Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading…
The Pink Princess
When Stephen Gately’s death was first announced in hushed reverential tones on the BBC news, my first reaction was Stephen Who? Never heard of him.
By the time the ‘breaking news’ announcements had given way to
Continue reading →++ Exclusive ++ Carter ‘Rucked’ but not ‘Out’.
The jubilation in the blogosphere regarding the ‘Twittering’ into silence of the Carter-Ruck ‘super-injunction’ appears to have been premature.
This morning every member of the House
Continue reading →Bonfire of the Inanities
Fawkes profiting from Parliament’s collapse? Dubious accounting methods ultimately destroying the integrity of Parliament? Government intervention in the style in which the unemployed were supported? Social unrest regarding the manner in which the
Continue reading →A l’Eau, C’est l’Heure
Dear Blog,
Thank-you for being here, you are such a comfort to me.
There I was, minding my own business, as one does when one has an Important Man Doing A Professional Job Around Your House. Especially
Continue reading →Petards, Hoists and Assorted Hypocrisies.
What delicious irony! Sir Stuart Bell complaining that allegedly ‘retrospective rules’ were introduced by Sir Thomas Legg during his inquiry into the probity
Continue reading →In memory of Ian Wallace RIP.
The hen-pecked and snaggle-toothed Mr Smudd.
If it hadn’t been for Flanders and Swann and a treacle-voiced bass-baritone called Ian Wallace, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought.
Continue reading →‘Off with her head’ – Muslim march to demand abolition of the Queen
The Islam4UK organisation, which seems to be nothing more than a new front organisation for the banned terrorist organisation Al-Muhajiroun of Anjem Choudary fame, has called the brothers to arms.
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Farmer fined for failing to meet ‘psychological needs’ of cow
Ronald Norcliffe, 65, kept the cow and its calf in a barn but had not provided adequate lighting, breaching the Animal Welfare Act.
Huddersfield magistrates heard that Mr Norciffe, who had been a farmer for 30
Continue reading →Government Moves to Regulate Markets.
No, no, no – not that Market, not the Stock Market, they’ve given up all hope of controlling that market.
They have turned their attention to one of the oldest examples
Continue reading →Holy Shit! – Semantics with the Holy See.
The Queen has invited the Pope to ‘tea’ – “more tea Pope”? – next year at Buckingham Palace. According to The Catholic Herald, the Queen has “grown increasingly sympathetic” to the Catholic
Continue reading →Brown’s Yard Sale – Everything Must Go!
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of his success at flogging off the family Gold at a stomach lurching $275 an ounce in 1999, Brown the spiv is out on the corner again this
Continue reading →Never Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Story.
For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Back in Victorian times, death was never far from people’s thoughts thanks to the diseases and poor medicine of those times. You can see evidence of this in old sepia photos of sombre matronly women
One Eye on the Bacon Futures.
July 20th 2009 was a good day to bury bad news. All eyes were on The Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill which was having its first reading in parliament and
Continue reading →The Prime Minister’s Health
Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading
+ EXCLUSIVE + Labour drives you mad.
Proof positive of something many of us had suspected for some time by careful observation of the native population, and from our own entirely subjective experience.
Living under a Labour
Continue reading →Cameron’s Three Card Trick.
When ‘Call me Dave’ said that he owed it all to one lady – and the BBC cameras homed in on Samantha Cameron, it was yet more evidence that those with the biggest
Continue reading →IF you can keep your job when all about you,
Are losing theirs and blaming it on t’economy,
If you can save yourself when your pensions all shot through,
But make allowance for Gordon’s thieving too;
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Circumlocuting Mandelson’s Foreshite.
Profound illumination has a habit of arriving in mundane circumstances.
Archimedes was sitting in the bath when he discovered the relationship of weight to volume.
Newton was out scrumping apples.
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Get it all Down – the Money’s Right!
UK Doctors, hobbled by the law which says that they cannot treat a patient without consent, have resorted to the age old lure of money.
From next month, a team based at University
Continue reading →Laying off the Layabouts.
The Tories will have to be careful when positioning their key speakers on the question of what to do with the 2.7 million currently claiming Incapacity Benefit – when I first saw this photograph I
A Penultimate Word or Two from the Grammar Nazi.
I have been accused of many things over breakfast – of burning the toast, of putting something known to be hated into the packed lunches, of deliberately hiding any clean underpants etc. –
Lets hear it for the luvvies….
The Primrose Hill (and a few selected postcodes East and West) mob have been out in force the past few days. It is a curious view of life, politics and economics that
Continue reading →Now Let Us Sing…..
It takes Guts to fight for Allah.
The remorseless search for those with the guts to give their all for Allah continues.
Richard Barrett, head of the United Nations’ al-Qaeda and Taliban monitoring group revealed the vicious
Continue reading →Harmanballs
Following the guilty verdict in the Vanessa George trial earlier this week, Ed Balls told the BBC that ‘this kind of abuse’ represented ‘a deeply distressing and disturbing case’.
But ‘this kind of
Continue reading →Unravelling the Rubi-con.
Sometimes, having the face and the tenacious nature of a pit-bull terrier isn’t always an entirely miserable thing. Sometimes, doggedly following a trail which has grown so faint that it has
Continue reading →The Balance of Pensionability
Less than one week ago, Age Concern and Help the Aged retired beaten from the High Court after a ruling by Mr Justice Blake that the vicious Default Retirement Age brought in
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