What do you get if you pay the best part of three-quarters of a million pounds to have your own specialised press and public relations department?
If you are a Premier league footballer, probably a rest
Continue reading →What do you get if you pay the best part of three-quarters of a million pounds to have your own specialised press and public relations department?
If you are a Premier league footballer, probably a rest
Continue reading →It appears that one more miracle is all that is needed for the late and recently disinterred Pope John Paul to be declared a Saint.
I am tempting providence here in terms of moderation,
Continue reading →There are so many contradictions in the Alfie Meadows story; it is hard to know where to begin.
Alfie was ‘a gentle Philosophy student’ who told his Mother before the demonstration began that
Continue reading →Should these people, politicians, journalists, even be allowed to breed? Should we insist on castration as an essential qualification for the job?
They have between them afforded themselves the right to engage in eugenics, to
Continue reading →What curious fellows these journalists are! Andrew Marr spends thousands obtaining an injunction to prevent publication of the well known gossip that he fathered a child by a Times Journalist whilst still married to a Guardian journalist.
Continue reading →Jumps Over the Lazy Dog” – the pangram that we all knew by heart once upon a time. Those of us engaged in the process of mechanically transcribing the spoken word, that is. It was drummed into
Continue reading →I was reminded today of the 2008 Barnardo’s Poll which caused such a hypersensitive outcry in the Guardian – of Henry Porter leaping to the defence of the ‘imaginary’ 50% of children who were
Continue reading →A few days ago in the course of de-constructing the bogus science in a piece in the Daily Fail, regular Raccoonista and general stalwart SadButMadLad made a passing reference to the “Tunguska Event”.
Continue reading →Doesn’t it make you proud? The Plucky British?
Celebrating St George’s Day by starting a revolution demanding that the availability of cheap brioche be denied to them?
Brave Trustafarians rejecting the
Continue reading →The knives are out for Nick Clegg, or perhaps it is the knaves.
He is a ‘traitor’, a ‘Judas’, a ‘man with no morals or integrity’. Many of these biblical appellations come from his own
Continue reading →I have always loathed caravans. Could anything foul up the traffic flow more efficiently than a trundling three piece suite and double bed on wheels, with integral microwave and satellite tv aerial; a mobile council house heading
Continue reading →Think you’ve had a bad week? Spare a thought for poor Janet.
73 years old, and a diabetic, she had overcome her health difficulties sufficiently to go on a cruise, she doesn’t like flying.
Continue reading →We don’t usually see the results of third sector empire building until they have reached mega-million status and are under threat from dastardly cuts. Here is a rare glimpse of one in the gestation/embryo period.
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Just as we are digesting the news that our judiciary don’t want any scurrilous hacks or members of parliament commenting on their decisions, or investigating stories, especially not when they are Continue reading →
Old Mathew had never married. Too shy, maybe? A spurned lover? Perhaps he was just ‘not the marrying kind’, as they used to say in a gentler, less intrusive, age.
He was not unaware of modern
Continue reading →Historically, the Court of Protection ‘protected the purse, not the person’.
The Mental Capacity Act of 2005 dramatically extended the remit of the court to include the ability to ‘protect the person’ as well – from
Continue reading →Anybody out there who could record ‘The Liquid bomb Plot’ on National Geographic tonight (channel 526 at 8pm your time) onto a DVD?
I really, really, want to see it, and can’t get 526 out here!
Pretty please……
I’ll make it worth your while…..
Continue reading →I think I might be morphing into an Anarchist. Everywhere I look there are organisations and bureaucracies taking in millions of pounds and giving the people from whom they extract that money absolutely no say in how
Continue reading →Is there any subject that politicians will leave alone in the race to be elected to the national trough?
Any point from which they recoil from their desire to have control over we mere mortals?
Continue reading →I have to ‘fess up. I have been undone. Uncovered. My true purpose in life has been revealed.
After yesterday’s helpful intervention in the process of a forensic examination of the documentation that lay behind
Continue reading →A while ago, two years and three months, to be precise, I was reading through the on-line political blogs, Guido, Dale, Old Holborn, the usual suspects, and thinking ‘where are all the women’? 50% of the voting population, and
Continue reading →I watched the Granada 6pm news last night. They were interviewing a masked bank robber; I assumed. It was difficult to tell. A pair of eyes was all you could see; they could have been
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