A specialist ice cream parlour plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.
The breast milk concoction, called the “Baby Gaga,” will be available
Continue reading →A specialist ice cream parlour plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, free-range treat.
The breast milk concoction, called the “Baby Gaga,” will be available
Continue reading →Britain’s shame is complete. Overnight I have been digging into the ‘technical problems’ that beset our mercy flights to collect British citizens stranded in Muammar Gaddafi’s murderous Hellhole in the desert.
I am embarrassed to report
Continue reading →The US steamed the nearest US cruise ship into Tripoli harbour and picked up their US citizens and their entire embassy staff. With a week’s warning of the volatility in their least favourite madman’s benighted country, they
Continue reading →Ghastly American phrase – monetising! However Wikileaks have opened an on-line shop in order to harness the great capitalist running dog America’s financial advantages.
They will be pleased to serve you with a Wikileaks cover
Continue reading →Does that warm your heart in the same way that ‘Honey, I’m home’ used to? Will the cheque put the rubbish out, listen to your tale of woe, and then fall asleep in front of the TV?
The Green Party decided that it would oppose the 2011 census because of the involvement of US Arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin, then dropped the idea of a boycott. As
Continue reading →You are already too late for the early bird ‘special price’ of £195, so expect to pay in excess of that….
March 29th should herald a great day out for all. On that day
Continue reading →As I type, Al-Jazeera is reporting that non- Arab African Mercenaries have been executed in Benghazi, and eight others are being held as prisoners, others have fallen back to the airport. The ‘security services’
Continue reading →Oh! Mr. Porter, whatever will you do?
You want to stand as President,
And now they’re bullying you!
Tell me who to vote for as quickly as you can,
Oh! Mr. Porter, what a silly girl I am!
I joined the student union, just
Continue reading →Petrol heads the world over have, for this week only, taken their heads out of Autosport and turned to the mainstream media, unaccustomedly consumed by an interest in International Politics.
Whilst the Bahrain Motorsport Website
Continue reading →Carol Hill on ‘Carol Hill – School Dinner Lady’.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their money to me, I am so overwhelmed by your kindness I thank you from the bottom of
Continue reading →Flash Mob!
Let’s leave aside the political and moral maze. Let’s see what can be done with the Sound of Music, a train Station in Belgium, and some very silly people. Get your speakers turned up, sit
Continue reading →Just a few short days ago, Madeleine McCann’s twin brother and sister celebrated their sixth birthday. They are probably reading by now, although not yet old enough to play ‘research the family history’ on Google –
Continue reading →The Spelling Lady’s not for burning at the stake, just grovelling apologies. Little Jemima and Gabrielle can continue to frolic in the forest counting ladybirds, secure in the knowledge that whilst Daddy may have their trust
Continue reading →Last night, I fell asleep as I sometimes do while listening to Radio 4, this usually entails waking up any time between 2am and 5am to the the BBC world service. Some of the
Continue reading →Where were you? Yes You!
In the space of barely a week, Cameron has announced that he is ‘sickened’ by the European Court of Human Rights ruling on the issue of prisoner’s votes, and
Continue reading →If for no other person than Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi.
I will personally administer the poison/pull the handle/switch on the current, whichever method is approved.
I will personally eat my Quaker principles – on behalf
Continue reading →And so it ends, the National Compact first dreamt up in the dying days of the Second World War called the Welfare State.
The Welfare State was always a ponzi
Continue reading →A CRB check is now declared essential before you hire a newspaper boy; it is seen as the cure all for every possible risk of child abuse. So ferocious are the checks, so thorough, that even a nurse who
Continue reading →Local councils are becoming more and more adventurous in their bid to fill the gap between the funding increases they were promised by Gordon Brown and the reality of the empty coffers inherited by Cameron – commonly
Or more properly taking the .003% of the King’s Shilling!
As some of you have observed over the past 24 hours, this site is now taking advertising. I have hesitated on this issue for a long time, fully
Continue reading →In some sectors of Liverpool – OK, Scotland Road – the tradition of ordering a ‘chinky’ and then legging it without paying, is so deeply engrained that one restaurant which sought to curb this, for
Continue reading →The Guardian has interspersed its continuous high pitched whine of ‘cuts, cuts, cuts – the world is coming to and end’, with endless articles over the past few days – and by endless I mean
Continue reading →The Minister for Climate Change, a Canute figure forever muttering ‘Back dastardly warming’ to himself; The Under-Secretary for the Rubber Band Cupboard; The Chief Executive of the National Committee on the Numerical Sequence of Egg Cartons; how
Last December there was a small piece that popped up in my RSS box, not really substantial enough to make a blog post, but intriguing all the same. An on-line Divorce company – I had no idea
Continue reading →Thank-you all for your many e-mails asking where I was – much appreciated.
I just popped in to give SadButMadLad his wages, and empty the pool table cash box….can’t see the fascination in pool
Continue reading →I spoke to Carol Hill last night, the Daily Mail had given her my number here in France, and she rang – in tears. Quite overcome by your generosity. It wasn’t just the money, she said, it
Clang! Clang! Ding-a-ling! Can I have silence in the bar please! Your landlady would like to say a few words.
I would like to propose a toast.
Some of my more regular readers are aware that I
Continue reading →This is a sad story, but I am grateful to Ambush Predator (Julia) for bringing it to my attention in her tweets. AP has already blogged on this, but I don’t feel
Continue reading →