths, bent judges conducting public
enquiries, PR agents happy to provide positive spin, bent coppers, politicians
kicking issues into the long grass. There’d be a lot less evil if these
facilitators where removed. Covering up for evil is about the only growing
sector of our economy !
July 18, 2013 at 12:52
Miliband minor may be just that in the evil rankings, hardly Ming the
Merciless but why wasn’t he nailed for his preposterous Green
Just what was the point of encouraging unsustainable domestic
solar panel installations for the better off by paying outrageous FITs funded
by those that can’t afford them?
Surely someone has noticed that slashing
the FIT reduced the cost of the installations by a similar proportion?
this much lauded and important ‘industry’ consists of not much more than
hooking imported solar panels and mountings on roofs.
Go get him!
July 18, 2013 at 12:48
I should also like to nominate a little-known web-site called ‘The
Huffington Post’ on the grounds that it ‘…deliberately ignores or cheers on
policies that lead to multiple deaths… .’
The Huffington Post gives employment to a weirdo called Mehdi Hasan, who
writes a weekly column. Mr Hasan is an enthusiast for Mohammed’s (qv.)
gormless book, and can be found on the YouTube web-site going on about how
‘kaffirs’ are like cattle. Helpfully, people who waste their time reading his
thoughts also like to post links to his more extreme ramblings in the
‘comments’ section with the intent of undermining him. Mr Hasan is also an
apologist for socialism (qv.) and Gordon Brown (qv.).
Incidentally, before anyone else gets there first, under the same
principle, I also nominate ‘The Guardian’, Polly Toynbee, and (especially and
in particular) ‘The Guardian’s’ ‘Comment is Free’ section.
July 18, 2013 at 12:36
I would nominate the NHS staff who instigated and facilitated the mass
killings that have resulted from the abuse of the Liverpool Care Pathway.
July 18, 2013 at 12:30
Plenty of pre coffee “spellings” this morning – including my own!
July 18, 2013 at 14:34
ackchully -I believe its my keyboard that cant spell or punkyuate
18, 2013 at 11:51
All this talk of evil! The problem that certain elements of the left have –
and our friend Sunny seems to be one of them – is that they assume their
preference for government over private action is morally superior. To
understand the left’s evil you have only to look back at the fawning, preening
remebrances of Eric Hobsbawn following his recent death. This was a man who
when asked if Communism had achieved its aims, but at the cost of, say, 15 to
20 million people – as opposed to the 100million it actually killed in Russia
and China – would Hobsbawm have supported it? His answer was a single word:
Just as eugenicists like David Attenborough see humans as a mere crowd,
uncounted, unnumbered peons, the intellectual left has no room for the
individual, for the non-conformist, for difference. This is an evil creed. But
I do not believe that its followers are necessarily evil because of this –
foolish, misguided, sightless but not evil.
Hobsbawn was evil because he saw the death, murder and suffering Stalin and
Mao inflicted and still supported them.
July 18, 2013 at 14:38
For Eugenics we should be nominating the Fabians of Beatrice and Sydney
Webb who promoted the policy.
July 18, 2013 at 15:10
It works for race horses and cattle.
July 18, 2013
at 11:46
I claim the prize…. top of the list must surely be …… Ben Elton for
foisting upon us ….. The Wright Way….. it died a 1000 deaths – http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-reviews/wright-way-new-bbc-comedy-1856876
I don’t like Foie Gras though, so can I have a pie instead ?…..
July 18, 2013 at 11:35
Gordon Brown is evil:
“General Lord Gurthrie of Craigiebank, who was chief of the defence staff
from 1997 to 2001, also said soldiers died in Afghanistan because Gordon Brown
starved the Army of funding when he was Chancellor.”
Gordon Brown was warned that his treasury policies would kill soldiers:
July 18, 2013 at 11:14
I should like to nominate someone called ‘Mohammed’ and always referred to
by the BBC as ‘the prophet Mohammed’. I just pause here to state that he is no
prophet of mine and, according to the bible (Matthew 7:15) should properly be
described as a false prophet.
This Mohammed person wrote a book known as the Koran. Part of the problem
is that Mohammed’s book is vague and self-contradictory; in one part it
apparently counsels tolerance for people who subscribe to other faiths, in
other passages it demands that they be extirpated. It is also rather silly in
that it apparently argues for the complete subjugation of women, including
polygamy and the sexual abuse of girls (and goats as well, apparently), and
that one can cheat and behave as badly as one wants to people who don’t
believe in his book.
So far, so good. In the usual course of events, normal people would either
disregard the whole thing, as they do with L. Ron Hubbard’s nonsense, or pick
out the relevant pieces of morality and disregard the fairy story element
(such as flying horses), as most members of the Church of England do with the
Unfortunately, two factors have now made ignoring Mohammed and his weird
book impossible. The first is the uncontrolled influx of people into this
country who believe in this book and regard any insult to it or its author as
grounds for violence, including murder. Indeed, simply not believing in this
book at all is also grounds for murder, as demonstrated by the 7/ 7 bombings
in London. The second is that the more excitable adherents to this faith seem
to lack any ability to question it – without immediately being described as
apostates – or to reform it from within. It is impossible, for example,
nowadays to see someone of the stature of Jinnah leading Pakistan or, as a
secular Muslim, being elected to Parliament by his co-religionists in this
July 18, 2013 at 12:29
Nice one, Major
July 18, 2013 at 13:40
Modern Militant Islam dates to the days of the Ayatollah in Iran
He was succoured by the French for donkey’s years as I
So that’s TWO votes for France……………
July 18, 2013 at 20:55
You left out that he was an illiterate paedophile, “married” to a 9 year
July 19, 2013 at 07:19
Hubbard created uncountable therapies to help criminals, drug addicts,
students, and also normal people, coping with life. His “nonsense” is mostly
promoted by his opponents, the widely-based conspiracy called psychiatry,
who see his therapies as a very effective “enemy”. If Hubbard prevailed,
they would be out of a job.
I would be proud to have them as an enemy, and have gained hugely from my
understanding of Hubbard’s philosophy.
I have noted many times that a person who thinks he is “anti-Scientology”
is actually anti what his enemies CLAIM is Scientology. As a Scientologist,
I am equally against these distortions.
July 19, 2013 at 09:20
David Icke has captured the imagination of many with his notions of the
“secrets of the elites” and I’ve read many of his followers have found his
“wisdom” personally enlightening. So far, so dandy, but why do these
fellows then need “higher beings”. I guess you could maker the same
argument about Christianity. I would guess any evil lies in those who
follow rather than those who lead, because a leader with no followers is
just another bloke.
July 19, 2013 at 10:11
@Moor ‘just another bloke’ – quite ! There is no such thing as an
‘evil’ person and there is possibly, no such thing as ‘evil’. It is too
easy and very convenient to ascribe such a label to individuals and
events that we just don’t understand or indeed want to. Adolf Hitler was
by all accounts, a seriously emotionally damaged individual with a gift
for oratory who started out shouting his mouth off in a beer hall in
Munich. Now, 1923 Germany, and in particular Bavaria, was at this time,
a very angry place. Throw in the Wall Street Crash in 1929 and those
hungry Germans now eating dead horses were ripe for a party that would
feed, clothe and give them back their pride. Twelve years after voting
Herr Hitler into ‘power’ the poor sods were back to boiling bits of
horses or anything else they could find on the streets. I guess you
could say that they had been taught a lesson. Hitler did not tell his
followers to be that THEY would be building mass killing establishments
in 1941 (he would not have known this himself in 1933). What he did was
to provide an outlet for their anger, something that none of the other
dozen or so parties could or would ensure.
No individual is ‘evil’,
there are many twisted people out there, but they are not evil. There is
nothing ‘evil’ about Stalin, Hitler and countless other men (and women),
but you know, any dis ease caught early enough can be treated. Lots of
folk KNOW that the treatment offered in some hospital wards is atrocious
but they DO NOTHING, they just sit and wait for someone else to do it
for them. Lots of folk know that children are abused YES REALLY ABUSED
physically and mentally every day, but they DO NOTHING. The Social
workers who may or may not turn up eventually do NEXT to nothing. I
don’t know the answers but I do know that it has something to do with
getting off your own arse when you see the potential for evil growing in
front of you.
July 19, 2013 at 11:04
I guess some people “create” a movement, as Hitler did with his
National Socialists or Mao with his Chinese Communists, but someone
like Stalin merely rose to the top of an organisation and then
perverted it. Working ” western democracies” relied historically on
competing “check & balance” forces ensuring those “systems” not
only survived but also were constantly changing. Voting Free-men,
Parliament, Press and the Judicial peace-keepers are perhaps the main
planks in the British model. The Americans tweaked it by ensuring no
Prez can hang about more than a decade or so, even if he was the
Democracy is very messy however because of it’s very nature and
many people prefer some form of Dictatorship, whether that be via
religion, political party or socially sensitive lobbyist – Anyone who
will confidently to tell them what to think, what is right and what to
do, and so save them the trouble of voting because “they’re all the
same”. Soviet Russia and the DDR were quite successful economically
for about twenty to thirty years post-war but slowly ground to a halt.
Back in the 1970′s East Germany was talked of as delivering better
results for it’s Proletariat than the the West was, and this seems to
lie behind some of the “Ostalgie” I mentioned elsewhere.
July 19, 2013 at
XX THEY would be building mass killing establishments in 1941
The Wansee Conference was not until 1942. So you are at LEAST a
year too early.
July 19, 2013 at
XX Moor Larkin July 19, 2013 at 11:04
I guess some people “create” a movement, as Hitler did with his
National Socialists or Mao with his Chinese Communists, but someone
like Stalin merely rose to the top of an organisation and then
perverted it. Working ”XX
The bones of the NSDAP were LONG in place as Hitler joined. His
party number was in the four figures.
So as far as that goes, you can place him along side Stalin on your
July 18, 2013 at 11:13
The funny thing about the ‘Blair is a war criminal’ crowd is that they
forget about the principle of collective responsibility, which is at the heart
of Cabinet decision-making. If Blair deserves to go to the Hague, then so do
other darlings of the ‘Bliar’ brigade, including Gordon Brown and Clare Short.
I once remember seeing Polly ‘One A Level got me to Oxford’ Toybnee fuck up
over this elementary point of British politics during a session of ‘QT’.
Bottom line – if ministers had felt that strongly that a war against Iraq
was unnecessary and illegal, they should have resigned (as Robin Cook did)
before the first Coalition soldier had crossed over the Kuwaiti border. That’s
how government by Cabinet works in the UK. You back policy, or you quit. So
either Brown (to take one example) was for the war, and didn’t have the balls
to say so publicly, or he was against the war, but didn’t have the courage of
his convictions to do the necessary.
As for Hundal himself, he is a cockend. I lost count of the number of times
he changed his party political affiliation. He’s now screaming about how bad
the Tories are, and five years ago he was telling ‘brown people’ (his words,
not mine) to vote for them:
July 18, 2013 at 10:43
I say…
A plague on all their houses…
Cameron is just continuing Heath’s disloyal “work”.
They are all crooks, grifters and grafters.
July 18, 2013 at 10:40
Was Hitler “rightwinged” by the Austrians? Someone more eloquent than me
once wrote that they are the world’s greatest spin doctors, having convinced
the world that he was German.
July 18, 2013 at 10:44
@The Jannie
They did quite well with that Austrain geezer who ran the
UN for many years too………
I think the shift of National Socialism to the right was just a
convenient fiction to keep the Russians and Roosevelt on our side.
Churchill bloke was a devious old so-and-so……………..
July 18, 2013 at 11:52
XX having convinced the world that he was German.XX
Strictly speaking, he was. But that was through Naturalisation (He broke
with the Catholic church at the same time). He did it to escape being called
up to the Austrian army, then immediately joined the German army. (!?!),
well, Bavarian any way.
July 18, 2013 at 11:53
As to “left wing/right wing”, did the phrase even exist those days?
July 18, 2013 at 12:04
previously vociferous opponent of the Hitler Youth wrote in a periodical
at the time: The trenches of the Right against the Left…… are false
positions comrades! ”
His use of the word Comrades! seems like a bit of a Freudian slip
July 18, 2013 at 12:45
“Comrades, by Red Front and by Reactionaries shot dead,
march, in spirit, within our ranks” — a fair translation of The Horst
Wessel Hymn, the NSDAP’s battle song.
July 18, 2013 at
XX His use of the word Comrades! seems like a bit of a Freudian
slip however. XX
Not if the origional was German.
The English usage of “comrades”, meaning a bunch of Commy loons,
would be “Genossen.”
July 18, 2013 at 16:13
Der Spiegel has them down as Socialists, but anti-Marxism. I doubt
that anyone thinks of them as capitalists anyhow.
“Goebbels turned Berlin into a violent laboratory for the future
dictatorship, availing himself of the services of the uniformed
Sturmabteilung (“Assault Division”), or SA, whose members were known
as the “brownshirts.” The SA combined soldierly romanticism, the
hatred of younger people for the older elites, and the rage of
Berlin’s working-class in the eastern part of the city against its
wealthier western districts.
For the Nazi Party, the brownshirts — who included the unemployed,
the underemployed, apprentices and high-school students — were
“political soldiers.” In Goebbel’s view, their task was the “conquest
of the street.” In the melting pot of Berlin, these primarily young
men were supposed to reconcile and embody two previously hostile
worldviews: nationalism, which Goebbels believed had to be “reshaped
in a revolutionary way,” and a “true socialism” free of
July 18, 2013 at 14:16
They did manage to convince the nascent UN that they were the first
victims of Hitler and the Nazi’s.
Austrians didn’t have to go through the
de-nazification process that Germans did post-war.
July 18, 2013 at 10:28
13,000 NHS deaths, Anna, not 1300!
July 18, 2013 at 10:35
July 18, 2013 at 22:35
Haven’t seen you around here before?
Link from Guido’s?
I see CRMM below as well…
July 19, 2013 at 00:08
Hi Jabba!
I do come here from time to time but not nearly enough. Yes, I followed
the link today. See Engineer is here too. I keep on saying: When things
quieten down… and they never do! You OK?
July 19, 2013 at 00:52
Engineer’s a regular here, often in the thick of it.
Mostly a lurker myself, best behavior and all that ;o))
You still in distant lands lobbing howitzer rounds in over the
I’m ok, though with the hot weather the fur coat can be a bit
tiresome, though the hoomans have taken to running the ac 24/7 which
that helps a lot…
July 19, 2013 at 02:40
Yes. I spend my time on either side of the Alps and have had a
pleasant period getting healthy again in the Adriatic working off the
long lasting winter and the flab one gets. Trying to do some work now
with several projects on the go at once. They all work but never
exactly in the way one intended. Hey! Every little…
Back in England next month for a conference, first time in over a
Will try to come back here more often.
July 18, 2013 at 10:06
@ Thank Christ that the right does not laud Hitler @
Why would they? He was leader of the National Socialist Party, which in due
course bequeathed the world the DDR, which is currently fondly remembered by
some I believe, via the phenomenon of Ostalgie……
July 18, 2013 at 10:06
Now if the prize was foie gras
July 18, 2013 at 09:59
Evil? the left’s constant harking to Marxist-Leninism, ignoring the horrors
of Stalin and the enslavement of millions.
The lauding of Che Guevara,
nothing more than a torturer and killer.
The smiles and plaudits towards
Castro, a leader of a totalitarian nation state that killed and jailed
The support for Mao, ignoring the millions that died under his
malignant rule.
Strange that the left’s heroes should be so murderous.
Thank Christ that the right does not laud Hitler………..but then someone has
to have moral standards…….!!
July 18, 2013 at 10:21
“Thank Christ that the right does not laud Hitler………..but then someone
has to have moral standards…….!!”
The left has repeated the lie CONSTANTLY that Hitler was right wing. They
do this because they don’t want to be associated with him, but he is
overwhelmingly one of them.
He led the National Socialist party, a party that was both ‘Nationalist’
and ‘Socialist’. I hardly need point out that Socialism is left wing.
Decide for yourself. Below is the link to Hitler’s 1933 25 point
manifesto. I think it is about half both ‘Nationalist’ and about half
‘Socialist’. But you read it, look at him promising to nationalise all
trusts (private companies), to increase welfare, have the state mandate
education, to expropriate land for the state. You read all of that and tell
me if you still think Hitler was ‘right wing’
By the way you know who started this business of calling Hitler
right’wing? As in the 1920’s and 30’s everyone knew he was a leftwinger, and
was regularly cited in the US/British press as a leftie. The first person to
start calling him ‘right-wing’ was Joe Stalin. Who know who else Joe Stalin
claimed was a horrid ‘right-winger’ ….. Leon Trotsky. Yeah….
July 18, 2013 at 10:26
True Labour have long disowned Tony Bliar of course………..
July 18, 2013 at 13:34
As have ALL folk with a vestige of decency remaining..
18, 2013 at 12:37
There are sources too numerous to mention which look at the curious
fact that neo-cons were, in the main, Trotskyites in their misspent
Uncle Joe may have been onto something, in that particular
“Stopped clock,” and all that, you might say.
July 18, 2013 at 14:30
To be precise it was the NSDAP, loose English translation – National
Socialist German Workers Party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
Nazi was an abbreviation of “Nationalsozialismus”, National
Stalin’s purported comment arises from the NSDAP refusing to be a
member of the Cominterm, and take instruction from Moscow.
That was
left to the German Communist Party, KPD, successor to Rosa Luxemburg and
Karl Liebknecht ‘s Spartakusbund.
July 18, 2013 at 16:50
Hi Penfold,
Totally agree but for one thing. Hitler was a socialist, not only was the
clue in the name of the party but he gave a speech on May 1st 1927 outlining
his philosophy.
The first sentence was pretty unambiguous, “We are
socialists.” Followed by a rant about capitalism. So even the Fuhrer was
just another murdering left wing dictator.
July 18, 2013 at 09:58
The left is evil. Firstly, the hundreds of millions of people that have
been murdered as a result National Socialism, Bolshevism, Maoism and
Secondly even the soft lefties of today still get a sick thrill from
seeing thousands of unnecessary deaths in our national second rate healthcare.
They either don’t care or actually enjoy the thought of countless unnecessary
funerals and families bereaved as long as the NHS remains run on outdated
soviet principles. For them it’s all about their sick ideology, lives don’t
matter. That is unquestionably evil.
And even when the left is not ending lives it’s looking to crush them. The
left have designed a welfare system with the express purpose of capturing as
many people as possible and robbing them of any incentives to earn, a route
that could lead them to self-respect and self-reliance. Instead they use
welfare as a trap, keeping as many people as they can in poverty and reliant
on their handouts. EVIL.
Back in the days that the American left wing party, the Democrats was
fighting to preserve slavery, at least the left didn’t bother to hide the
chains. It took the right wing party, the Republicans to abolish slavery, and
you can bet it will be a right wing party that abolishes the chains of
welfarism, and that the left will once again fight tooth and nail to maintain
their evil shackles.
The left is evil to its core. They know this, that’s why they are so
desperate to try and claim the moral high ground. The idiots among them, and
there are plenty, might actually believe that simplistic one dimensional
flawed logic that they use. But I can’t believe that they are all that
moronic. I think plenty of them know exactly they are, and they should be
disgusted with themselves.
July 18, 2013 at 11:11
Exactly. Socialism/Communism/Nazism in all its forms. The most morally
and economically bankrupt philosophy ever invented by man.
The reason
that they keep going was best expressed by Orwell. It is all about Power.
Power as an end in itself. The boot in the face of free men.
July 18, 2013 at 09:53
My candidate for “evil” would be Saddam Hussein, closely followed by the
current dictators of Sudan and Syria.
Khomeini is another strong candidate.
And various Popes who tried to prevent the use of condoms in AIDS-ridden
parts of Africa.
July 18, 2013 at 09:34
I remember being quite taken aback as the UK 2010 election unfolded, on the
forum I inhabited at the time. The “Lefties” I expected to be sore losers, but
what I was completely unprepared for was the moral tone they adopted. It was
as if some form of religious orthodoxy had been overthrown, rather than a pack
of floundering Politicals. The Unreason evident was made especially evident by
their own clear hatred and disgust with their own Labour politicians
themselves, but what they simply couldn’t tolerate was the notion that the
“Tories” were back in power (after a fashion).
This strange new public psychosis of the New Moral Majority has been
evident in the support for the 2010 Riots, the desire to rip down all past
establishment figures, as exemplified by the Savile nonsense, and of course
the frankly hysterical reaction to the death of Thatcher ,who seemed to lie at
the very nub of where their pyschosis began – presumably her part in the
abject destruction of Socialism on the global stage will remain unforgivable
for another generation.
July 18, 2013 at 09:33
XX I’m sure someone will come up for a reason why Gordon Brown should be in
How about “Just because he is a prick.” ?
July 18,
2013 at 09:08
Yes well never mind that he’s rather pompously decided to define the word
“evil” for us, and then using the rather arbitrary definition he’s reordered
some carefully chosen factoids (and ignored half of history) to prove that
right-wingers were therefore the evil ones. Hundal’s is hopefully the most
childish piece of nonsense I’ll read this week – though I may need to throw
away my laptop and sleep all week to ensure this.
More interesting is how his core political beliefs come first – and then he
tries to come up with specious justifications for them – and makes an awful
mess of it. This may not apply to Hundal directly, but I often think that
since CofE Christianity has been (sadly) on the wane in the UK*, there’s a
particular sort of person who embraces a brand of politics with religious
passion treat their political positioning as a kind of religion – with a
credo, and as an identity. They find it hard to think about almost anything
without referring to their core beliefs. Perhaps I’m really talking about how
tribal behaviour finds it’s way into religion.
…anyway, I rediscover every week just how difficult it is to reason with
those of a left-wing persuasion who surround themselves with like-minded
people for comfort. Picking their arguments apart and pointing out inanities
is fun for us, but it may not persuade Sunny or any like-minded lefty. They
are strongly emotionally attached to their woolly dreams and their social set.
Logic and reason are a secondary concern
But I suppose that is true for all of us, hey ho….and while we’re at it, ho
July 18, 2013 at 08:54
CC: Balanced Blogs.
With all due respect.
Due to longtail/short brain Ms Raccoon’s unbalanced failure to find the
source of so much rabid-Right Brit dysfunction. Now CONveniently blamed on
non-Brit Rupe’s sad pawns NuLab=OldeTory. Here to HELP, are some balanced
About what happened just the day before yesterday.
Tory Mag’s 1980s-ongoing agenda of uncaring false economy fraud markets,
selling off cheap the UK ‘Family Silver’; included many valuable NHS
properties. While introducing (untrustworthy) Trusts with bean-counters and
petty managers ruling eminent medics and caring staff.
Leading to the early-1990s Tory (don’t)Care In The Community Act, and NHS
(untrustworthy) 57 Trusts.
Nationwide hugely valuable NHS real estate was sold off to private
developers by closing long-established large institutions. Internal markets
were introduced into the NHS, with accountants typically knowing the price of
everything and the value of nothing. With new health authorities
managing/mismanaging their own budgets and bought-in products and health
staff, often non-British. In order to be deemed a ‘provider’,
self-managed/mismanaged health organisations became NHS (untrustworthy)Trusts.
This vile Tory policy (merely continued by non-Brit Rupe’s pawns NuLab=Olde
Tory) of mistreating, not caring for, and killing the lower-income physically
and mentally disabled, was rightly criticized by both Liberals and true Labour
in the late-1980s. They demonstrated that the care in many such sold-off
institutions had been satisfactory or good.
As with the early-1960s Tory ‘axeman’ Beeching deviously changing the train
timetables so that mainline and branch line trains no longer coincided and
became under-used, with lines closed and sold off to private developers. So,
by typical smoke and mirrors manipulation the deliberate underfunding and
mismanagement of the NHS by the 1980s/90s Tories was used as an excuse to
close and sell off many former health institutions to private developers.
NHS ‘markets’ and so called ‘care in the community’ were falsely presented
as a more cost effective way of helping the low-income sick and
Though the number of patients mistreated at-home and in large
hospitals and residential establishments including young children and babies
dying; continued to rise.
In a democratic cause of good manners and freedom-to-distort, all are
rightly encouraged to look foolish by spreading LIES. While all the FACTS are
known elsewhere WebWide for all to learn.
July 18, 2013 at 09:09
You are David Icke, and I claim my £5!
July 18, 2013 at 09:54
Randy Hack’s Handy Ickey CONspiracy ?
Er, please disprove the following FACTS.
” This vile Tory policy (merely continued by non-Brit Rupe’s pawns
NuLab=Olde Tory) of mistreating, not caring for, and killing the
lower-income physically and mentally disabled, was rightly criticized by
both Liberals and true Labour in the late-1980s. They demonstrated that
the care in many such sold-off institutions had been satisfactory or good.
July 18, 2013 at 10:10
An interesting article here by a woman who implies
we should bring back the Lunatic Asylum.
Must be the voices in her head……………
July 19, 2013 at 13:01
We have one. It’s called “The Palace of Westminster”.
July 18,
2013 at 09:13
I refer the
honourable gentleperson to the reply I made just after this rant
July 18, 2013 at 09:24
Dan Brown undoubtedly would be pleased with your sentence constructions,
but they’re unreadable for the rest of us.
July 18, 2013 at 09:30
July 18, 2013 at 09:40
Disingenuos deep denial of vile rabid-Right FACTS.
May be the only non option for those few, er…disingenous in deep De
Nile Away Wit The Pharaohs.
(NB: ‘Disingenuous’: “Falsely pretending to misunderstand, that which
is well understood by a majority of people.”)
July 18, 2013 at 11:33
I take it that ZeroTolerance has facts to back up his claims of
“killing the lower income physically and mentally disabled”.
Like dates, times and numbers involved. And an independent report..
Like the Report into Mid Staffs.
Then it’s all illusion.
July 18, 2013 at 20:26
Er, Fishy.
The rightful claims of so many preventable NHS deaths since the
false economy 1980s-ongoing, are what prompted this and many other
blogs and reports – ongoing.
Quote Manuel: ” Que ?”
July 18, 2013 at 09:32
So, now tell us the BAD things about them.
July 18, 2013 at 09:41
Well put, Teutonic Fuhrer!
July 18, 2013 at 10:57
@ Zero Tolerance
‘Long Tail /Short Brain’—-a brave (or should that be inept?) attempt to
emulate some of the extremely witty prose that appears in this blog —-either
way to me it lacks elegance to the point of churlishness —- and rather
misses the first point of all worthwhile rhetoric namely that it should have
veracity —or at least does not lack veracity —-but I shall nevertheless file
it away to use in respect of the appropriate creature —probably one of the
creatures ——usually some Orwellian creature from animal farm—– that our
resident but free uber raccoon chooses to chase out of her Monbazzilac field
every once in a while when they forget they are farmyard animals and have no
business telling wild animals how they should live their lives——yes one of
the pigs perhaps —-how about short tail/long brain??? yes seems to fit
rather well–funny how they are never much admired for either their looks or
for their brains save by other creatures who like to live life on the
July 18, 2013 at 12:02
Zero is as insightful but less intelligible than Sunny.
July 18, 2013 at 13:27
I really think it’s time your medication was reviewed…
July 19, 2013 at 01:21
Clearly you have severe mental health issues which explains your
incorrect belief that you know anything at all about the NHS. Perhaps you do
know it from the perspective of being a mental hospital patient, but that is
plainly all, you do know.
July 18, 2013 at 08:51
On a serious note, albeit with more than a touch of irony I nominate –
France. The broadcaster and journalist Andy Kershaw is a complicated
character, with some difficulties in his personal life that have led to short
periods of imprisonment; ex wives. stalking, injinctions and the Isle of Man
all being inthe mix. However, that does not make him untruthful or
unrealiable. Kershaw’s passions are motorbikes, travel and what I undesrtand
is called “World Music”. That being authentic music of the people from all
over the world, far removed from the glossy pop with which we are familiar. It
is, frankly, not my cup of tea at all (I am more Thomas Tallis than Bobn
Marley) but I do not deny that kershaw’s passion is real and good for him.
Combining his passions he travels all over the world on his bike recording
local music, and getting to some suprising places. He is quite an expert on
day to day life in North Korea, which he has oft visited.
But I digress.
One of Kershaw’s favourite places was, or is, Rwanda. he knows it well. I once
heard him interviewed, and the the topic of Rwanda came up. Kershaw became
quite incandescant with rage, describing how the French who had long sanding
colonial interests in the country had both armed one side, and also stood by
as the massacre got going, despite having the wherewithal to step in. He
seemed quite knowledgeable and genuine to me.
I am not an expert on this
topic, nor have I done more than a brief google check, which seems to bear out
what Kershaw had to say.
So arming one side and standing by as as many as 1
million people were stabbed. clubbed, shot and chopped to death?
If true, I
feel one hand on the jar already….
July 18, 2013 at 11:08
It happened.
Read Linda Melvern or Colette Braeckman. The French armed the Hutu power
mob, trained them, and then intervened at the tail end of the genocide to
save their arses.
I would also nominate Russia and France as the primary armourers and
assisters of Saddam Hussein’s regime. Dear old Chirac even sold Saddam a
nuclear reactor, which thankfully the Israelis blew to buggery back in
July 18, 2013 at 16:12
Liberals often bring up the Kent State ‘Massacre’ as they call it, but
never mention this; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_massacre_of_1961
July 18, 2013 at 19:26
Having lived several doors down from Andy Kershaw & suffered him
bashing out his World Music nigh on ’till cock-crow, the man is indeed
July 18, 2013 at 08:38
Robert Maxwell?
July 18, 2013 at 08:24
What a team you are – sundial indeed! Anyway, to the point, Gordon Brown
(remember him?) for destroying pension funds.
July 18, 2013 at 07:35
This Sunny bloke is a moron, as far as I can tell. A walking, burbling, and
appropriately un-eloquent witness to the phrase I remember so well from my
Primary School years, when teacers faced with a noisy child (nore: not
“student” or “young customer”) remind said noisy bairn that “an empty vessel
makes most noise.”
If this gentleman wants a proper analysis of the nature,
and problem, of “evil”, as to which i suspect he knows nothing at all, I would
always suggest beginning with EM Forster’s novel, “A Passage to India”. I read
that many years ago now, and it contains a very sharp observation in one
simple quote, from the character of the enigmatic Hindu scholar, Professor
Godbole, thus:
“Evil is an absence of My Lord”, said Professor Godbole.
Quite. I wonder if young Mr Sundial, or whatever he is named, has ever even
pondered that. I suspect Mr Sundial has not really ever observed, or been
affected by, evil. Regrettably, I have. But within seven words one can derive
the basis of all true evil and cruelty that has ever been.
I shall now wonder off, rambling.