Down here on planet Sky TV the new cold war is going well. Macho Generals are booming across the airwaves of the need for more money to be sent their way to combat ‘the re-emergence of
The Ukraine – the Pain and the Gain.
'Going to Work on a Clegg…'. Farage v Clegg.
The consummate politician was put in the ring with the consummate debater last night on live television – and guess who won? Without a doubt the consummate debater! Nigel Farage was in his element.
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The Kiev Chickens Coming Home to Roost.
Ukraine was once the 3rd largest bearer of nuclear weapons in the World, after the U.S. and Russia. This all changed with an agreement to scrap all its nuclear weapons in 1992.
The Idiotic Ideology of the Hypocritical NHS.
If you are of a squeamish disposition, best you push off now. Come back another day. Not all of us can live in a fluffy dream with a happy ending, some are chosen to face reality.
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All a' Twitter.
You have to love Twitter. ‘Tis s truly wondrous playground; twixt the indiscrete selfies, the pussies displayed in adventurous poses, (calm down at the back, the catz, the catz…..) the hysterical hair-pulling and insult brandishing mutually
Fred's Dead!
But there will be no funeral. Surely you have to have a funeral? No, actually. The law only says you must dispose of the body of the person who has died ‘by burial, cremation or any other means’
Ritual Humiliation and 'Mini' Clifford.
Empty vessels aren’t the only ones that make a lot of noise; a broken one can fair ring down the ages too. It doesn’t require great skill to smash a pottery vessel, but breaking up the
'International Clitoris Awareness Day' – and 'Adopt a Clitoris'.
Have you done your bit for the ‘dark continent’ and adopted an African clitoris yet? Shame on you. They are an endangered species you know. The Clitorii, not Africans.
Down on the border with
Continue reading →Marbles or No Marbles?
A quick perusal of the Sunday Times this morning has sent Ms Raccoon’s brains scrambling off in hot pursuit of another weird saga in her chequered past.
Basil Wainwright! I struggled to even retrieve
Continue reading →Left Foot in the Circle…
One of the more curious aspects of the silence maintained by the vociferous voices we now hear shouting about Governmental inactivity and suppression of ‘facts’ to the detriment of ‘vulnerable victims’, is the preponderance of them that appear
Continue reading →"Forgive Us Our Press Passes".
100 Years ago, the daily circulation of The Times was around 5,000. Today it is nearer the 400,000 mark.
You might imagine that the ‘product’ was doing something right – it was once, but
Continue reading →An explanation regarding the issue of anonymity and civil claims against the Savile estate.
The Trust and beneficiaries came into conflict with Natwest in its role as executor and personal representative of the Savile. In particular the Trust – which was named in the will as the residual beneficiary of
National Westminster Bank plc v. Lucas & ors.
Mr Justice Scales judgment in the case brought by the ‘Savile’ charities against the National Westminster Bank has just been published.
Of particular note is the following sentence:
In the event, to meet these
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Exposure: Retrophiles (Spoof)
“As good be hang’d for an old sheep as a young lamb”?
The new breed of righteous ‘paedophile hunters’ are not a tribe exclusive to the UK. I suspect they were introduced to the native population like grey squirrels – possibly from Australia, where they are even more
Bad Heir Days!
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“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical
Uk-raine Terrain.
Just let your imagination run wild for a moment or two. Imagine that demonstrations against the government in Britain had turned into a riot. Cars were set on fire in the streets. Young lads in balaclavas
Whither the NSPCC in ten years time?
In the autumn of last year, a memo was leaked to The Times newspaper, written by the RSPCA’s deputy chairman, Paul Draycott, which discussed the charity’s aims for ‘ten years hence’. It reminded me of the
"Nineteen and a big Doughnut….."
Back from my hols, and fully refreshed, so it is back to work.
A lot has happened over the past week, and I have been busy researching in England. Let
Continue reading →‘ Reflections on Savile at Duncroft’
‘Reflections on Savile at Duncroft’
Edinburgh ESRC Project
Securing a data set on allegations of sexual abuse made against
the former disc jockey, Jimmy Savile
This project aims to secure data that
Continue reading →NEWSNIGHT: Harriet Harman talks exclusively about the Paedophile Information Exchange.
The Inside story of tomorrow's High Court 'Savile' hearing.
I should have been, and have been for some time, respecting an embargo on what I am about to describe. But it seems that others involved in what was supposed to be a ‘private case’ listed
Kitty Fiddlers and Your Pussy.
I wasn’t intending to post today, but I cannot resist it now. ‘Duncan Disorderly’ has spotted such a corker of a row going on in Paedomaggedon land.
Continue reading →La Danse Macabre.
We have been witnessing a modern morality play. A danse macabre where ‘God’s messenger’ is endlessly represented by a later-life, and unfortunate, image of the charity fund raiser and disc jockey Jimmy Savile looking like the genetic
Sex claim victims ‘are not money grabbers’.
So spake Alison Saunders yesterday.
I agree absolutely! We have a judicial system that offers no more restitution to the victim of sexual abuse than the spectacle of punishment for the
Continue reading →Hyperbole and the Media.
The media, as we have long been aware, are selective when it comes to identifying the news which they think we should find important. ‘If it bleeds, it leads’ is not just a cliché.
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Ragnarok cometh…
End of the world predictions are always fun – especially the day after. Who can forget the ‘Rapture’ predicted by Harold Camping in 2011? The rapture appeared mostly on Camping’s face as he contemplated the
The Barrister's Nostrum.
The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain knows a thing or two about the law. Whilst other Minster’s were gaily ‘troughing’ to the fury of tax payers forced to fund their excesses, he managed
Continue reading →Parish Notice.
So much to tell you – so little time!
My little troll who pops up from time to time to ask whether ‘I am dead yet’ has reminded me that I still have a
Continue reading →Spare a thought today…
For Mrs Griffin.
That’s Mrs Griffin, proudly sporting her diamond engagement ring and wedding band, back in 1986. Proud of her husband.
She used to live in a beautiful farm in
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