The latest development in the relationship between MI6 and Muammar Gaddafi is a price of £1m placed on his head. Charles Crawford recounts the history of an ‘interesting’ relationship.
Soon after the US-led attack on Saddam Hussein began,
Continue reading →Trawling Labia for the G-Spot.
Today we learn that Britain’s finest, those lantern jawed, snake hipped men of Hereford and Worcester are on their hands and knees conducting a finger tip search of Labia’s mysterious hills, vales, and hidden crevices looking for
Continue reading →Tax Brakes?
I saw something the other day, something utterly unremarkable in its banal common sense:
“Give tax breaks to manufacturing businesses in areas of high unemployment”
I mean, it’s obvious, isn’t it? When
Continue reading →Jail Time for Facebook Crimes
There have now been a number of sentences set for so-called “Facebook crimes”; that is, attempts using Facebook and other social media to organise rioting, or looting, or other criminal activity.
Or, as has been claimed, joking about
Continue reading →Hacking for Halfwits.
Its never to late to learn – you too can be an object of fear to the authorities.
Keep up with your teenage children.
Only requires one moving finger, the rest of you can be as dormant as you like.
Bring the world down
Continue reading →Separating Politics and Policing
This is a crosspost from Malpoet’s Weblog.
In the wake of the riots we were bombarded with competing claims about who controlled them. The police are sure
Continue reading →Sarah Palin (Caption Competition)
Entries in the comments, please.
My starter for 10:
“The Winter’s Tale wasn’t set in Alaska, Honey.”
Continue reading →Mine’s a Guinness – and put a Shamrock on that, won’t you?
I decided not to comment on the biggest football story of the last seven days until the weekend was over, just to make sure that it actually was.
[Editorial Note: For cricket and other people who
Continue reading →French With Tears
I wrote this last night.
It was intended as an e-mail to a good friend, but dork that I am, I don’t have my e-mail password with me…. I have my computer, but no wi-fi connection.
Walk the plank, Mr Shapps!
While perusing the news in a most cantankerous frame of mind, I was suitably annoyed to come across this mindbendingly stupid idea from our Minister of Housing:
The government is offering councils financial
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Anna Raccoon the Mug
Would anyone like to buy an Anna Raccoon mug to support the site?
There’s a bit of a story here – the first experiment in an idle moment
Continue reading →Why we need to know the truth about Hillsborough
The e-petitions initiative is something that has clearly caught on, as demonstrated initially by the lively debate on the death penalty.
There has been another petition doing the rounds this month calling for
Continue reading →Questionable Habits
France has passed a Law about the habit of wearing Burkas (there’s a good background discussion here at Open
Continue reading →Euro: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
One of the greatest passages in the Bible:
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
“I know not,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Continue reading →Jail Megrahi!
A growing chorus of people is calling for Abdel al-Megrahi, to be placed in gaol again.
Any regular of Private Eye would know that his original conviction was based on
Continue reading →His Judgment Cometh And That Right Soon
Is it me, or is there more than a passing physical similarity between former MP and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and the famously evil Warden Norton in “ Continue reading →
The Guardian Comment Network may damage your reputation
The Guardian has a new content sharing / aggregation project, the Guardian Comment Network, where they are republishing content from partner blog-sites, including Amanda Marcotte‘s Continue reading →
Supporting the Death Penalty? Not me (2 of 2)
This is the second part of my response to James Garry’s article ‘Supporting the Death Penalty‘ that appeared on the Anna Raccoon site last week. You can read the first installment
Continue reading →Hyperventilating Over Paedophilia
Paedophilia is an emotive subject; banned in ‘polite’ media circles, it has become virtually the exclusive province of the Blogosphere.
Every day – as Matt Wardman discovered when he took over
Continue reading →Granny became a Shooting Star
I’d have expected the inescapable Damian Thomson, who runs the Daily Telegraph blog operation (three million page impressions in a week, natch),
Continue reading →Credo: contra contemtio
This week, there was a bit of a Twitterstorm when Twitter user Lord Credo, who posed as a spin doctor for the Conservative Party was revealed to be something of a
Continue reading →Supporting the Death Penalty? Not me (1 of 2)
Some of you may have seen this Anna Raccoon article supporting the Death Penalty by James Garry of Politics on Toast.
This is
Continue reading →Small Beer.
Having just hosted the annual general meeting of the Raccoonteurs*, a rowdy affair at the best of times, I am not in the slightest surprised to discover that the average Briton will consume more than 5,800
Continue reading →In the Land of the Rising Scum
I’ve torched a shop in Croydon Town,
Its trading days are done,
Its flames have set the sky alight
And I’m famous in The Sun.
So don’t call me a failure,
Admire my nicked blue jeans,
My iPads, phones and trainers, Man,
And five new plasma
Goalkeepers – a Blunderful Life
The goalkeeper is probably the most under-valued player in professional football, perhaps because the signing of a new wide player or centre forward is always more likely to attract the excitement of supporters in the summer, selling
Continue reading →All In The Best Possible Taste.
The title ‘Speaker’s Wife’ is well on its way to becoming a synonym for ‘Vacuous Slapper’. Perhaps it is there already.
Such a coincidence though; no sooner is Max Clifford hired to control her public image
Continue reading →Total Politics Blog Awards
This is the last day of voting for the Total Politics Blog Awards. If you intend to vote, for Anna Raccoon or other sites, you have until midnight.
At this time of year Total Politics Magazine
Continue reading →Autism revisited
One of the defining features of Autism is the obsessive nature of repeat actions. Autistic children are quite capable of maintaining a week long smashing, grabbing, and screaming rage if they are prevented from carrying out some
Continue reading →Racial rioting
Race was a major factor in the London riots. Not because they were Black or even White. But because they were not Asian. In many countries where both Blacks and Whites live where these
Anna on The Death Penalty.
The ‘State’ already has the death penalty. It uses it. This State. The United Kingdom.
Yes it does!
I have watched with grim fascination the debates occurring on this blog – for and against the death penalty
Continue reading →