This Raccoon happens to have the rarest blood group there is – AB-. I share it with just 1% of the population of either France or England; you
Continue reading →The Gay Wardens.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10
- RT @sensehow Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03 #
- What is Balanced Reporting? #
- The Heresey Trials Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Continue reading →
The Astute Way to Run a Navy.
Take a Beaconsfield GP, and put him in charge of your Navy.
Give him a 300 ft long nuclear powered cigar tube to play with.
Allow him to pack
Continue reading →King’s Cross Stitch Station…
Governments wobble in the face of demonstrations. It doesn’t actually deter them from their course, as fox hunting fans, miners and picketing lorry drivers have discovered, but it’s good for a few knee trembles from those in
Continue reading →Are All Interns Mugs?
How quickly a word can become a term of abuse! It seems only yesterday that an ‘Internship’ conjured up a picture of a medical student gaining valuable experience in a busy hospital ward. Today it is a
Continue reading →Is Bribery any worse than Blackmail?
Or to put it another way – is either the giving or receiving of money in order to influence a commercial deal, morally any worse than withholding money in order to influence a deal? This
Continue reading →‘Bob a Blow-Job’.
You couldn’t make it up.
‘Scouts roll out national sex education programme’.
This years most desirable ‘prowess badge’ to have on your scouts uniform, is one for teaching the younger kids how to
Continue reading →Princess Emma and the ‘£’s Under her Mattress.
The news that the Coalition is to tackle ‘welfare dependency’ via a ‘payments by results’ programme puts Princess Emma firmly back in the spotlight.
‘We will pay organisations by results’ announced
Continue reading →What is Balanced Reporting?
I had always imagined that it was reflecting a range of views from within a community where something newsworthy had occurred. How wide is community in these global days?
To illustrate my point, a local post
Continue reading →The Heresy Trials.
The European desire to bow down respectfully in front of Islamic sensitivity has previously been confined to iconic figures.
Cherie Blair, defending the wearing of the Niqab. Continue reading →
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Did you grow up harbouring a secret wish to be a Fireman? To have your own Fire engine? Your wish may come true – there may shortly be an entire fleet of Fire Engines coming up in
Continue reading →Unhappy Vegans…
Oh dear! There you are, sanctimoniously ecologically correct in your biodegradable recyclable plastic sandals, lecturing the rest of the world on the need to grow more bio fuel and lentils, when someone mentions Clemson University.
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Smudd tackles the avalanche cupboard Edition. Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifs on the madness of media. Mark Wallace sums up the Guardian beautifully. Old Holborn on race relations
Continue reading →A tale of Two Titties.
Molière’s Monsieur Tartuffe would have been proud of the Maire of Neuville-en-Ferrain, near Lille.
“Cachez ce sein que je ne saurais voir!“
A bust of ‘Marianne’ is essential in every formal office of
Continue reading →Wikio Rankings – Sneak Preview.
1 | Liberal Conspiracy |
2 | Left Foot Forward |
3 | Labourlist |