1,466 new laws were introduced in the last year, compared with 1,355 in 2011, every last one of them by a government that pledged to ‘cut red tape’.
1,466 new ways in which you could be criminalised.
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1,466 new laws were introduced in the last year, compared with 1,355 in 2011, every last one of them by a government that pledged to ‘cut red tape’.
1,466 new ways in which you could be criminalised.
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The BBC programme Newsnight and its ability to truthfully portray events has been of interest to Raccoonistas for some time now. It is fair to say that we have a distinctly jaundiced view of its agenda.
Continue reading →You cannot avoid the Angelina Jolie story this morning, it is spread across every media outlet. A chance to have a gawp at her breasts – but it’s all in a good cause…
In case you
Continue reading →We need to ‘gird our loins’ and go to battle folks, I need your assistance on this one! Please retweet this post to anyone you think might pay attention, and kick into action those who you think
Continue reading →It must be that time of the month again, you know, the full moon. Either that or the magic mushroom harvest has been particularly plentiful this year.
The fifth edition of the American Psychiatry Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
Continue reading →Not a bad title, eh? I mean, it has got it all. Football, a touch of “The Da Vinci Code” and the promise of secret knowledge.
Football always gets a bit of a kicking
Continue reading →Back in the later half of last year, I rushed out an ‘emergency’ post, and asked for your help to publicise it.
‘Edna’ of this noble Raccoon Parish had drawn my attention to a Government consultation
Continue reading →Whilst we were all busy reading the West Yorkshire Police Inquiry Report this morning, which having earnestly reported that it was keen to ‘separate myth and rumour from fact’ went on to tell us (amidst
Continue reading →I chanced upon a remark in my recent reading that struck me as so callous, so utterly devoid of empathy, that I stopped short. Who had made this remark? A Family Liaison Officer!
As is my wont, I
Continue reading →Now cut me some slack this morning, as they say. I am but a mere female, and I understand not that of which I speak…
I always understood the origins of football to lie in the mystic veneration
Continue reading →Blimey! If we ever doubted the veracity of the two statements in my headline, we have only to take a quick run through the media today. Even the various pictures of Nigel Evans MP that are selected by the
Continue reading →It is a bank holiday weekend, and it is fitting that a certain amount of sitting about doing nothing should take place. I feel very strongly that a certain amount of disciplined, applied laziness is a
Continue reading →The incumbent government is desperate to stop money haemorrhaging out of the Treasury. They try to pick on some area of the economy where the potential recipients of funds are not too militant – they don’t want miners flame throwing
Continue reading →UKIP has acted as the Provisional Wing of the Pub Bore Society for some years. Seated on the far stool of political life, they have droned on endlessly about the failings of the big three parties. ‘They’re
Continue reading →When the Police in Maryland, U.S, suspected a nightclub owner of running a major drug dealing operation, they were not unsurprisingly, rather keen to find out where he went every day, and who he was meeting. It is an
Continue reading →It’s the age old argument at dinner tables twixt husband and wife – ‘Who’s telling this story?’ – as husband (I’m biased, so?) interrupts wife halfway through the tale and manages to spoil the punch line…
It has set me thinking. Who actually ‘owns’
Continue reading →When mollusca trawl their glutinous way across our landscape, they have the evolutionary advantage of a third eye to spot potential predators. It’s called the pallial eye.
I thought I’d tell you something interesting pertaining to ‘Pallial’ before you all
Continue reading →The ‘news’ has to be massaged and imbued with emotive content to interest the Media.
That which most of us would consider ‘news’ – citizens jailed without trial or representation; pension funds raided; savings devalued; citizens starved to death; citizens arrested
Continue reading →Good morning world – I think I can face you again. It has been an utterly miserable couple of weeks. It is only the steadfast support of Mr G that has firmly plonked me down in front of the computer again this morning with instructions to write.
It’s been so long for me since I began the stressful and lonely path of ‘thinking outside of the box’ in terms of digesting the information I was being fed (and, of
Continue reading →No thanks to the so-called ‘mainstream media’ (a term I have never found my peace with for its ‘New World Order’ paranoia overtones), the world is now aware of the crimes of a Dr Kermit Gosnell, of the beautiful city
Continue reading →The abiding topic of the week has, of course, been the funeral of Lady Thatcher; the cost, the style and so forth.
Somewhat randomly, I offer up two memories of the week which will stick with me.
Continue reading →The Internet has correctly been concerned at what has been perceived as the loss of a ‘right’. The proposals by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) to refuse to release the names of people they arrest in the
Continue reading →These are curious days in the media. They will give endless space and awards to those who speculate on possible horror attributed to the dead who cannot answer back; they cheerfully re-use photographs of dead babies, awarding those babies a nationality that changes
Continue reading →I shall probably get myself into dangerous waters here, but that has never bothered me in the past, so I shan’t let it bother me today.
Bitcoins, the beloved alternative currency of the Libertarian movement as espoused by those who are
Continue reading →I understand that at certain “street parties” held to “celebrate” the passing of the late Lady Thatcher one of the songs of choice was “Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead.” As others have observed, many of the
Continue reading →I have finally lost patience with the whingeing weegies in the sulphurous sewer that is Glasgow. The spectacle presented worldwide in national news outlets, of Scotland’s ’finest’, who are normally keen to tell us that they live on the breadline,
Continue reading →During the week I had recorded an episode of Piers Morgan’s interview series. A case of nothing else worth recording really – the others I have seen have been a succession of women agonising over some dreadful trauma in
Continue reading →When Margaret Thatcher is returned to the dust whence she came from and where she shall return like all of us, a little bit of a bygone age will go with her. She will be eulogised — but,
Continue reading →Early yesterday morning I pottered off on my usual round of shopping for my eclectic diet (eggs, figs, prune juice, sesame seeds, jelly, dark Choco Leibniz biscuits, coffee, and loo roll) but I took a detour back
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