It was dark and stormy night in 1726. Tobias Muddlestick bent over the leather bound ledger, dipped his quill in the ink, and carefully inscribed the words ‘Received 6d’. He paused over the words heading
Continue reading →Monthly Archives: July 2010
At home – with Our Vera…
Our Vera only got £32,383 of our money as a resettlement grant when we kicked her out of Redcar. The ‘winding-up’ expenses she can draw on finish on
Continue reading →Compressed Morbidity.
I hate the men who would prolong their lives
By foods and drinks and charms of magic art
Perverting nature’s course to keep off death
They ought, when they no longer serve the land
To quit this life, and
Battleground Ethics.
A young soldier is confined to barracks today, awaiting possible court martial.
His crime was apparently to think on his feet, and comply with his instructions by the most efficacious method available to
Continue reading →The British Government and Torture.
On Friday, the High Court gave permission for a judicial review of the government’s failure to hold a public inquiry into the UK’s alleged complicity in the torture of a large number of civilians.
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That Darn Ole Deficit.
I received a donation of a dog a few weeks ago. I am the mad English woman in my local neighbourhood where my door mat is the unofficial repository of pets the local Arabian populus
Continue reading →Sunday Sermon
“BRITAIN has kings, but they are tyrants; she has judges, but unrighteous ones; generally engaged in plunder and rapine, but always preying on the innocent; whenever they exert themselves to avenge or protect, it
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
‘On yer bike – and make it snappy’.
Is an hour too long to wait in an emergency? Can passion survive the wait?
In an age when the Pizzeria guarantees your appetite will be sated within ten minutes of your call, I wonder at
Continue reading →The Road to Nowhere
Feelin’ okay this mornin’
And you know,
We’re on the road to paradise
Here we go, here we go
As it does so very often manage to do, the issue of road pricing has come around once again. And, as
Continue reading →The Daily Wail….
You really, really, need to go HERE to read this image in all it’s glory.
A quite brilliant effort from The Poke reducing the Daily Wail’s secret editorial formula to a map of the moral underground.
This is a piece
Continue reading →The Sacred Disease.
400 years before Christ was born, Hippocrates wrote his essay on the so called ‘sacred disease’ – Epilepsy. He was trying to debunk the theory that epilepsy represented a ‘possession by the spirits’.
Continue reading →Reading the Prunes…
My sister-in-law once famously arrived here for a week’s holiday with six packs of Waitrose prunes in her luggage.
She has never lived it down – this part of the Dordogne is bang in the centre
Continue reading →Stop Press ++ Lord Taylor of Warwick ++
Perhaps the website designer is working on some horizontal bars? Or did he mean ‘charges will occur from time to time’?
The Crown Prosecution
Continue reading →Deconstructing Marital Dogma.
I am a great fan of “Dogma”. The film, that is, which itself is based on a witty and potentially irreverent view of
Continue reading →ChavRadio Shuts Up Shop.
Draw your own conclusions.
No more ‘Gaunt stranded in Tenerife’, no more ‘SunTalk live rescues stranded Brits’ – how will the Costa Del Crime survive and remain informed without the foul mouthed Gaunt to keep them abreast
Continue reading →Where Are They Now? – No. 271 – Dame Petey Mandyslime of Goy
Another fascinating article in our series of short hackiographies of the faded stars of yesteryear who have been absent from the public eye…
Dame Petey Mandelslime of Goy was a
Continue reading →Aimee Sword
Language is the tool of choice for the Social Engineer. Professors tell university students that there is no such thing as ‘right or wrong’, we are all autonomous and can pick our beliefs to suit ourselves. The media
Continue reading →He’s not a hero …
I see the progressive wing of British society is up in arms because our new Prime Minister has dared to utter heretical words. In Parliament, he
Continue reading →Just BATS!
The Government must be feeling the pinch with all these righteous folks giving up smoking. Revenues from tobacco are dropping.
Justine Greening, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, has hit on a cunning plan.
He has
Continue reading →Beware the bigots of Rochdale.
Subrosa has highlighted the decision of a small group of managers in the Rochdale shopping centre to install what are delicately known as the ‘Nile Pan’, or alternatively, the hole in the ground toilet, for
Doctors Ain’t Accountants – or tinkering around the edges (again!)
Sadly, I am getting old enough to have seen Andrew Lansley’s ‘reform’ of the National Health Service before. Then it was the Tories introduction of the ‘Internal Market’; it failed then and Lansley’s plan is going to fail
Afghanistan – reflections on the strategy in the light of three more deaths.
I remember the lesson very well. As young potential officers, we had been told to assemble by the statute at 8.00 am sharp. We duly assembled on time, sitting around the base
Continue reading →The Press – A Cautionary Tale
I read both the Sunday Mail and the Sunday Times of a Sunday morning. The Abbot says I should not do this, because it causes my blood pressure to become even higher than normal, and a
Chav Media.
Admittedly the media in general are having a hard time. The Grauniad’s traditional source of income, all those lovely public
Continue reading →110,425 disappointed Dutchmen reluctantly settle for the wife.
Spain winning the world cup has had a dramatic effect on marital relations in Holland.
Dutch porn star @BobbiEden wanted to increase her Twitter following.
She offered a free ‘blow job’ to her relatively few
Continue reading →Struck Dumb in Weegie Land
I would not claim that every inhabitant of Weegie land is incapable of stringing together a sentence that doesn’t contain words of a sexual nature, words moreover, that imply a violent sexual threat, nor that they cannot converse without
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
A Requiem for Popsy.
It is fatal for me to read the comments on this blog late at night – they are always superb and well thought out, so much effort goes into them; we shall ignore the churlish few. Every time I
Continue reading →Crossing the Moat.
Now that Mr Moat has awarded himself the prescribed martyr’s end – ‘he said he’d never let the filth get him’, and he can be duly revered in chavland; the flowers can pile up on
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