A few weeks ago I commenced my quest to search for the truth behind the legend of the Man in the Iron Mask. Having tried to bring as much salacious gossip to the fore as
Continue reading →Monthly Archives: June 2013
Smoking Joking?
Will someone please tell me this is a joke? A photoshop? It has come to me from a reputable source that I know flies into and out of Aberdeen airport – but surely not? £1 coin operated fee to
Continue reading →Gideon’s Burble.
‘Gideon the Gormless’, or ‘Jumped up Jeffrey’ as Obama called him, otherwise known to us as ‘Osborne Housey-house’, has been calling the numbers again. The four year ‘Spending Plan Review’ that Gordon Brown introduced has just been
Continue reading →Live and Let Spy…
Have women become totally incapable of handling their own lives without the aid of the State to wield a big stick for them?
I ask because an extraordinary case is winding its way through Southwark Crown
Continue reading →Right up my Street!
Let’s see how good a detective you are!
Last night I watched one of the ‘Britain’s Secret Homes’ series; I’ve found it fascinating, full of nuggets of useless information – just my sort of
Continue reading →Hammurabi’s Code: Why bankers should not be jailed, how to fix the system
This week saw a report published by the Parliamentary Commission on public standards which advocated, amongst other matters, that bankers should face jail for the commission of a newly defined offence, “reckless misconduct in
Continue reading →Plodding through the News.
Plod has been getting a bad press recently. His efforts to convince us that he is underpaid and under appreciated considerably hampered by the string of ‘News International’ arrests as part of Operation Elvedon, showing that he
Continue reading →So, Fare Thee Well Cynthia…
Bower-ed out at last from the National Health Service talent show; no longer will we hear the strident tones of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I will survive’, instead she is lisping the lyrics – ‘I’m just a fool whose intentions are
Continue reading →Pedallists do ‘It’ for the Sake of the Children….
Two wheels – Good. Two legs – Bad!
The naked ambition of London’s army of ‘oh-so-on-message’ environmentally aware cyclists knows no bounds. Two weeks ago, spectators were spellbound by the sight of the naked rear of
Continue reading →Walking in King John's Footsteps…
798 years ago today, King John set his seal on the Magna Carta. The contents of that historic document had been bitterly argued over for four days. During those days, as the Barons struggled to wrest
The Magna Carta – Walking in King John’s footsteps.
798 years ago today, King John set his seal on the Magna Carta. The contents of that historic document had been bitterly argued over for four days. During those days, as the Barons struggled to wrest the
Continue reading →The Expert’s expert expert…!
Light years ago, before Jimmy Savile was even a twinkle in his Father’s eye, and Tesco’s hadn’t been invented, and there wasn’t a career in Television to be had, no matter who your Father was, ‘cos hardly
Continue reading →Neanderthal Man?
Oop there in Liverpool, the 2008 ‘cultural Capital of Europe’ according to the European Commission, a young male was out and about with his lady.
He found himself surrounded by several young knuckle dragging males of
Continue reading →We’re all in this together – except for the Labour Party…!
Back in the heady days of July 2009, a mere seven months after the onset of the ‘global banking crisis’, an event which Gordon Brown frequently reassured us had ‘started in America’ – and therefore was not
Continue reading →Why I Think Edward Snowden is a Hero
by Kingbingo
This is a guest post by Kingbingo, a long time contributor to this blog.
Life used to be pretty good for Edward Snowden. He had a good income of over $100k from a job
Continue reading →‘Pay As You Go’ Driving.
Over the past four days days, Mr G has driven me around 3,000 kilometres (roughly 2,000 miles for the metrically challenged). One of his mad dashes to see something of interest to him! Enough said.
Continue reading →Putting a Spanner in the Works…
Back some 20 years ago, when the sun still shone in summer time, and young army lads only got beheaded in foreign places so there was no need for a focus group to tell the Prime Minister
Continue reading →By Popular Request…the Man Cave!
No, Ms Raccoon has no intention of shutting up – though that would be an equally popular request these days….
But several people have asked if I could creep into the man cave and take some pictures –
Continue reading →Everybody Here but those Turkeys
It was late morning in the Porcument, and Peter the Pig was in mid-nap, dreaming of better times.
Was it really only a few years ago the heroic Sir Stuart Bell had spent days and weeks
Continue reading →D Day Reflection
69 years ago today, at about the young 9.00 am on June 6th 1944, the young man with a “Tommy” gun on the right of the photograph above was feeling sea sick and very scared. He
Graham Ovenden and Blind Justice.
What do you know of the trial of the artist Graham Ovenden? That he taped pubescent girl’s eyes shut with sticky black tape, sexually abused them, distributed photographs of them, was found guilty – and now, shock,
Pop Goes the (Welsh) Weasel!
There is a lot you can do with £1.6 million pounds. Personally I’d go for the next ten years resident in The Mamounia, but trying to be civic minded, and bearing in mind that the £1.6
Continue reading →Maroc n’ Roll!
Wow! Ms Raccoon has landed back on earth as inhabited by mere mortals – with a sickening thud. Mr G’s days of popping her into a camper van, parking it on some remote Portuguese hilltop and calling that a
Continue reading →The Redemption of Brooksie
I wonder who remembers Moonlighting? It was all the rage back in the 80’s and featured Cybil Shepherd and a young Bruce Willis as the wisecracking private detective. Being of a romantic nature there
Continue reading →In the Beginning…
Today, an exhibition opens in London of an event, a life changing event, that transformed lives far more effectively than anything the Nu-Labour activists could dream of. It was a genuine revolution, a relatively bloodless one.
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