Quite a lot, if it’s your good name that we’re talking about.
Not so much, I suspect, if it’s the name of someone you’ve never met, and are never likely to meet; some wealthy git,
Continue reading →Quite a lot, if it’s your good name that we’re talking about.
Not so much, I suspect, if it’s the name of someone you’ve never met, and are never likely to meet; some wealthy git,
Continue reading →Near 20 years ago, Jesper Juul, a Danish psychologist, wrote a book which electrified the world of social workers, teachers, and child advocates. It was called ‘Your Competent Child‘ – half a million copies
Continue reading →Since the days of Edward the Confessor, our justice system has tempered the right of the Monarch to do whatever he would with we serfs, by reference to the tenets of Christianity by way of moral compass.
Continue reading →After an exhausting few weeks attending to every snap of the fingers from the ever petulant and demanding Ms Raccoon, Mr G thought he had left me in Bordeaux with a staff of several dozen to attend
Continue reading →My first reaction on seeing this appeal was that it could well be yet another forgery – I know that many of you were of the same opinion. Such is the level of suspicion and paranoia that
Continue reading →As some of you have gathered by now, the Leiomyosarcoma cancer, or Leo as I call it, has returned. Bugger, Damn, Shit and Blast, from the woman who swore she would never swear on her blog, is all I
Continue reading →Restorative v. Retributive Justice is a debate as old as civilisation. Restorative Justice is possibly the most fashionable at the moment, in that it focuses on the needs of the victim – and offender. It is a
Continue reading →Another day, another CFA. Good Lord, another Russell, Jones and Walker client. How strange that they should all choose the same brief?
It is 1974, yet again, and yet again the claimant is 14(question mark). How
Continue reading →For those of us interested in actual truth, until today, we were still where we started; the only allegations which have seen the light of day – Continue reading →
A ‘CFA’ is a Conditional Fee Agreement – in plain English it is a type of insurance that will ensure you do not receive a bill for the time and effort expended by your legal team –
Continue reading →Wow! The confabulations that showed up in the original Duncroft allegations continue to unravel.
Freddie Starr is to sue Karin Ward for slander and malicious falsehood.
Karin Ward, or Kat Ward as she likes to
Continue reading →This is Guadeloupe. Pretty little place isn’t it? A Caribbean island located in the balmy Leeward Islands, in the Lesser Antilles. As December descends on those of us in the northern hemisphere, so the balmy
Such an interesting dance being performed up in the Scottish State Health Board! A regular Highland jiggery-pokery.
The Scottish State Health Board is in charge of the State Mental Hospital at Carstairs. They have the responsibility of
Continue reading →650 MPs, who have argued for 50 years as to whether they want to be in or out of the European Union, are badgering to be allowed to decide whether to be in out of Syria. They
Continue reading →Who knew that God was into politics? Was this the State secret that Edward Snowden was set to reveal?
The answer according to the Limp-Dems Pensions Minister, Steve Webb, is that God is a
Continue reading →Another day, another expensive inquiry into the ubiquitous ‘Savile allegations’. Operation Newgreen, the ‘Oh my God, someone’s making allegations that West Yorkshire Police were complicit in concealing Savile’s ‘offending’ – we’d better hold an Inquiry’ knicker waving
Continue reading →Multiple bottles of smelling salt being wafted around in the Blogosphere today. Purveyors of Free Speech dropping like Guardsmen on a hot August day. It would appear that the ‘well informed citizens’ of Blogland have just discovered
Continue reading →I can see this series getting ever longer – and I am sure you will be glad to add to it.
The last time I worked out the value of One Drone – the amount the
Continue reading →One of the attractions of southern france for tourists are the marchés nocturnes. Not so much a market as a communal dinning experience. Local traders drive their mobile kitchens to their nearest market square, the Mairie provides long
Continue reading →Seven words jumped out near the start of the second chapter of this book. ‘But the truth had to emerge eventually’ – fifteen chapters later the truth had still not put in an appearance.
I’m glad I
Continue reading →Blimey! You folk have really pi**ed off the authoritarian voice of social services. Congratulations – it does my heart good to see what a difference your voices made.
I was aware before that helping you make
Continue reading →The military is a curious mixture of cultures. On the one hand it provides stable employment, a regular wage, job security for a set number of years, training in a useful skill and a reliable pension –
Continue reading →In America, many years ago, I came to the opinion that there was only one script for TV producers. ‘Young black guy’s fears/predictions/solution are put down by (preferably fat) and arrogant white Boss, but is later proved
Continue reading →We’ve been here before. Confident young woman makes a name for herself in the nightclub scene. Is thrilled to bits when a relative stranger offers her and her friend expensive plane tickets to an unlikely holiday destination
Continue reading →A long read from Adam Curtis – the second section on the Daily Mail of 1906 and fabricated stories will strike a chord with many of you……
It sounds grand doesn’t it? Britain sending a gun boat to sort out those pesky Spanish? Actually an aircraft carrier, HMS Illustrious – pity she doesn’t have any aircraft any more, what with the Harriers having bit
Continue reading →The keening and wailing from the feministas yesterday after prosecutor Robert Colover performed his duty as an official of the court and disclosed evidence which ‘suggests an explanation or partial explanation of the accused’s actions’ was ear
Continue reading →