I have been reading the case of ‘DD’ as she is known, yet another excellent example of the thinking applied to decisions made by the Court of Protection.
There are several comments in the judgment
Continue reading →I have been reading the case of ‘DD’ as she is known, yet another excellent example of the thinking applied to decisions made by the Court of Protection.
There are several comments in the judgment
Continue reading →Dear God,
This has gone too far. Please send a thunderbolt. Urgently.
A teenager, excited about the Olympics, as ordered by our glorious leader, has just been arrested.
For tweeting to Tom Daley as follows:
@Rileyy_69 which said: “You let your dad down i hope
Continue reading →Oregon. It’s that wide open state of mountain and forest where American’s dream of a life of self sufficiency, fish for your supper, shoot your breakfast, camp fires, and a thumping great 4 x 4 to tear
Continue reading →The Great Auck, a humourless, preening bird, thought to be deservedly extinct, has been sighted flapping its ungainly wings in the Blogosphere. Whilst agile enough in the boardroom of Northcliffe’s regional media division, it is clumsy
Continue reading →I’ve just turned on the news to see ‘the best of Britain’ to quote our glorious leader…
Shot of a grey leaden sky over the Olympic stadium, cut to a grubby Union Jack fluttering somewhere in
Continue reading →Back in 2009, in the bad old days of daft legislation (sic), one of my favourite quango’s, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, launched its latest brain dead salvo.
They decreed that in order to
Continue reading →It is not M’lud Leveson that will see the Dead Tree Proles out of work and unemployable; they are more likely to condemn themselves by their own fair hand in their increasingly hysterical efforts to be seen
Continue reading →I have been waiting in vain for several days for the Guardian’s coverage of the latest ‘Domestic Violence’ outrage. I know how passionately they feel about the subject. 65 articles in the last 30 days alone –
Continue reading →We have lost one of that happy band of commentators, without whom, we Bloggers would have no purpose in life.
Their wit, their erudite comments, their support when times are hard and inspiration is low, are the very life blood of any
Continue reading →I’ve been pondering the rash of new regulations over the week-end in the US, a country the UK grows more alike every week.
First the cinema chain AMC banned ‘Joker’ costumes, and fake fire arms being carried into
Continue reading →If they desire a thing they declare that it is true. If they desire it not, though that were Death itself, they cry aloud, ‘It has never been.’ Thus their talk is the talk of children, and
I needed to open a can of treacle today. Mr G was off in the middle distance, roaring up and down the field on his tractor; the man who cut the hay had had a
It is easy to wonder ‘What is the purpose of Parliament’ these days, when all they seem to do is conduct a childish haranguing match over the dispatch box. John Hemming MP has today reminded us that the whole
Continue reading →Not for me Thank God, just watching the BBC2 documentary on Taxi firm Addison Lee was enough to send shivers down my spine.
Following on from yesterdays post, I bring
Continue reading →Don’t fight it, don ‘t panic, just pack up your things quietly and leave the country.
No wonder they’ve called the military in to guard the Olympics, who could they hire in the civilian world? This
Continue reading →We have the likes of Cosmopolitan magazine circa 1960 to blame for modern women’s fear of the ‘F’ word. They sold her the idea that to have a fulfilling life, she must have a ‘C’ word in
Continue reading →Well over a decade ago, a motley collection of dreamers, thinkers, artists, radicals and romanticists decided to get together under the stars over a summer weekend. We wanted to make a place to party, free
Continue reading →Over six million people bought this Donald McGill post card and weren’t offended. However, local councillor’s were on his tail, and in 1953 he faced a show trial, and was ultimately fined for his ‘obscenity’.
It seems that local councillors
Continue reading →The evening news was full of interviews with The Rolling Stones, ’50 years since they played their first gig at The Marquee Club’. I’m puzzled by the dates.
For a variety of reasons, Ms Raccoon knows
Continue reading →God God! – Is Inspector Gadget really a teen age belly dancer in Scunthorpe? An unmarried Mother of four different brats with a Brazilian wax and ‘I shagged John Terry’ firmly tattooed on the left buttock?
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How much control should the authorities maintain over those that they decree might pose a risk to society? Any, marginal, none? What is your choice?
Let us take two ‘risk regimes’ and two hypothetical people posing
Continue reading →The media will never change, not so long as the dual pressures of vanishing advertising revenues and 24 hour rolling news schedules to fill are in place. Leveson can invite as many ex-Prime Ministers and newspaper editors as he
Continue reading →That is one Hell of a way to describe your dear husband, Madam, we are indebted to you……
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Lord help me blog from day to day
In such a tort defying way
That even when I forget to pray,
My prose will be accessible.
Help me find the pluggins do,
As the legislation doth accrue
I know the things I write
Up in the Labour heartlands, a minority of Labour members managed to rouse themselves from their indolent apathy and put in their votes to select the Labour candidate for the new role of Elected Police Commissioner. It
Continue reading →No wonder there aren’t enough police to arrest everyone who says nasty things on Twitter, and as for expecting them to turn up when your neighbour calls you a slag over the fence…well, now we know why
Continue reading →Since the early hours of this morning there has been mass hysteria in the comments section of one Telegraph article.
It appears that the government is cracking down on foreigners earning money and not paying every
Continue reading →It is 30 degrees already today, predicted to be 36/38 by the afternoon and every day til Friday.
Ms Raccoon finds that her level of interest in whether gay Peers can call their ‘wife’ Madame or
Continue reading → One of the most subtle blogs around for a running commentary on London life – the exquisite and utterly original Pigeon Blog.
A determined and beady eye kept on Rachael
Continue reading →I find myself living in the prime holiday destination for escapees from the bansturbator Hell of the US and the UK.
Bergerac was the centre of the French tobacco growing area. We have the Tobacco museum
Continue reading →