The Best Comments of the Week.

Carol Hill on ‘Carol Hill – School Dinner Lady’.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their money to me, I am so overwhelmed by your kindness I thank you from the bottom of my heart special thank you to Anna
Love to you all Carol xxx
Sister Eva Longoria on ‘Weird Fact of the Day’.
I thought bananas were full of potassium. Remembering my school chemistry lessons, I have always avoided eating them, lest I should carelessly drink a glass of water and then cause the potassium to explode into flames and set me on fire from the inside out.
I am always concerned for the safety of professional tennis players, who I believe run an almost suicidal risk in the regard.
I should be very pleased to hear from any readers who have suffered spontaneous human combustion after eating a banana, thus vindicating my theory.
Sister Eva
Dave H on ‘Your country Needed You’.
I couldn’t be bothered to join the Apathy Party.
Ian R Thorpe on ‘Astroturfing Big Society’.
When I think of those weirdoes and oddballs who used to serve on the council unpaid and often did not even claim their bus fare, and I’m thinking of two old friends and political opponents of mine here, former Conservative MP Ken Hargreaves and long time Labour councillor Jack Grime, both thoroughly decent men and totally committed to the idea of public service, I just find it hard to understand why in these days when a very comfortable living can be made from simply being on the council (not to mention the graft and payola) we no longer seem to be able to find men of their calibre for the job.
woodsy42 on ‘Weird Fact of the Day’.
“How many Waleses make one football pitch?”
You can’t do it, however much you stretch or rearrange Charles and Camilla you won’t get a football pitch.
February 20, 2011 at 20:13
If I was to leave an outstanding comment here it would be too late for this
week, yet too early to qualify for next week. Therefore, although I have a
truly excellent comment to make, I have no option but to save it for next
week’s “The Best Comments of the Week”.
February 20, 2011 at 18:47
Ahhh that’s nice from Carol.
Also, it’s lovely to see my wisdom is at
least being recognised!
Tra la la!
Sister Eva