It’s been a while since there has been a story in the press that left me with my jaw so far down that
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
Erewash eyewash.
Ms Raccoon is still swishing her tail angrily in the direction of Sandwell Council, and pawing the ground impatiently at the sheer length of time it is taking to transfer Sheila Martin’s ‘file’ from
Continue reading →Waspish Sensibilities.
Venom courses through the veins and arteries of the main stream media today, venom, fear and loathing, of the Blogosphere. Ironically, most of the poison laden words appear in the on-line versions as well as
Continue reading →The wheels on the bus go round and round …
Yes folks, that wondrous time of year is here again, with Bob Crow and his merry men once again set to wreak havoc in one of the
Continue reading →The Chief Sky Fairy formerly known as McGod…….
This morning McGod will arrive to perform her teaching duties at the Scottish Episcopal Church in a neat pleated skirt, high heeled shoes, and an immaculate white lace blouse. It will come as a
Continue reading →Liddle Dick Syndrome.
In a crowded field of insecure journalists who denigrate bloggers whilst avidly devouring every word we write – and frequently repeating them unattributed – Rod Liddle stands head and shoulders above every last man, woman
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Cyclical Smoke Rings.
I have been reading a long out-of-print (1914) book by George Apperson on the history of smoking. I had not appreciated before how cyclical was the promotion and suppression of smoking.
Apperson’s book is not the
Continue reading →Media whoring
While I don’t make a “twat” of myself, I am partial to following the ebb and flow of opinion as it is delivered on twitter. And it seems to me that an old story has been re-awakened and is causing
Continue reading →Wikio General Blog Ranking Preview – General Ranking Preview – September 2010
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The denormalization of smokers continuesIn a stunning display of petty vindictiveness, the screws are being tightened once again on that blight of humanity known as smokers:
Collateral damage.
Mullah Mulla on the Dole……
Salim Mulla claims that he has not been able to take gainful employment since April Fool’s Day 1998 – the day Continue reading →Is William Hague a Secret Fruitarian?The Foreign Secretary is keen to be seen as an unaccompanied man tucking into meat with gusto, but has been forced to take the extraordinary step of issuing a statement about his alleged clandestine fruit Continue reading →The awkward squad?My parents are, like me and so many of my Sisters here at THE CONVENT, most mild of manner and demeanour. But unlike me they are in their eighties, though in blessed good health. Continue reading →Savez-vous que vous parlez très mal français?Philip Salter at the Adam Smith Institute laments the lack of French taught in schools, and attributes this to schools preferring Continue reading →Student Grant-ed Millions.iDave’s new baby….It’ll keep you awake at night Dave, It’ll make never ending unreasonable demands, In years to come when you want its support, it’ll announce that it has to go off and ‘find itself”, You’ll spend years clearing up the mess it makes, It Continue reading →The ‘infallible’ sniffer dogs….Cadaver dogs perform a grim but essential task – locating the presence of human remains, even minute particles of human remains. In America, the cadaver dogs first achieved national recognition in the aftermath of 9/11, Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.In praise of real women.Spare a thought for Mrs Blunt today, and the little Blunts. Whatever she feels like, whatever she really thinks, despite the public utterances to friends and family, despite the carefully chosen expression, she starts today firmly in a closet Continue reading →A great day for British libertyToday is a great day for British liberty, values and traditions. Today should have been marked by a protest march by the increasingly blatantly bigoted “English Defence League” and a counter-protest by the always blatantly violent, Continue reading →Loose connections.The Daily Telegraph’s xenophobia continues unabated.
Links and Blogrolls and Rankings and all that.As the results start to trickle out of the Total Politics rankings for 2010, the inevitable carping and whining commences as to how unfair it is that the ‘same people’ always appear at the top, how it is an Continue reading →Con-Dem partnerships can be tricky……Coalition partners resort to violence. Liberal-Democrat councillor Christine James has been charged with assault and will appear in Weymouth Magistrate’s Court on September 9th. Feeling are running high amongst the tribal ground force. Passions inflamed Continue reading →The Righteous target the Internet.Don’t put your daughter in the nursery Mr Cameron…..I have been chewing on the rump of Ed Balls’ Frankfurtian neo-Marxist ‘interdisciplinary social theory’ empire overnight. I don’t recommend it – tough, chewy, and humourless. I fell down a rabbit hole marked Quango Central, and it Continue reading →A rape by any other name……We have had some cracking redefinitions of the infamous crime of Rape recently. These cases may be increasing the Police rate of detection of a crime where it can be notoriously difficult to find the perpetrator, but they will Continue reading →315 degrees CelsiusI have been to some very hot places in my life. The absolute hottest was a flying visit to Kuwait City shortly after the first Desert Storm. There Continue reading →Willetts Woolly Waffle.Much-Slagging-In-The-Media is a curious village. It has a language of its own, words such as ‘poverty’, ‘discriminated’, and ‘progressive’ which have a meaning unsuspected in the real world outside the village boundary. It has Continue reading → |