Puerile Savile and the Mexican Staring Frog.

What arrant nonsense have the hacks that write our Tabloids ‘Penny Dreadfuls’ come up with now? What balderdash-on-stilts is served today?
When the Sunday Pictorial was launched in 1915, Lord Rothermere said that the idea was to strike a balance between socially responsible reporting of great issues of the day and sheer entertainment; as the Pictorial morphed into The Sunday Mirror in 1962 it was said to still adhere to those values.
Just before it became The Sunday Mirror, the Pictorial ran a series of articles on matters it considered of ‘social importance’. A three-part series on ‘Evil men‘.
“Most people know there are such things – ‘pansies’ – mincing, effeminate, young men who call themselves queers (…) but simple decent folk regard them as freaks and rarities.”
They compared homosexuality to a ‘spreading fungus’ that had contaminated ‘generals, admirals, fighter pilots, engine drivers and boxers’. Later, they issued a ”How to Spot a Homo” guide which listed ‘shifty glances’, ‘dropped eyes’ and ‘a fondness for the theatre’ as signs of being gay and thus ‘evil’.
Today, in 2013, they have a new definition of ‘Evil men’. No longer mincing and effeminate, nor attracted to young men, the new ‘evil man’ is a healthy – preferably white – heterosexual male, attracted to young women, but still to be considered by ‘simple decent folk’ as a freak and not-so-rarity.
15 years ago, in the US, the writers of the comedy show, South Park, penned an episode that was considered so outrageous and impossible, it could only be comedic. In an act of revenge against what they saw as unfair criticism, two journalists invented a creature they called the legendary ‘Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka’. Falling ratings had caused the fictitious show to lose its appeal and so it is turned into ‘Trash TV’. Claims of Satanic worship, and the ability of the mythical Frog to wreak havoc in peoples lives with the merest glance, abound.
The parallels with the saga of Jimmy Savile and the desire of the hacks in the dead tree press to portray his staring eyes at every opportunity and illustrate the most tenuous link to his name with hyperbolic repetition from the lexicon of conspiracy theory is unmistakable. The producer responsible for airing the Mexican Staring Frog saga ended up in Hell with only Saddam Hussein for company when it was discovered that there was no truth to their claims – we can but hope that a similar fate awaits the journalists behind the balderdash that is served up to us today masquerading as ‘News’. We have only ourselves to blame – we pay their wages. Every copy of a newspaper that we purchase reaffirms to them that we would rather read childish fairy tales than the truth.
Yesterday, the Sunday Mirror excelled itself in its drive to horrify ‘simple decent folk’. They had, they claimed, a world exclusive – they had discovered ‘Jimmy Savile’s secret lair‘. The secret HQ where he planned his ‘vile acts’. The piece was illustrated with a picture of the Mexican Staring Frog ’the Beast at the height of his career and depravity’.
Acting on a tip-off, specialist highly trained forensic officers descended on a room above a record shop in Manchester and ‘stripped the wallpaper from the walls’. (No doubt many a police wife will be thrilled to learn that the police are trained in such humble arts….) and then chipped the plaster off revealing names scrawled on the underside of the walls. A senior criminologist from Birmingham University (actually David Wilson who is supervising Mark Williams-Thomas’ doctorate in how to libel the dead how to make a career out of a dead celebrity or some-such) was brought in to explain that before ‘the internet’ this was how ‘paedophiles would communicate with one another’ – by writing on a wall and then covering their words with plaster and wallpaper! Only another paedophile presumably, could read the secret list thus concealed. GCHQ have a lot to learn.
This Manchester wall was ‘like something out of a horror movie’ scrawled with names of girls and comments regarding their sexual ability. ‘Kyle is a right little slag’ interspersed with ‘Kilroy was here’ and the ominous and foreboding ‘Beware of limbo dancers’ written at the bottom of a door. Obviously code for yet more depravity. Police will now be sent out in squads to attempt to trace every Kyle in the Manchester area to find out her precise age at the time of writing. I just hope they don’t waste too much time trying to arrest that well known paedophile Kilroy. The limbo dancer got him, years ago.
As is the way of these prosaic set-pieces on ‘Savile the beast’, Ben Glaze, the journalist concerned, went on to list every ‘enough to make you shiver in your shoes’ erroneous fact he could think of to pad out his article – for had not his source told him that “the raid had provided the clearest evidence yet to show Savile was part of a larger group of monsters”.
In 1964, Savile’s name was mentioned to police investigating allegations that men were exploiting girls from Duncroft Approved School in Surrey.
Police arrested two men in London and a ledger showed Savile was a regular visitor there.
No, Ben! Nice try. But not factual. Two men were arrested in London in 1964 for living off immoral earnings. The prostitutes working for them had previously attended Duncroft. Not quite the same as the impression you were trying to convey. Jimmy Savile was believed to have visited the home address of one of those men, who was also in the music business. No evidence that the girls were working from that address – and highly unlikely. No suggestion that Savile ever met the girls, nor that he visited that man in connection with girls, prostitution, or any other depravity. No suggestion that ‘Savile was a regular visitor’ to that house or Duncroft, and he certainly, definitely, never visited Duncroft in 1964. You just couldn’t help yourself, could you Ben?
Savile was stripped of his knighthood when dozens of women came forward to say he attacked them during his 54-year campaign of abuse.
No he wasn’t Ben! Knighthoods expire with the holders death. Nobody stripped him of it. Only death.
I sometimes wonder if that well known ex-journalist David Icke hasn’t been cloned and installed in the features department of every tabloid. Why single out the tabloids? The so-called ‘quality Sundays’ are just as bad. Speaking of David Icke, the slavering commentators on his site were in full spate following this article. They gleefully imagined ‘hundreds of innocent young victims’ ‘quivering with terror’ as they scrawled their names on this wall, moments before they were gruesomely raped. They could see, they could feel, their taut little faces, white with terror, tears welling in their sad eyes as elderly celebrities advanced on them with priapic precision. They could imagine the handcuffs bolted to the wall, the whips and flagellators lying abandoned in the murky gloom – if that site isn’t principally contributed to by salivating paedophiles delighting in the opportunity to discuss the finer details – I’m a Dutchman.
Unfortunately, for Ben Glaze, his ‘source’ who presumably had a hot line to that expert on paedophile communication David Wilson, (no-o-o, you don’t think so do you? Well, it had crossed my mind too…) and the excited denizens of David Icke’s site, within hours the magic conspiracy carpet on which they were all flying was pulled from under their feet. So much hyperbole was too much even for Scotland Yard; they issued a statement. Detective Chief Superintendent Mary Doyle said:
‘Last year, Greater Manchester Police received allegations about historic sexual abuse that occurred in the Greater Manchester area. These allegations were made as a result of Operation Yewtree, which was the investigation by the Metropolitan Police into Jimmy Savile.
‘It is important to stress these allegations were not about Jimmy Savile himself and GMP is not carrying out any inquiries directly relating to Savile’.
Not Savile’s lair, his HQ, from which he and his accomplices spread out across Britain to entrap five year olds into a life of misery after all! Never mind folks, another tabloid will be feeding your desires come next week…it’s the only thing paying their wages right now.
Now, it is far too hot here, 38 degrees yet again, and Ms Raccoon is off to spend the day in some cold water. Try not to put me in a bad mood by coming up with more nonsense like this. Once a day is quite enough in this weather.
July 30, 2013 at 11:52
Evidence of Establishment child sacrifice ring discovered in South
July 30, 2013 at 12:58
Charles Darwin, in The Descent of Man, comments that numerous societies
seem to have practiced infanticide as a means of controlling population. Is
it too late to prosecute?
July 30, 2013 at 11:40
So true Moor,
Bent-Beeb Tabloid Radio 5-Undead,, a patronising insult to John Craven’s
1970s ‘Newsround’ for kidz.
Copy you on overnight bent-Beeb ‘Wild Service’ at least permitted to cover
off-message insights which the daily mind-raped millions must be made to miss
– at all costs.
While, among a last few old-school still telling it true, Premier League
Peerless John Pilger also vitally on the Web since ’99.
Power To The Peoples’ Web – Above Which NO ONE Stands.
July 30, 2013 at 11:06
Listening to the BBC World Service last night, as the
various hourly news reports cam through, the big FBI purge over in the USA was
reported. At first, the report headlines kept referring to “children” being
save from prostitution. Gradually, as the evening went on andcommentators were
asked to explain the back ground, the newscaster must also have been listening
to their own guests and gradually the headlines morphed so that by the end of
the night the World Service was reporting “teenagers” being saved from
prostitution. The most telling interview of all was with someone who evidently
knew something about the subject and he explained that the “teenagers” were
all from disturbed backgrounds and were spilling from the care system in the
USA, into the hands of pimps who made them feel good about themselves, and
gave them drugs to take for the times they felt glum. He then further
explained that the chances were that the majority of these teenagers would
slip back into prostitution once they were over the permitted age anyway. It
was just a carbon copy of the Rochdale/Oxford pimping rings we’ve had in
Britain so recently, that nobody was very interested in.
The only bright spark was that at least the World Service branch of the BBC
are trying to tell the truth about this sort of thing. I couldn’t bring myself
to listen to the inanities on Radio 5 this morning, as I felt sure we’d be
back to the same old, battered old, modern mythology of “child” abuse.
July 30, 2013 at 12:53
The US is very ambivalent.
In the whole of the USA prostitution is illegal, with the exception of
certain counties in Nevada where what amounts to legalized pimping by
certain brothels is allowed. The prostitutes who are licensed to work in
these brothels are not allowed to work independently.
The “children” rescued were from 13 to 17, but the largest number were
17-year-olds, 18 being the cut-off point for being defined legally as a
child, even though prostitution is still illegal at 18. (It is not legal to
drink beer until 21.)
The whole thing is a nasty aspect of the US criminal underworld in which
many children in local authority care, often from criminal or grossly
disordered families themselves, graduate into the world of the adult
criminal underclass by running away and hooking up with criminal types who
then market them for purposes of prostitution. It seems similar to what also
happens in the UK.
Considering the number of major cities and the number of people who took
part in the investigation, the number of children rescued is not very
impressive, and it is interesting that more pimps were arrested than
children rescued (150/105). Presumably some of the children were employing
more than one pimp.
July 30, 2013 at 13:01
In the interests of clarity, I should add that I have never set foot in
July 30, 2013 at 10:36
The modern sane world watches in horror, the historically sex obsessed
still backward phoney-Anglos UK/US/CA/OZ/NZ/SA/IE.
The modern sane world, including France where an AOC legal, willful Brit 15
y.o. was torn from her lover on the orders of an insane sex-obsessed backward
Brit heirarchy.
The apt wisdom, quotes, and misquotes are endless. So just a few here, that
may never appear in the sex obsessed backward bent-Anglo mainstream; even in
their once very naughty boy, ‘Private Eye’?
“Mad Dogs & Anglos”
“No Sense Please We’re Brits”
“It’s Only Sex
But We Loathe It”
“USA/U ptight S exual A ssholes”
“Over-protection IS
Itself Serious Child Abuse”
Last but not least, for now, check serious academic, Judy Levine’s, 2002,
great Anglo shock-buster, “Harmful To Minors, The Perils Of Protecting
Children From Sex”.
July 30, 2013 at 09:45
I remember a ladies toilet just off the A5 through Towcester which was a
comfort stop on my long Vespa journey from London to Warrington in 59/61. On
the half inch mortar between the tiles were written all the sexual activities
you could possibly have nightmares about, and some that sounded quite nice.
Very easy to read and well written too. Mostly in the same hand. Later, on a
car journey, I pointed a friend towards it and she staggered back with the
comment that ‘my education is complete’. There were names there too. Many
moons later the grouting was painted over. The journey suddenly got longer!
When I read about the writing on the wall being uncovered in Manchester. I
thought that now we have really arrived in la la land with Operation Yewtree
Its writhings to uncover paedophilia, no matter where it may lurk, are awesome
in their in their fatuity. Even under wallpaper and plaster they delve to
solve crimes long done…..or not, maybe. I shudder to think how much all this
nonsense is costing and what an insult it is to the YEW. The clip from ’71 is
very interesting.
July 30, 2013 at 10:41
It’s stunning how the world of the internet seems to spends most of it’s
time critiquing “the Establishment” and yet so desperately wants to believe
these easily disprovable stories abut Savile, Savile and Others and Others
that have been created by arms of that very “Establishment” for their own
strange and oft-unfathomable reasons, that it has got quite pissed off when
somebody like Anna Raccoon demonstrates to them what a bunch of plonkers
they have all been too.
How many “serious” bloggers have been sucked into this? Sites like Guido
Fawkes, Max Farquhar and so on. Even a serious one like the guy dissecting
the Cabinet Papers. How any times have I read the sort of sentence that
says, “it’s unbelievable how Savile got away with this for half a century”.
It seems hardly to have occurred to any of them that the more unbelievable
it becomes, the less likely it is to be true.
They really need to wake up and smell the coffee. At least the newspapers
have the excuse that they make a living out of selling this crap.
30, 2013 at 11:02
Moor, what many Brits have blindly missed.
In the past few decades during the rise and rise of multi billionaire
non-Brit Rupe. Or indeed in the past century, Canadian Max Aitken, Czech
Robert Maxwell et al. Is that the unelected, often non-Brit owned
bent-media 4th/Filth Estate IS now “The Establishment”.
With unstated motto, “Rule the Media, Own The Minds”.
Quote Brit-victim and visionary Oscar Wilde, 1895, “We are dominated by
July 30, 2013 at 12:24
Ms Mildred…
Better get the rozzers at Yew Tree along to Pompeii Tout Suite…
July 30, 2013 at 09:19
@I think we should be told. @
Join the dots…………………….
July 30, 2013 at 08:43
Interesting article in the Sunday Mirror that Anna.
Just wondering whether the connection between “Savile” and “Thatcher” who
are only ever referred to by their surnames in every puerile “news” outlet
have any other connections…
…Since apart from a picture of a caravan (for “Clarkson” haters
presumably), the only other picture is of “Thatcher and Savile” together… Are
they conspiring to commit some dastardly act together…?
I think we should be told.
August 4, 2013 at 11:34
Don’t you know that in Mirrorworld, Thatcher and Saville are the two most
evil people in the world?
August 4, 2013 at 12:24
“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Not sure either Jim or Maggie would agree just now !
July 30, 2013 at 01:56
If “S” from a couple of posts back is any judge, the real police are
actually functioning as appropriate. Then, of course, we have “the Savile
police.” Presumably they’re there to provide comic relief.
July 30, 2013 at 08:12
Apropos the recent past on Ann’s blog comments. We have a big Twitter
storm over here where a woman thought to point out to the Bank of England
that it was just about to inadvertently leave no “famous women” on the UK
banknotes (other then the Queen) and made an online petition about it.
Anyhow she has been subjected to the charming Twitter Ritual insults as a
result, for some unknown reason. One particular attempt to degrade her
online caught my eye and that was the attempt to publish this woman’s actual
real-life postal address, in order to somehow put her in fear that the
threats from the twats on twitter would become real. I reminded myself that
some charmer attempted to publish the address of the elderly Miss Jones on
here, but was thwarted by Anna’s handy use of a travelling laptop.
July 30, 2013 at 15:44
Yes, Moor, some people go lower than limbo dancers. That was a fun
couple of days! Definitely one for the memoirs!
July 29, 2013 at 19:54
The press are doing their level best to make the police look as ridiculous
as possible. The Yard has to have MWT in for a little chat, imo. He’s
interfering is official police business if he’s feeding this stuff to the
press when it’s not remotely true.
No Jimmy Savile anywhere near Duncroft in 1964. Those were the halcyon days
of James Robertson Justice, John Gregson, and the Duchess of Kent. I do WISH
these fool ‘reporters’ would get over it.
Very good point about the real paedos gathering on the Icke site. Perhaps
the plods might find it edifying to start monitoring over there instead of
tearing wallpaper off at tax-payer expense.
July 29, 2013 at 19:21
The only writing on the wall I remember from my four years living in
Manchester was on the wall of a toilet. It took me a while to work out what it
meant. “COWERSARKY” didn’t mean much to me. “ONDER” left me equally baffled.
It was only when I got to “SERSOOKY” that I realised the author was listing
the names of his favourite motorbikes.
July 29, 2013 at 14:54
Anna says Wilson is ‘supervising’ MWT’s PhD. Does this mean he is not yet a
criminologist ?
July 29, 2013 at 15:22
July 29, 2013 at 19:02
I’m surprised he has the intelligence to do a PhD. Blimey, perhaps I
might have a go….they say you ought to reinvent yourself from time to
July 29, 2013 at 21:15
All to frequently….
BS = Bull Shit
MS = More of the Same
PhD = Piled Higher & Deeper
July 29, 2013 at 21:17
I meant “All too frequently”, of course…
July 29, 2013 at 14:49
I still find it hard to grasp that the press in this country are allowed to
print any old nonsense AND get away with it. Even harder to grasp is how many
people I know, actually think the press only publishes the truth and they
would never be so corrupt as to publish a load of lies, just because it sells
Of course, if we the proles were to print our own nonsense about our every
loving, wonderfully inventive, incredibly intelligent politicians (and their
mates), we would soon find ourselves in court and no doubt in prison.
July 29, 2013 at 14:46
I thought this episode of Southpark was quite funny too:
July 29, 2013 at 13:03
Professor Wilson has written a book that suggests he may know something
about media-police relations:
“David Wilson is one of the UK’s best-known and most innovative
criminologists. An ‘insider’ view of the construction of a news agenda for
crime and punishment. This superb read from Professor David Wilson looks at
how the “news” agenda for crime and punishment is constructed. It also
contains analysis of media stereotypes, narratives and depictions together
with insights connecting these to real life. Media portrayals set the agenda
for public discourse and popular debate.”
Professor Wilson, please tell me what you think about the crap story in the
Sunday Mirror in which you were quoted?
The other books he has written are in the serial killer ‘sploitation
July 29, 2013 at 14:01
I’m sure they’d be as valid as “Dr Shipman’s guide to gerontology”…
July 29, 2013 at 12:49
So, graffiti on walls are a sure sign that the perpetrator is a paedophile,
hey? No doubt our brave boys in blue are hot on the trail of one of the
nation’s most depraved graffiti artists, surely therefore a vile serial
abuser. Banksy – you can run, but you can’t hide!
(Dear God – it just gets more and more surreal, doesn’t it?)
July 29, 2013 at 12:49
Can someone please explain to the plod the difference in meaning between
“historical” and “historic”
July 29, 2013 at 12:29
That should read ‘the editor of the Sunday Mirror in 1994′
July 29, 2013 at 12:16
You don’t think that the Icke lot are going to believe Mary Doyle, do you?
This just proves that she has been in on the Cover Up that’s been going on for
the last 54 years.
She isn’t old enough? Perlease. We can’t have Facts
killing a good story.
Such a pity that Jimmy Savile is dead. Those
“Victims” …… sorry, “Charities”, or did I mean Lawyers, could have benefited
by at least another couple of million in damages.
July 29, 2013 at 12:28
@Elena – they SAY that they did want to have a go when he was alive – but
they had no real story, so they didn’t bother. 19 years later, the Editor of
The Sunday Mirror uses an excuse that they were frightened to publish
because of libel – absolute tosh ……
PS read the comments too
July 29, 2013 at 13:45
Read and digested, and thank you. And If it was true then it wouldn’t
have been Libel, would it. It can’t possibly have been anything to do with
The Duncroft Girls, can it? Some spectacle they would have made in
Unlike Anna, who I admire enormously, I most definitely do not
have any reservations about saying that I do not believe that Jimmy Savile
was a serial predator or a paedophile. Castigate me if I am ever proved
wrong. I can handle that. However, Anna’s most valuable asset is that she
never states anything as fact unless she has positive proof, which is
precisely as it should be.
PS. Watch my mouth. I never said he didn’t grope some silly little
girls wearing skirts up to their bums who launched themselves at him, and
July 29, 2013 at 15:33
@ Watch my mouth. I never said he didn’t grope some silly little
girls wearing skirts up to their bums who launched themselves at him,
and others. @
The nearest you’ll get to his version of these sort of events is
here, from 1971:
is intriguing is that he does talk of “dating” going on outside of work,
but then also of meeting their parents….!!…..
He openly refers to 14 year-olds with bodies “like Gina
Lollobrigida”, saying,
“I love ‘em. But not in the going to bed
sense. I have a laugh with them. A cup of tea and a chat”
It sounds
unbelievably corny in the hyper-sexualised culture of the 21st Century
but then I don’t expect many people nowadays to have much clue who Gina
Lollobrigida was either…………
July 29, 2013 at 16:09
Well, we’ve all got a bit beyond understanding what Groping
actually is, in this day and age when you might get slapped with a
Writ if you so much as tell some of these harridans that they look
nice. God help any man who accidentally touches them.
I thought
that being whistled at by a load of workmen was a compliment, and
spent the rest of the day smirking. But it would appear that I was a
Victim of Sexual Abuse. Sheesh, I could have made a fortune. Make what
you will of that.
But that article was interesting. Well done for finding that, Moor
Larkin. It’s probably about the truth of it.
July 29, 2013 at 16:49
An interesting link, thank you. I had been aware of the
‘lecture’ that gave rise to these comments from the Mirror editor, but
never heard any news of it until your link.
So the editor thinks that
one of those pesky juries would have got in the way, and seeks to
undermine the whole justice system by pre-judging an imaginary jury as
‘starstruck’. Never mind, he does at least have the nous to dismiss Gavin
Millar QC’s suggestion that they might have had a ‘reynolds’
What interests me is just how taken in is even the eminent QC
– to make such a suggestion he can have no knowledge or appreciation of
the actual absence of evidence that exists even now, nor of the extent of
fabrication by all and sundry. Poor chap probably thinks GivingVictims a
Voice is the result of an actual investigation. Maybe Anna or Moor Larkin
should prep him for next year’s lecture -’safest to leave your libel until
the subject is good and dead.’
July 29, 2013 at 18:06
@Mina Field – it wasn’t a lecture, it was a hour long talk on the
last day of a so called ‘summer school’ (3 days) for aspiring
investigative journalists. I think the theme for the ‘summer school’ was
‘high risk’ investigations or some such. Fortunately, no one was harmed
in the course of the 3 days, as no one was put at any risk of learning
anything from these charlatans.
July 29, 2013 at 11:52
July 29, 2013 at 11:36
So – the Sunday Mirror attempted to associate Jimmy Savile’s with this
nonsense. As this could potentially lead to more ‘victims’ coming forward in
the Greater Manchester area, shouldn’t this rag be forced to issue an apology
and retract the story ? ‘Chris’ brought this story to our attention yesterday
on Moor’s blog. The more proof we find that the allegations presented in
‘Exposure’ were lies, the more they will counter attack with moor lies and
misrepresentations. How very stupid of them ! – onwards !
July 29, 2013 at 11:42
Given the speed with which the Daily Mail began to correct the Mirrors
lying smears, it’s fairly obvious that the Mirror broke the Press Code – on
purpose – because they must also have known what the Mail knew. Liars, and
deliberately so.
This was the Mail’s initial rewriting of the Mirror story, which appeared
after lunch on Sunday.
Police denied a report in the newspaper that the
names were victims of Jimmy Savile, but confirmed the discovery came about
‘as a result of Operation Yewtree’. Detective Chief Superintendent Mary
Doyle said: ‘Last year, Greater Manchester Police received allegations about
historic sexual abuse that occurred in the Greater Manchester area. ‘These
allegations were made to Greater Manchester Police as a result of Operation
Yewtree which was the investigation by the Metropolitan Police into Jimmy
Savile. ‘It is important to stress these allegations were not about Jimmy
Savile himself and Greater Manchester Police is not carrying out any
inquires directly relating to Savile.
This is the Press Complaints Code
i) The Press must take care not to
publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including
ii) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or
distortion once recognised must be corrected, promptly and with due
prominence, and – where appropriate – an apology published. In cases
involving the Commission, prominence should be agreed with the PCC in
iii) The Press, whilst free to be partisan, must distinguish
clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.
July 29, 2013 at 12:22
@Moor – thanks that Press Code information is very useful. So, how many
‘journalists’, rags, televison shows etc etc have broken this code since
October 29th 2011 ? Anyways, there won’t be any REAL redress until a new
law is formalised to protect the dead from this crap. It’s only a question
of time before the puppets fall out with the puppeteers, then we’ll see
some interesting news items for sure !
July 29, 2013 at 12:29
The Daily Mail has further updated us that this “wall” dates from the
enlightened decades of the 80′s and 90′s, not the sicko-paedo days of
the 70′s.
“The discovery, which allegedly dates from the 1980s and 1990s, was
made by officers from Greater Manchester
When the press is not having it’s strings pulled by the likes of ACPO
it seems to do a fairly good job of policing itself.
A competitive
free press is what we need, not no press at all.
29, 2013 at 12:38
@Moor – now this is getting silly – the ‘discovery’ either ‘dates’
from the 80′s or the 90′s ……. so it (the wall or the investigation…..
?) was re discovered last year or last week or what ?
July 29, 2013 at 12:46
They must mean the etchings were made by cavemen from the 80′s or
At least now we know why the internet employs the term “wallpaper”
July 29, 2013 at 13:04
@ how many ‘journalists’, rags, televison shows etc etc have broken
this code since October 29th 2011 @
The Press code only covers the written press. You would need Ofcom to
make itv cough. I seem to recall they share their liabilies with the
journalists themselves, which might not be a bad way to go for the
written press, Fleet Street probably pays much less than the pretty
people on the telly get.
July 29, 2013 at 11:14
July 29, 2013 at 11:08
** No, Ben! Nice try. But not factual…………….. You just couldn’t help
yourself, could you Ben? **
I think you’re being a bit harsh on Ben aren’t you? The wide-mouthed
staring frog is real!! Here he is, giving his last gift to the Police Nation
before resigning to become part of the Inspectorate of Police….. Lunatics in
charge of the asylum comes to mind.
“Commander Peter Spindler, the head of the specialist crime command at the
Met who revealed the book, told ITV News UK Editor Lucy Manning:
“There is
an entry very early on in the book that talks about a premises in Battersea
Bridge Road where two men were investigated and indeed prosecuted for living
off immoral earnings. “It’s a property where girls from the Duncroft School
were visiting and Savile is shown in there [the ledger] as frequenting that
premises.” Savile was stripped of his knighthood when dozens of women came
forward to say he attacked them during his 54-year campaign of abuse.”