What a Starr! – Freddie Starr.

Wow! The confabulations that showed up in the original Duncroft allegations continue to unravel.
Freddie Starr is to sue Karin Ward for slander and malicious falsehood.
Karin Ward, or Kat Ward as she likes to be known, was the ex-Duncroft girl, now middle aged and suffering from serious cancer, who fell in with a group of Duncroft girls who had been trying to spin the tale of ‘Jimmy Savile – paedophile’ for years.
Too frightened of getting sued themselves, they declined to sign an affidavit for the Mirror that the tale they told was true; they declined to, or couldn’t, offer the police any verifiable evidence against Mr Savile when the police went to the trouble of tracing all their class mates from the 1970s and could not find any who could corroborate their tale – but they did have success when Karin Ward went onto Friends Reunited asking for help jogging her failing memory of her days at Duncroft for the latest ‘Miseri-lit’ on-line book she was writing.
Her original book made no claims of sexual abuse against Jimmy Savile, but by the time her new found ‘friends’ had helped to jog her memory, she had been persuaded/persuaded herself that, amongst other claims, not only Jimmy Savile but Freddie Starr had committed sexual offences against her. She had also been introduced to Miss Jones’ nephew, a BBC producer who would be only too happy to use her on screen to bolster his story ‘that any journalist would have wanted’ that his Aunt ran a children’s home where paedophiles were free to prey on children.
The fact that, at that time, Karin was in the middle of chemotherapy, and had had major bowel surgery mattered not a jot to ambitious journalists. Jimmy Savile had died, and they could get this fantastic tale ‘out’, libel free. They said, in response to the Pollard report, that they had known of his ‘danger to children’ months beforehand, but been too tied up with pressure of work and annual holidays to do anything about it – however, now that he had died and was no longer able to sue for defamation, they could drop everything, bring Miss Ward into studio – nothing was more important to them!
When BBC producers demanded proof of veracity, like a copy of the letter that one of the merry band of Duncroftians was gaily telling everyone who would listen to her that she had, stating that the only reason Savile had not been prosecuted was because he was ‘too old and frail’ – a letter which later proved to be a cheap forgery – Meirion Jones had a hissy fit, and ‘somehow’ the story was leaked to Miles Goslett on The Oldie magazine that Meirion’s film had been suppressed in some sort of conspiracy to protect Savile’s – and the BBC’s – reputation.
Mark Williams-Thomas, the publicity hungry Chewing GumShoe who had continued to hone his investigative skills on the mean streets of Westminster – plucking chewing gum from the side walk, had taken the information he gleaned from being a £500 researcher on Meirion’s programme, and the contact he had with the FriendsReunited group, over to ITV. There, the tale was resurrected as the infamous ‘Exposure’ programme.
On the day of the Exposure programme broadcast, Karin’s book was re-released, now containing serious allegations against ‘JS’, and has made a lot of sales following the media fest that the Savile ‘revelations’ set off in the post-Leveson media.
I have always had sympathy with Karin, perhaps misplaced, but to me she was the first victim of an unholy alliance between a journalist who wanted to put out a derogatory programme about his aunt and her life’s work, an unwarrantedly ambitious ex-plod who billed himself as a ‘child protection expert’, and a group of bitter middle aged women who loathed the BBC. If any one of them had actually cared about the protection of children they would have reported their concerns, anonymously if necessary, to the authorities whilst Mr Savile was alive.
Karin had an unhappy past, a fractured family, no money – and at the time – no future. She can have had no inkling of the acres of misery she was unleashing on hundreds of innocent individuals as a result of her decision to include the infamous ‘Savile allegations’ in her latest book. However much I understand the state of mind she was in at the time, anxious to leave some money for her family, feeling bitter against the hand life had dealt her – she did make those allegations, and now she will have to prove, if possible, the truth of them – or give Freddie Starr the money from her book.
I salute Freddie Starr, for the landscape is full of ex-celebrities who have been too frightened to speak out following the Exposure programme – I know, I have had e-mails from many of them, applauding my attempts to get to the bottom of it – but always prefaced ‘this is in confidence, please don’t mention my name’. Many of them have been on police bail since shortly after the programme was transmitted. Unable to have unsupervised contact with even their own children, never mind anyone else’s. Their lives ruined, reputations besmirched, by the very public nature of the witch hunt. Others worked at the BBC with Savile, or other odious individuals who have chosen to jump on the bandwagon. I have spent many hours listening to tales of woe on the telephone from people who do not know which way to turn after the bandwagon has rolled over them.
I never wanted to turn my happy little political blog into ‘anti-witchunt central’ with continual articles detailing the latest travesty of justice – but it happened, and I apologise to those of you who have found it uncomfortable reading. As it happens – perfect timing – I have two major articles coming out tomorrow and Tuesday detailing the changing nature of the Duncroft stories as they gear up for the High Court to take what they can from Help the Heroes and other charities that Savile left his money to – morphing from ‘I’ll tell you a story so long as you promise not to name me’ into ‘he’s dead now, so for ‘x’ pounds I’ll tell you an even better story’ right through to the latest version – ‘I’ve got a great free lawyer and I can sue for some of his millions, so here’s how I say it was now‘…..I was in the middle of putting the finishing touches to those articles when the Starr bombshell arrived.
So congratulations Freddie. You are a Starr – and a brave man. For all my sympathy for Karin, for all my sympathy for your ex-colleagues who are too frightened to speak out for fear they will be next – I admire you. You have the courage of your convictions. You haven’t allowed yourself to be cowed by the threat that it may make the police try harder to ‘nail’ you; you haven’t let the depression of your curtailed contact with your own children get to you; you have your new young wife standing by you – and you are taking the fight right back to where it belongs.
You must know that Karin’s lawyers will be portraying her as a pitiful vulnerable creature, and you as a bully for trying to clear your name. You must know that she will probably get financial help whereas you must dig deep in your pocket. You could have kept quiet until you found out whether you were to be charged or not. You could have stood with the multitude too frightened to speak out. But that is not your style is it? You go ahead and fight for your reputation – others will stand on your shoulders with gratitude. You know I will do whatever I can to help you.
Besides which you have really pi**ed off that odious little toad, Chewing GumShoe. See, it messes up his whole media career, having people like you saying ‘right, prove it’!
September 2, 2013 at 23:46
Margaret Jones said that she only wished that Meirion had come to her when
he was in the planning stage of the show, so that she could advise him of the
‘vulnerable’ state of some of the Duncroft girls he was believing/exploiting.
Of course, that would have spoiled the scheme entirely, but Margaret Jones was
experienced in the field of ‘vulnerability,’ and who would want to actually
listen to the opinion of an expert in the field? No, let’s listen to Mark WT
instead, because he is a ‘child protection expert.’ Ugh.
September 3, 2013 at 01:05
Yes vulnerable is an interesting word. If you look in the dictionaries,
it says something like someone who is easily injured physically or
When I left the UK and went to the US in 1980 I noticed that on the soap
operas they would say things like Vicky is still vulnerable to Victor
meaning that an ex-wife is still sufficiently attracted to her ex-husband to
marry him yet again, an essential plot component!
But I dug a bit deeper and found this definition from the UK that the
dictionaries seem to have completely missed.
Definition of a vulnerable adult:
A vulnerable adult is someone
aged 18 or over:
Who is, or may be, in need of community services due to
age, illness or a mental or physical disability
Who is, or may be, unable
to take care of himself/herself, or unable to protect himself/herself
against significant harm or exploitation.
[Definition from the Department of Health 2002)]
So actually the term HAS been officially designated to mean a psychiatric
patient, and obviously Margaret Jones, in spite of her advanced years, is up
with the current jargon.
September 3, 2013 at 01:21
Margaret Jones was a teensy bit more blunt in her assessment! At that
point in time she was beyond angry with it all. I think she makes that
comment in the Sunday Mail piece with Russell Myers.
Margaret Jones and all her staff were given retirement in 1980 by
Barnardo’s. Margaret was there from 1959 on, and Ruth Cole and Bridey
Keenan for longer than that.
Anna has mentioned psychiatrists – and yes, Dr. Pamela Mason was the
supervising psychiatrist for about as long as Margaret Jones. I saw her
only once, but on reviewing my file, she was very active behind the
scenes, in ways that I didn’t know until I got the paperwork back from
There were some troubled girls there when I was there, but my recall is
that they were treated pretty well by the staff. Some of the girls were
not so kind, but that’s how teenage girls are, unfortunately. Karin, I
think, talks about being beaten up on her first night there – sounds a
little extreme to me. I got an apple-pie bed, simply got up and remade the
bed under the watchful eyes of my dorm mates, and went to sleep. No
further problems from my fellow pupils, and certainly no suspicious disk
jockeys creeping the halls!
September 2, 2013 at 23:33
Yes, he was right, but anybody with a computer who knew how to use Google
could have determined in less than an hour that Messham was not in any sense a
reliable witness. I did. This was a guy who, if I remember correctly,
physically attacked a barrister at the Waterhouse enquiry when he was under
cross examination and took an overdose in the witness box at a defamation
trial involving the Daily Mirror when his testimony was challenged.
The fact that the broadcast that got the BBC into so much trouble was put
out at all is an indicator of the total panic that the upper echelon of the
BBC seems to have fallen into over the Savile allegations. Clearly the new
Director General of the BBC, Mr. Entwistle, was completely unprepared for a
high level executive position and had no idea whatsoever how to get a handle
on the situation.
The problem is, when you are dealing with sex, especially allegations of
paedophilia and rape, very few people have the professional background and
experience to deal with these matters impartially, partly because sex is a
subject that many people are uncomfortable talking about, and partly for fear
of being seen to sympathize with paedophiles and not sufficiently with
Entwistle should probably have called an emergency meeting of his top
managers and risk management team, and then decided to put together a special
professional team comprising, perhaps, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and an
lawyer, and an investigator, each with specialist experience in the field of
sex offending, to review all programs to be put out in the future containing
allegations of paedophilia, etc. and assess the probability of the allegations
being true and any legal consequences.
Why should this not just be left to journalists and editors to make a
judgment? Because it takes years and years of experience of assessing evidence
and testimony in sex offending cases, mentally and psychologically evaluating
offenders and so on to understand the rails on which their thinking tends to
run, the scientific literature of sex offending, and the kinds of tricks and
devices that convicted criminals, prisoners, and scamsters can get up to that
simply would not occur to the average journalist who don’t have experience of
working with a sexually deviant population. For professionals who work in the
field, it is simply all in a day’s work, and not likely to be a cause of
personal emotional involvement.
This will sound like a very mean thing to say, but witnesses and allegators
are often described in the press as “vulnerable”, but I wonder if “vulnerable”
is not now a politically correct euphemism for what used to be called a
“mental patient” or “ex-mental patient”. If that is the case, while it may be
more polite and respectful to the person concerned not to define them by their
mental illness, it may also be misleading to the wider reading public that
does not read between the lines.
September 2, 2013 at 20:39
“I never wanted to turn my happy little political blog into
‘anti-witchunt central’…”
Wanted to or not… thank goodness you did. Not only have you been terribly
brave in telling your own story but you’ve enabled other’s to tell theirs. I
sincerely hope you’re keeping your notes because once this sordid business has
concluded – as it surely one day will – you should publish the lot as a book –
or allow someone else to compile one for you?
September 2, 2013 at 22:09
I wonder what Richard Webster would have made of the Savile affair: his
writings from the late nineties (yes, over ten years ago) showed Lord
McAlpine’s accuser was not altogether terribly reliable. He argued in The
Secret of Bryn Estyn a few years ago that we could well be entering a sort
of witch panic about paedophiles. I think he was right. I’m sad he isn’t
alive to comment on this madness.
September 2, 2013 at 18:47
September 2, 2013 at 19:02
It doesn’t work Chris !
September 2, 2013 at 21:15
Now, HOW did I know it was going to be that one – cheers Chris you always
make me laff out loud
September 2, 2013 at 18:29
I have absolutely no sympathy for Karin Ward at all. I cannot accept that
Karin Ward has been led on and encouraged by having her memory refreshed by
the other girls from Duncroft. This isn’t a matter of gilding the lily, or
little white lies. This is a matter of potentially ruining a man’s life, make
no mistake, his whole life. A man who, has worked from a very young age and
has supported himself and his family. There are thousands of women who suffer
from a life threatening illness and who have had the most miserable start in
life, but this doesn’t give them cart blanche to step all over others. If it
is found that Karin Ward has lied then she should make recompense in the way
that the court deems appropriate. I would go as far as to say she should be
arrested after the case by the police. Everyone with the lowest level of
arithmetic know that Karin Ward was 16 at the time of her allegations, and of
course the media are aware of this but they just don’t want to print it
because it would blow a hole in there little paedophile theory.
Starr has been adamant all along that the allegations against him are
spurious. I salute him for standing up to the bullies and to finally clear his
good name.
September 2, 2013 at 18:36
Well, she might well end up arrested if she’s daft enough
to let MW-T ‘advise’ her at this point. They could both end up on conspiracy
September 2, 2013 at 18:40
Aye – and then we could all “clunk” the prison door and “click” the key
September 2, 2013 at
Well, making false claims for the express purpose of making money
constitutes fraud, imo. Have to leave that up to CPS to follow-up on.
And then we can do as rabbit says, clunk, click and that fixed it.
September 2, 2013 at 20:36
@Sally@ That’s a lot of fraud cases to hear.
September 2, 2013 at 18:24
This MSM is not as simple as we’d like. Countless journalists may very well
be itching to write about the ‘exposing’ of some of the outed liars and
tricksters in this saga. They may be as eager as anything to pose questions
about Mark Williams-Thomas; Yewtree; the group of ex Duncroft women – they
know it would be big and would sell their papers. So too do their editors and
the newspaper execs. But theres a problem. Exposing bits of the whole can only
be done in a quiet, low key way. For after all, what about ‘all those genuine
victims’! No media organisation can afford to be seen to question the
credentials of ‘those who must be believed’ and become, itself, labelled and
decried as a ‘nonce supporter’. They will do bits at a time, if the ground
seems sure enough. But they won’t get robust until the bits start merging and
making a picture that can no longer be ignored.
September 2, 2013 at 18:03
They’re going to change their tune on that flim-flam artist Williams-Thomas
next. Karin Ward needs to come clean that she was being manipulated and
coached and, dare I say it. groomed by those two lovelies, Jones and MWT –
probably did her rewrite under their guidance as well. Of course, she’s a weak
reed to begin with, but that’s what predators look for, isn’t it Mark? He has
a lot to answer for.
September 2, 2013 at 18:06
The ‘weak reed’ will be the straw that breaks the camels back methinks
September 2, 2013 at 17:25
They weren’t saying “Alleged” six months ago.
September 2, 2013 at 17:49
September 2, 2013 at 17:11
I really think that SamB, Julia M, rabbitaway and others are right…the MSM
is beginning to wake up and smell the libel suit. Just heard Radio 4 PM prog’s
report of the Le Vell case and they went out of their usual journalistical way
to intone/clearly pronounce the phrase: ‘ALLEGED Victim’.
September 2, 2013 at 17:17
Yep, “alleged”, “alleged”, “alleged” (i’m still listening)
September 2, 2013 at
Apparently Terry Duckworth is now in journalism – and has has done Le
Webster a lot of favours by giving him favourable coverage, aided by his
supoortive Corrie colleagues.
It is very noticeable though, how the Murdoch press – and their ally
Mark Hubba-Bubba – have really turned on Coronation Street in recent
months. I suspect the loyalty the cast and production team have shown “the
accused” has made The Paedofinder General sharpen his axes and knives.
September 3, 2013 at 00:24
@Chris Retro
Viva Las Vegas!! ….
September 3, 2013 at
I remember Neville Buswell as the young Ray Langton on Coronation
Street and he was certainly regarded as “fanciable” by my female
contemporaries at university in the very early 70′s. (Does anyone use
that term any more? I haven’t heard it in decades.) Again, like Roache
he would have had all the female company he ever wanted and then
September 6, 2013 at 22:11
Fred also the alltime best impersonator of Rock-God GOOD PEDO Presley
Don’t mess with Scousers.
September 6, 2013 at
Dim Wit.
Very catchy. Would like it to come to fruition one
Yes, picking on a scouser is probably not wise.
September 2, 2013 at 18:30
@The Blocked Dwarf
But have you heard the snippets from today in
court? ‘Someone’ sounds as though they are reading from a rejected film
script. I think we can tell why the original CPS decision was not to
proceed. I gather its Alison Levitt, she of the ‘Ornament’ report, who
reviewed it and decided to proceed after all.
September 2, 2013 at 20:14
I heard on TV that the girl only made her accusations after she had
been to a ‘workshop’ why doesn’t that surprise me? ‘recovered memories’
anyone? you would think past experience would have made anyone have doubts
about them. I suspect that is why it was dropped the first time.
September 2, 2013 at
It will certainly be interesting what comes from the trial. If this
accusation truly has come from recovered memory therapy, I will feel like
screaming. This report suggests there is no medical evidence:
September 2, 2013 at 22:13
@Carol and @Duncan
‘Recovered memory workshop’ might be true. I had read that she went
to a ‘conference’ in London with her mother, and it was there that she
told the mother what had allegedly happened. I did wonder what sort of
conference this might be. I’m expecting less and less reporting to be
allowed as the trial progresses, in order to make the identities of
mother and daughter be less evident.
As you said, Duncan, the
physical examination didn’t support the rape allegation (though the
prosecution glibly state that this isn’t important).
September 2, 2013 at 23:07
As I heard it she did go to some conference with her mother and
there was some workshop where people tried to help you come to terms
with things you felt were holding you back in life. I think it said
the girl went to that but without her mother and after that told her.
It sounds a bit suspicious to me, especially the teddy bear bit which
sounds like the sort of thing I have read in other reports. I could
make up a very convincing story if I tried and it would be hard to
disprove it. I must listen more carefully if there is any more about
that report or it may be in the press.
September 2, 2013 at 17:01
Anna R is being kind about K.Ward but my view is she is a nasty and
dangerous piece of goods.
I’ve known any number of drug affected people in
my life. or sickness raddled and chaotic as they are/were, none set out to
deliberately harm people as Ward has done.
If, even if her allegations were true, why destroy a 70 year old’s life and
family over a case of wandering hands?. And i speak as one who was nearly
murdered by 3 people 35 years ago but I never sought a penny in compensation
and the perpetuators were jailed over other matters
as for MWT, his career demise will come soon enough.
September 2, 2013 at 15:00
Blimey, ‘news from Leeds’ has retweeted me ….. is this good or bad news
September 2, 2013 at 14:36
Is it any longer possible to be unbiased about this whole ghastly mess? But
then that is probably the point. No one is going to get a Fair Trial. No one
can be asked if they are totally unaware of what has been said about whom. The
Internet has well taken care of that. And everybody has an opinion.
No good
asking me to sit on a Jury. I know what I think, logical as I am. I don’t
actually know if any of them are guilty. I just know that lies have been told
about supposedly innocent people. Including dead ones. So there is no way in
which I am ever likely to convict any of them.
Our Judicial System relies
on Innocent Until Proven Guilty. But in the minds of some people, they already
have been, mainly by The Media.
The whole thing is a fucking disgrace.
September 2, 2013 at 14:59
Rabbit Away @rabbitaway 32m
@FACTukorg @AnnaRaccoon2010 JUSTICE FOR JIMMY SAVILE – Jimmy’s supporters
will meet in Roundhay Park in Leeds October 29th 1pm pass it on !
Rabbit Away @rabbitaway 39m
Enough of trial by media – see the comments here – the tables are turning
faster than at an Edwardian seance http://uk.news.yahoo.com/michael-le-vell-court-sex-abuse-trial-081952310.html#X7y0EEy
September 2, 2013 at 17:11
@ Our Judicial System relies on Innocent Until Proven Guilty. But in the
minds of some people, they already have been, mainly by The Media. @
think you’ll find that the only reason the Media took the line they did was
because of the encouragement of the CPS and police via ACPO. If you recall,
Savile’s final auction took place in July/August 2102 in an atmosphere of
benign amusement as his last chattels went under the hammer. All this stuff
about him about him had been in the works since October 2012 and in the
press since February 2013. Barely one month later he was the worst sex
offender in the history of the UK according to the most inept and mentally
corrupt “police investigatioon” in the history of a nation once rightly
proud of it’s jurisprudence.
I even fancy that with the hand of the law on the windpipes of
journalists after Leveson (nearly 60 on endless bail just like the
paedo-celebs) that the Media were gently forced into the approach they took.
That’s not to say they didn’t enjoy the warm blood too, but I think you’re
barking up the wrong tree blaming the MSM, except in the sense that they
became the hunting dogs for a “politically” engineered legal establishment.
Anyone with a voice who was heard to “challenge”, like Jim Davidson was
immediately victimised, and let’s not forget that Starr is still on bail and
remains the butt of police/CPS action about further “recovered memories” we
know nothing about even. At least Karin Ward’s were open to proper
investigation by virtue of the press publicity.
September 2, 2013 at 13:58
Big belly laughs, love you Ms Raccoon………….
PS please re-arrange the following words………. BREATH, BAITED, WAITING, WITH
September 2, 2013 at 13:33
Found this on Moor’s
“The Broadmoor review is one of many set up following Savile expose. It’s
made up of people appointed – who are not police or social workers.”
Errrrr is it me? or is he avin a laff!!!???!!!
September 2, 2013 at 12:18
I see Ken Barlow has now got his trial date for January and is pleading not
According to the Daily Mail:
When he was initially charged, Roache said he was ‘astounded and deeply
horrified’ by the accusations and vowed to ‘strenuously deny’ the
Well that looks like an automatic doubling of the sentence right there if
he plea bargains guilty for a reduced sentence, so not much alternative but to
plead not guilty and soldier on. Why a known Lothario at the height of his
fame in the late 60′s, a nationally known star welcome in almost every home in
the nation, would have become a kiddy fiddler for a few years remains to be
seen. The prosecution must think it has some pretty powerful evidence to bring
a case at this late date.
September 2, 2013 at 12:16
Cheers Anna.
September 2, 2013 at 11:38
William Roache has pleaded not guilty today – his ‘trial’ starts January
2014 so he’s still on bail – bless him !
September 2, 2013 at 17:58
I think that court bail is different to police bail in that there must be
a court date etc, I hear the police can keep someone on bail indefinitely
and that doesn’t seem right to me. As far as the Savile stuff go’s it seems
that a number of men have been nabbed, put on police bail while the police
investigate any claims, when I feel the investigation should come first.
Surely there should be a limit on how long police bail should continue. I
seem to remember that Freddie Starr was arrested last November! How long
does it take to investigate this fairy story?
September 2, 2013 at 11:25
Thank you Elena – I see that the Mail says the FS allegation was made on
ITV news, which surely means that they will be joined as defendants.
September 2, 2013 at 10:41
I know that you didn’t want this to become a “Jimmy Savile, Paedophile
Blog”, Anna. But it now has a life of it’s own, and has to be followed through
to the bitter end. And I knew exactly where to come when I read The Mail this
As it happens, I have forgotten a lot of the actual details that
prove that some of these girls are lying. I only remember that they exist.
Which is quite enough for me.
Personally, I am totally incapable of
becoming hysterical about bum groping. Show me a woman who hasn’t had her bum
groped, might be more to the point.
But to be accused of Paedophilia is in
my opinion, considerably worse than a bit of groping, if in fact it happened
at all.
Well done you for sticking in there. And well done Freddie
I can hardly wait for your next two Blogs. Karin Ward? Trying to feel sorry
for her. Finding it hard work.
September 2, 2013 at 10:59
September 2, 2013 at 09:26
It worries me that if the cases of historical abuse collapse, the police
will doubtless find “child pornography” on the various accused computers, and
run with that instead. Then all the tabloid readers can wallow in confirmation
bias, saying they always knew the accused were wrong’uns all along. Why else
would police seize computers and material for an offence that occured before
personal computers were commonplace?
As our landlady has pointed out at other times, fully clothed pictures of
under-18s can meet the requirements of the witch-finders nowadays.
I hope I’m wrong.
September 2, 2013 at 10:54
Computers and phone serve a dual purpose for “investigations” – which
involve reading all emails and texts, and contacting everyone they can via
email and telephone, asking them if they have anything that they wish to
“mention” about the accused.
September 2, 2013 at 12:05
Errmm… no.
It’s nowhere near that subtle. It’s more like ‘reading out the
accusations others have made, verbatim, and asking them if that happened
to them, and by the way I know this solicitor who will help you get money
for your suffering.
Probably the media does the job of the emails/texts. The main purpose
is to trawl the internet cache for pictures that can be classified as
child pornography.
September 2, 2013 at 11:48
I doubt it. I notice Rolf Harris has been charged with having such stuff.
I might be wrong but I’d be amazed if it is what the majority of the
population would call ‘pornography’.
Much of the Sun’s Page 3 archive would classify as such. Wasn’t it the
Sun that used to count girls down to their 16th birthday so they could
appear topless ?
Good luck to Freddie Starr.
September 2, 2013 at 13:05
Read Dave Jones’s autobiography ‘No Smoke, No Fire’ about his ordeal when
he was charged with bullshit historic offences.
September 2, 2013 at 01:47
None of it happened. Yes, she was probably 16.
I have communications from Duncroft girls of the era that take exception to
Karin’s version of events, that point out that they shared a dormitory with
Karin and she told them nothing, that they personally went to the BBC and
didn’t witness any interaction with anyone in any dressing room, and correctly
note that if such an event had occurred, it would have been all over the
school like a malignant virus.
September 2, 2013 at 01:31
According to another website MWT was Marketing Director of Gumfighters from
28 Sep 2001 to 31 Oct 2002.
In January 2002 as a ‘journalist’ he had a meeting to put allegations to
the Chief Executive of a funeral company, this somehow led to MWT being
charged & sent to trial for blackmail of which he was cleared. Then there
was the claim about ‘Facebook’ but it was nothing to do with MWT. Two quite
serious misunderstandings involving MWT.
Re Karin Ward, she had made allegations about an FS in her electronic book,
the version Merion Jones read is contained in an email sent by Jones during
the Newsnight investigation. Shortly after the Exposure programme Karin was
interviewed by ITV in which she made allegations about Freddie Starr, few days
later that entire section was missing from the ITV News website. What no one
at the BBC, ITV or press seems to have done is simple maths. If as reported
Karin is 55 then in 1974 she would have been 16 rather than 14.
One thing I do not understand is the crowded dressing where Jimmy Savile
had a female on his knee while Gary Glitter was having sex with a girl who she
knew was from Duncroft but didn’t know her name, described everyone was
laughing. The ‘packed’ room with youngsters present seems odd to me, and not
one was outraged of gossiped about the incident? There were other Duncroft
girls present, did they not come forward and support Karin’s account?
As for the fake letter, if the researcher for Newsnight is correct, how
could a number of women have claimed to have received a letter that does not
exist, unless they were sent the forgery by someone or conspired to say they
September 2, 2013 at 01:45
Newsnight was of course correct to withdraw the programme when the
‘evidence’ could not be substantiated but for some reason instead of arguing
their case they folded. All they had to say was what they had been told
about the letter from the police was untrue and a forgery then I think it
would all have gone away and many people’s lives would not have been ruined
by an ambitious charletan, vulnerable women and compensation seekers and the
dead Jummy Savile would not have been found ‘guilty’ without any actual
evidence being produced. This has to be the most hysterical and distasteful
event since the equally spurious ‘satanic abuse’ stories.
September 2, 2013 at 01:50
Paging Shakespeare and Arthur Miller, carol42. Vaulting ambition.
September 2, 2013 at 01:25
One kind favor I ask of those who are tweeting, or find something
interesting on twitter, can you post the link(s) here?
Does anyone know when the first hearing is set for Starr v. Ward, et al? Or
do you think it might settle out of court? Of course Ward has no money to pay
damages, but I think a public apology might be good. And then, the real book,
in which Karin explains how she was manipulated by Meirion, MWT, “Fiona” and
other parties determined to exploit her for their own ends, which seems to
have been the story of her life.
September 2, 2013 at 01:36
I will buy that book if it is ever published!
September 2, 2013 at 02:24
I’d buy it if Karin was hooked to a lie detector while writing it. I
was regretting the death of Sir David Frost today. How he would have liked
to munch on this one!
Along with other benefits that the Starr litigation might effect,
return to an honest/free press would be nice. Mucho gracias to bloggers
like Anna and Moor, who took the ball and ran with it.
September 2, 2013 at 01:11
Anna, a well written piece…this has been a travesty to the justice system
from the very beginning and Starr has always maintained his innocence. He has
been the only celeb dragged into operation yewtree that has stood up and
called for an investigation from the very beginning. MWT is like you said an
“odious little toad” and has dragged his 15 minutes of fame as far as it can
reach. Hopefully this will be the catalyst that will encourage others to speak
out against this witch hunt and finally allow the public to see the truth
behind the mass hysteria that was fuelled by the media. No doubt all those
that have profited from this mass fear and hysteria will speak out in
condemnation but my message to Freddie Starr is well done, never give up the
fight and bring the house of cards tumbling down!!!
September 1, 2013 at 23:23
Good luck to Freddie Starr. I hope this is the first step in the right
September 1, 2013 at 20:25
Yes, he actually was pretty good looking back then, wasn’t he.
Comedians have never been ‘my thing’ so I didn’t pay him much attention, other
than to notice that he looked ok. I’ve just been casting my eye over his
twitter feed, and noticed several things. For one thing, he used to be perhaps
the most prolific twitterer I’ve ever seen – hundreds of tweets per day, and
really genuinely ‘inter-acting’ ones too, none of this re-tweeting of fan
mail. He also obviously hated those who hurt children – he decried horrible
reported cases of harm, long before it became fashionable. Seemed to be very
pally with Philip Schofield as well.
Sadly he had slowed down his tweeting
just before this all arose, due to illness and depression – which this can
only have exacerbated, and then nothing but one solitary New Year’s Eve tweet,
wishing everyone well.
Seems like a pretty nice bloke, all in all, and I
wish him every success in clearing his name, quite apart from the wider good
that ought to result.
September 1, 2013 at 20:07
I don’t think any of the staff were accused of going that far. Margaret
Jones has stated that she only went once to London, her purpose being to see
what sort of environment it was. Don’t think she ever accompanied any of the
girls though, as that would not have been her idea of an enjoyable afternoon.
Janet Theobald certainly escorted girls in the van – and no girl went more
than twice, according to a reliable source. The girls were never left
unsupervised and there was no hanging around, as Margaret put it, it was a
quick turnaround – up and back. Any stories from the BBC via Duncroft are
piffle, and I’m very glad that Freddie is doing the right thing here. Someone
needs to jump in front of this runaway crazy train.
September 1, 2013 at 20:04
I thought he was innocent from the start of this whole charade – and her
allegation was pathetic anyway it’s something thats happend to everyone,
though usually not by a handsome tv personality like Freddie was, more’s the
I think her story, like her other stories, is made up, and she was 16 on
that show NOT ’14′.
September 1, 2013 at 19:58
I believe Margaret Jones would also have a case for libel. Was she not
supposedly present in JS’s dressing room while girls were being raped?
September 1, 2013 at 19:27
Try reading the amazon reviews for her first book published on kindle in
March 2012 …….. the first and ONLY ref to Jimmy pre October 3rd 2012 is on
14/6/2012 read this
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
Memories, 14 Jun 2012
Angielee – See all my reviews
This review is
from: KERI: the SHOCKING true story of a child abused (child abuse true
stories) (Kindle Edition)
I found this book by accident, whilst searching
for photos of Duncroft on the internet. Particularly poignant for me as I also
lived in Duncroft and Norman Lodge. Well written and brought back so many
memories. (we must have missed each other by 2 years Keri)
described, despite the medication memory loss. The celeb stories are correct
and I still own photos of JS and his visits in his Rolls royce with the Radio
1 number plates.
A sad but true story. Well done for writing it! X X
Then nowt til Oct 3rd (night exposure aired)
1 of 5 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars
Jimmy Savile, 3 Oct 2012
Pen Name – See all my reviews
This review
is from: KERI: the SHOCKING true story of a child abused (child abuse true
stories) (Kindle Edition)
Does anyone recall Kat mentioning Jimmy Savile in
this book? I read it about 6 months ago and don’t remember.
I’ve got up to Feb 2013 and still just those 2 refs to JS ……. strange, or
is it just me ??
September 1, 2013 at 18:44
September 1, 2013 at 18:28
Can we have another little dig at this one please, someone else that needs
outing as a liar!
September 1, 2013 at 21:04
Anyone else wish to comment????? – loved the last one, keep em coming,
I’m sure she must read them, lets get the liar worried.
September 1, 2013 at 22:46
Caroline? I thought that the family had outed her as a liar, as
documented in your article, but that unfortunately this was of no assistance
to the executors , because of the fact that all the other allegators still
September 2, 2013 at 15:08
She needs “outing” beyond this Blog – no newspaper interest and no
Police interest………”we have to believe the victims” – and just like FS,
outing her will publicly be another domino effect which is vital. Bear in
mind also, she is chasing compo from his Will……… “is that not fraud I hear
you scream???”
September 1, 2013 at 18:05
Her original book made no claims of sexual abuse against Jimmy Savile, but
by the time her new found ‘friends’ had helped to jog her memory, she had been
persuaded/persuaded herself that, amongst other claims, not only Jimmy Savile
but Freddie Starr had committed sexual offences against her.
How could anyone ‘forget’ that they had been sexually abused as a
September 1, 2013 at 18:00
I would feel more sorry for Karin if she hadn’t been going for the brass
ring as well. All she had to do was say no to Meirion Jones and WT. I had a
similar opportunity present itself in the mid-60s, and I turned it down flat.
Still glad I did. And there was nice money attached as well. And yes, it
involved Duncroft.
September 1, 2013 at 17:54
As long as slander is lucrative, there will be more slander rather than
less; similar to the slave trade, making it lucrative for Africans to capture
their neighbours, and sell them off to the white traders.
Just as it was the duty of the virtuous to crush the slave trade, so it is
our duty to crush the slander trade, part funded by the BBC.
September 1, 2013 at 17:33
Now it’s going to get interesting! Good for Freddie. Time to get at least
one of these little fibbers up in front of the beak to explain themselves.
September 1, 2013 at 17:09
The ‘misery lit’ genre is filled with charlatans and goofballs:
September 1, 2013 at 17:05
There are no winners here-except the lawyers, but like others I admire Mr.
Starr’s defence of his reputation.
The no-smoke-without-fire brigades will still be convinced that a squeezed
bum is worthy of multiple thousands compo, reputations will not be redeemed
but perhaps some charlatans will be revealed and shunned and the BBC’s
inflated perception of itself deflated. I hope so, and salute the landlady for
fighting for justice of others at the expense of her own happiness and health
and look forward to the two missives alluded to.
September 1, 2013 at 17:00
With MWT’s cojones in her sight, Anna Racoon is the pacu of the
September 1, 2013 at 16:58
I have just found your blog. I have read this article together with those
original autobiographal ones, which are gripping. I am astonished. I knew the
MSM where obsessed with tittle-tattle but I thought at least much of their
tattle was accurate. Given your convincing refutation of Ward’s allegations
against Saville how on earth can the Mail print this:
“Ms Ward said that she was regularly abused by Jimmy Savile himself.
was a pupil at a school where the disgraced TV personality found several of
his victims.”
The first sentence is clearly true, but the second must rely on dubious
evidence at best. Are journos aware of your blog? Isn’t there a broadsheet
interested in “straightening out” some of these facts?
September 1, 2013 at 16:57
And by the way I’m not sure that a “happy little political blog” is a
realistic undertaking, at least not for 100% of the time. A bit like
odour-free sewage treatment. Sometimes it just makes a stink. Grand stuff
Anna, long may you continue.
September 1, 2013 at 16:45
The principle of “he who asserts must prove” has its good and bad points
but I’m glad that it applies in this case.
September 1, 2013 at 16:40
I applaud Freddie Starr.To make the decision he has he must feel very
confident of success. It would be far easier for him to sit back and await
Yewtrees lies etc and then decide what to do. To take the bull by the horns
and defend yourself is brilliant. And, of course this reflect directly on the
SJS allegations as the accusations relate to alleged goings on in the SJS
dressing room. What a bombshell if it is all proven to be a lie. Brilliant. My
relative ‘Blonde’ will be so pleased to hear this news.
September 1, 2013 at 17:57
Oh I am Damian, so happy I have tears in my eyes. Thanks for the text
matey…….happier days for us I hope.
Hope you are reading this Freddie, what a guy, so proud of you – just
look after yourself, the rest will look after itself matey.
As always, cheers Anna!!!!!! xxx
B xxx
September 1, 2013 at 16:36
I was never too impressed by Freddie Starr – but I am now.
If this plays out, he could become the demolition agent who starts to
dismantle the shambolic house of lies and distortion which has been so hastily
erected on the graveyard of Jimmy Savile by a disreputable team of opportunist
jerry-builders. Respect, Freddie.
September 1, 2013 at 16:34
At Last! maybe the whole ridiculous fiasco will come to an end, probably
too late for the damage done to Jimmy Savile when he couldn’t defend himself,
but I hope it encourages others to have the courage to insist their accusers
prove their accusations are true. Even if there is some truth, it was soo long
ago and a very different time. What has been done keeping people on bail for
months as with the ‘hacking’ cases, ruining people’s lives, high time there
was a statute of limitations on historical abuse, especially when there is
money involved. You have really done a wonderful job here Anna and I hope to
see your version in the MSM one day when the whole house of cards comes
tumbling down.
September 1, 2013 at 16:16
Does anyone remember accurately, or know where a good source of material is
(I know it will be on Moor Larkin’s blog or in one of Anna’s, but how to
re-find it quickly), about exactly what Karin Ward did say about Freddie, and
when? I seem to recall that they got her to say it for the Exposure program,
but ITV edited out the name? Then somehow it turned out to be FS because of
the footage of Clunk Click that had Karin in it?
Its just that I’m
wondering if its the actual producers/publishers that are ultimately the ones
committing the tort, rather than Karin herself? I really do hope that she
doesn’t accept any contact now from MW-T or from, say, Meirion Jones – or
anyone involved, because they must be more worried than she probably needs to
September 1, 2013 at 16:35
September 1, 2013 at
September 2, 2013 at 13:42
I have a draft of her book from 18/2/2011 in which she says
“One particular celebrity, a very popular comedian of the time, whom I
shall simply refer to as ‘F’,
absolutely stank of booze and sweat. His
hands wandered incessantly; he had absolutely no qualms
whatever about
any one of the girls seeing what he was doing to any of the others. The fact
that we sat in
his dressing room with him, drinking vodka or Bacardi rum
whilst he blatantly selected which girl to
humiliate amazes me. I cannot
recall where Miss Jones and Theo were. Surely, they must have known
was going on?
Even so, there were no acts of violence or threats. No-one was hit or
taken against their will. I refused ‘F’
because getting anywhere near him
made me heave. He smelled far too much like my step-father for my
‘F’ made some rather cruel remarks about my lack of breasts by way of
getting back at me for
refusing him. Everyone laughed whilst I burned
with humiliation. “
September 2, 2013 at 13:56
“He smelled far too much like my stepfather for my liking.” Sounds like
a bit of thought transference to me. So just how close did he get before
she refused him?
Sheesh. A half decent Barrister could make minced meat
out of her. What am I talking about? I could make minced meat out of
September 1, 2013 at 15:52
Hip-hip, hooray!
Hopefully this legal action will soon come to court and the truth of the
allegations can be properly examined in public. The allegation about Starr
leads directly into the story of the BBC dressing room orgy in which Gary
Glitter was allegedly poking a girl of “not quite fourteen” (or was it
fifteen?) in an alcove while Savile rummaged in another girl’s knickers and
Starr maliciously groped Karin Ward. Ward will have to tell her story again
subject to cross examination, reveal the name of the girl in the alcove with
Glitter and the other girl, who in turn may be called as a witness, and the
whole thing will unravel.
Of course I doubt very much whether this will come to court. Ms. Ward’s
health status is an unknown, but surely she will want to settle out of court
September 1, 2013 at 16:09
” but surely she will want to settle out of court anyway.”
That would be my worry, but her brief would be failing in his duty if he
didn’t advise her to. Interestingly, from the tone of the Daily Hitler’s
report, I get a vague feeling that the Mail may now be back peddling as fast
as it can cos it, and the MSM in general, forgot at times during the whole
Yewtree thing, that although JS might be dead and buried (if they haven’t
dug him up & stuck his head on a spike) you CAN very very easily slander
a living person by repeating slander. If Starr gets a ‘win’ against Karin
then there may be not only writs from Starr heading towards Fleet St but
sparkly writs from Thailand and also some written in marker on the back of a
wobble board……
“oh tie me defence witness down, M’lud, tie the defence witness
September 1, 2013 at 16:32
@The Blocked Dwarf
Re, settlement out of court.
If an out of
court settlement is agreed it won’t be based upon the usual, damages. I
think we all know that she hasn’t got much, if any, real money. It will
need to be wall to wall, front page, apologies. And there will have to be
reasons as to why the program made the false allegation in the first
place. However it plays out, I can’t see Meiron Jones (and/or his other
little group of BBC chums) or MW-T escaping exposure.
September 2, 2013 at 02:11
Hi Dwarf…can I ask what your Thailand reference is about ?
As someone who has been involved in 6 libel cases (one where I
personally and successfully sued a tabloid) I offer the following views
after endless hours of strategy discussion with experts:
The case against Ward will be settled most likely before a court
appearance. She simply will not be able to afford the legal fees and even
if someone offered to fund them (but why would they ?) her brief will
grill her as to how she could substantiate her claims. All the
inconsistencies will come out during chats with her own lawyer. Their
advise MUST be to settle beforehand. They could do nothing else or they
risk condemnation themselves if they defend a dodgy case and attempt to
shift onus onto Starr.
That settlement will be include a written retraction exonerating Starr
and I have no doubt Starr will not seek damages (but Ward will be left
with legal fees of tens of thousands of pounds and I doubt her lawyers
will bother to chase them up unless they seek bankruptcy but what is the
point ?)
It is from that retraction that the real fight begins for Starr against
the world’s media…well British media to begin with. There will be
settlements by the dozen as every media outlet has repeated toe libels and
just because one did does not exonerate the others as exampled by Lord
Have no doubt : Starr’s lawyers have planned this action expertly. The
police will have to tread very warily or they themselves could be
##on a similar note : I have heard via friends in Australia that the
agent who handled the claims of 2 women who claimed a high profile
recently charged celeb has abandoned the claimants who have been selling
interviews. I predict that case will collapse but the celeb will be done
over images and that is why the charge appeared.
September 2, 2013 at 07:22
@SamB , sorry I was a bit obtuse…”Thailand” was a reference to the
aging Glam Rocker Gary Glitter (hence ‘sparkly’).
September 1, 2013 at 15:24
Well, this is good, if the story is true (no reason to suppose it isn’t). I
do like the way MW-T is, on twitter, acting as though he can interfere with
the judicial system now, ‘It cannot be acceptable…….. that a person can
I don’t know how Karin Ward feels about MW-T these days, but I do
know that her tweets from last year indicated that she had felt rather used by
him. To add insult to injury he apparently left her without taking away copies
of the authoress’s books which she had kindly prepared as a gift for him. Is
it time for her to throw him under the bus!
September 1, 2013 at 15:31
@Mina Field – or a camper van – this one !
September 1, 2013 at
September 1, 2013 at 15:20
Fantastic news, perhaps now we will get to the truth of things.
The “Clunk Click” story involving Freddie is directly linked to Sir Jim,
and is one of the allegations best known to the public, so if it cannot be
proved to have taken place, it may well start the dominoes falling with regard
to the other “Savile Revelations” too.
Let’s hope what happens here isn’t swept away by the media to a quiet
corner of p.94. There will be a lot of very red faces out there.
Awaiting Monday and Tuesday’s blogs with bated breath!
September 1, 2013 at 15:27
Aye – I see that ya man hasn’t mentioned it on his tweetie tweet thing
YET …… BIG SMILE to all of us – onwards
September 1, 2013 at 15:33
Who hasn’t mentioned it on twitter? Who is ‘ya man’?
September 1, 2013 at 15:42
@Mina Field – I was talking about MWT but I think I was wrong and
that he has tweeted this …… I don’t ‘follow’ him and I don’t look at his
tweets unless I know he’s in a bind !!!
September 1, 2013 at
I thought you must mean him, and that you had
therefore missed the pleasure of seeing him….. in a bind ! Hope you’ve
looked now. He seems to be hell bent on trying to contact Karin Ward,
no doubt to attempt some damage limitation in respect of his own neck.
I bloody hope she steers clear of him and puts her own interests
first. He hasn’t been contacting her all this time that he’s been
globe trotting, collecting awards and buying posh new houses.
September 1, 2013 at 15:17
Well done Moor, Rabbit and Anna and all the guys’n gals. Hope to meet you
in court – though it’s a long walk to the smoking area – at the back by Thomas
More building the best. Near the family courts.
September 1, 2013 at 15:44
Hope to see you too chum
September 1, 2013 at 15:07
Hurrah Ms Raccoon and hurrah Mr Starr (as long as he doesn’t fall into the
“I’m not like that Savile guy” trap) ……. Great things is looking up …. looking
forward to your next bits