Stock up on Popcorn folks.

I have to ‘fess up. I have been undone. Uncovered. My true purpose in life has been revealed.
After yesterday’s helpful intervention in the process of a forensic examination of the documentation that lay behind my post on Thursday – to wit Andrew’s rambling post with it’s multiple libels of a highly respected French barrister and head of a Human Rights Organisation, I thought they might have the sense to keep quiet until the party had had time to go through the evidence.
Not a chance!
We set off today with a long rambling item from Ian Parker-Joseph, that I do not intend to rebut claim by e-mail, by telephone record, here and now, that can wait for after the investigation – however, I must bring you some startling news.
Parker-Joseph brings you ‘evidence’ – for he would not publish anything without evidence would he? – that I am not only a government agent in charge of protecting paedophiles, but – tra la! – I also have a part time job as a government super secret sleeping agent, buried deep in France for the sole purpose of ‘destabilising’ the Libertarian Party.
I’m not sure that you can use the word ‘destabilise’ in connection with some of these people without being accused of employing an oxymoron.
Still, here we go, he has trawled deep into moonbeam country, the land where people assume that you must have super sleuthing powers and government connections if you can type into Google and come up with documents that are in the public domain and put a link to them online. Boy, did it annoy them – they have pursued me over the internet ever since.
What he has discovered is simply astounding!
50 years ago I went to school, the person who set up the school I went to was friends with Annie Besant many years beforehand – a well known Fabian Socialist and Freemason. No! not the Freemasons! So soon in the saga! On such tenuous snippets are super secret agents undone. Well, you can quite see how this proves:
Never forget, that there are always multiple levels to politics. What the public see and read in the press and media is a very sanitised end presentation, what goes on in the background and in dark corners is what some of us have been dealing with and exposing every day for many years. We have always been aware that there would be attempts to destabilise the Libertarian Party, to stop it forming into a coherent political force in the same way using similar methods that were tried on UKIP in its early days, and the biggest beneficiary to that destabilisation would be the DCA as I have written about in the past.
Could Anna Raccoon really be a trojan horse for the DCA and other government departments? Because it’s certainly beginning to look like it from where I sit.
That’s it! I’m a Trojan horse, a super secret double agent, employed ‘on the side’, by the same government department I sued ‘under the Mental Health Act’ – did you know you could sue the government under the Mental Health Act? Don’t ask me, apply to Parker-Joseph if you think you might have a claim!
Parker Joseph says I’m in ‘a parlous financial state [which] must give cause to consider that doing ‘favours’ for the department is a financial motive worth considering’.
You never suspected a thing did you?
But the real humdinger in this piece is a bit of information I would have given my eye teeth for a few days ago – and here it is, handed to me on a plate. You see, unlike a lot of Libertarian members, I had never had the opportunity to meet any of these people in real life at meetings or rallies; I only had their on-line comments on my site to guide me.
I had always wondered how anybody could have actually met Henry North-London and said to themselves ‘yes, this is the one, this is the man to carry the banner of the Libertarian Party forward into the public eye’. I assumed he must have self selected.
Not a bit of it! He was carefully selected by the candidate selection officer. Wow! He’d been through an entire selection process, and judged to be the ideal candidate? Who was in charge of this process?
Thank-you Ian Parker-Joseph, for the one bit I never knew.
Step forward……..*drum roll*
I give you the Libertarian Party’s official candidate selection officer.
Mr Andrew P Withers.
I don’t intend to provide a link to Parker-Joseph’s libellous post – why give him the traffic from this site? Those of you who are interested in the ramblings of the three stooges will know where to find it.
Kind regards,
Agent Raccoon on manoeuvres…….
April 17, 2011 at 09:36 -
Dear Ms raccoon. This is very serious stuff. I have long kept a beady eye on the activity of “Freemasons”. it does not surprise me that you are implicated in the machinations. These so called “Freemasons” often lurk in the background, but in this exclusive video they clearly give their hand away, even revealing their name! And the title, is of course, significant.
“Beautiful Liar”. Need I say more? -
April 17, 2011 at 09:41 -
Indeed a damning indictment of “Freemasons”! Those poor young women forced to gyrate about and sing!
For those who which to have similar indictments to bop along to, I recommend
R. Hack
Wit, raconteur and bon viveur -
April 17, 2011 at 09:48 -
Thrice Nay! ‘Ere – stop it! No, don’t – DON’T, missus! Ooh! Ahh! It’s wicked to mock the afflicted.
Twitter ye Not.
April 17, 2011 at 09:49 -
It was indeed not too difficult to find the article. I’m on my 3rd cup of coffee now, which is quite unusual… Half of the article is a quote from an article by Blackwatch of all people. Now that’s solid evidence … NOT.
April 17, 2011 at 09:53 -
P-J espouses all that “freeman on the land” nonsense too. Anybody who thinks that load of made-up pseudo-legal woo is for real is not going to do anything other than damage to the cause of libertarianism.
April 17, 2011 at 09:56 -
Next time you come over, dump the beret and stay away from Hartlepool. It might be an idea to avoid Torfaen too.
April 17, 2011 at 09:59 -
As an ‘agent’ of the DCA, presumably expenses were submitted for the 2,000 Euros conned out of you, and also for restocking the larder raided by the night-gorger?
April 17, 2011 at 10:05 -
Woo! Anna, you dark horse! (Trojan?)
Don’t try sending beams into my brain, I’ve got one of those tin hats with a windmill on. As you will already know, I expect.
But wait a minute, I’m ahead of you here. You’re only pretending to be a double agent? You’re pretending to work for the Lizard Conspiracy, APW is being sacrificed to give you credibility with the Dark Overlords, you’ll gain access to their inner circle, then report back to the rebels with the secret plans of the Death Star! Or does it go deeper than that?
Come on, who do really work for, ultimately? Is it the Monster Raving Loony Party? There’s a guy works our chip shop who looks like Screaming Lord Sutch, did he really die? I think we should be told.
Or just tell me, I’ll take my tin hat off, you can beam it direct. Ah, it’s coming in now… (that was quick, I haven’t posted this yet!)… really? What? They ARE? But.. No, this is too much. I’m not listening, lalala, tin hat back on.
April 17, 2011 at 10:14 -
Just a tip for those reading. It is obvious that Ms Raccoon has links with alien forces. As a form of protection therefore I suggest that readers were one of these when reading Raccoontage
I myself always wear one, and have never been abducted once! Proof of their efficacy, as you will surely agree
In love and light
Sister E. -
April 17, 2011 at 11:14 -
I suppose you could say they’re following in a time-honoured tradition. A cursory trawl through, say, Cicero suggests that for Ancient Roman politicians it was virtually mandatory to accuse one’s opponents of child molesting/being in the pay of foreign barbarians/conspiring ot overturn the state.
The Libertarians I have met seem rather drawn by the ideals of their Roman predecessors so I suppose this is simply the logical consequence.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
April 17, 2011 at 11:21 -
Assuming there are any rational ones left in LPUK, they must be increasingly appalled by the ‘defence’ being put up by what looks like a ringmaster and his delusional pets.
April 17, 2011 at 11:28 -
And according to ‘Anonymous’ Anna = Common Purpose
I await his reply with interest – as I’m sure Anna does.
April 17, 2011 at 11:29 -
I don’t think I’ve laughed so much ever. Thank you for the amusement value of this latest blog post.
Is it the pot calling the kettle black or the kettle calling the pot Blackie?
April 17, 2011 at 11:32 -
Just found this on a forum…. What do you have to say about this Anna?
Anna: I have removed your links – they have had more than sufficient airing in the past. I have also answered all the wild accusations in that link on previous posts, both here and elsewhere.
If you are interested in what I have to say on the subject, I suggest you research more widely.
You are not going to be able to turn this thread into a rehash of Robert Green’s numerous libels. Nice try, but that is why we employ sophisticated software round here.
April 17, 2011 at 11:33 -
This is better than The Matrix
April 17, 2011 at 11:36 -
I met IPJ at the first LPUK AGM where he proceeded to tell me of the powers that be that were stopping him winning contracts. Blaming everything on the dark forces rather than the fact that employers tend not to go for people with their underpants on their heads (even if they are tin foil ones)
April 17, 2011 at 11:36 -
“…that I am not only a government agent in charge of protecting paedophiles, but – tra la! – I also have a part time job as a government super secret sleeping agent…”
How exciting..!
April 17, 2011 at 11:38 -
and people wonder why I prefer to be anonymous….
April 17, 2011 at 20:46 -
Yes, I can understand
April 17, 2011 at 11:40 -
I am, however, very disappointed not to see a connection to the Bilderberg Group or the Knights Templar. In fact, I didn’t think it was possible to have a super-secret conspiracy theory without such…
April 17, 2011 at 11:59 -
On a different tack Anna,
Did you see Dumblebum’s QT on Thursday night?
It seems that Alex Salmond could be the real “unofficial” Leader of HM’s Opposition in Englandshire and Wales.
He certainly ripped a few new erseholes for Peter Hain, some forgetable guy and Michael Howard on a few topics and had the LIVERPOOL audience close to cheering as he got stuck in to them and exposing their duplicity and mendacity. It takes an outsider to expose the corruption of the Westminster self serving elite.
Watch and enjoy
April 17, 2011 at 12:12 -
He won’t have time to keep biting at the Raccoon. He’s too busy chasing Talk Talk for millions of pounds in damages for spying on the top secret data on his website.
April 17, 2011 at 12:20 -
Luckily, none of this has anything whatever to do with me.
April 17, 2011 at 12:22 -
I going to wait for the fallout to make a decision on the goings on but its clear from Ian PJ’s comments that the party investigation has already come to a decision on the matter. His piece is less a rebuttal and more an ad hominem attack, which wouldn’t be necesary if truth was on APW’s side.
Who knew the internet was full of such crazy people
April 17, 2011 at 13:05 -
Oh good god, this is getting beyond belief.
So all of those other LPUK members who chided me and others for immediately taking Anna’s side, what on earth do you have to say about IanPJ’s outburst?
This is as embarrassing as it is tragic.
April 17, 2011 at 13:34 -
Teh funneh! It is always amusing when the conspiraloons get into their stride. Apparently, I’m a Zionist Jew according to one comment over at mine a few weeks back – you missed that one
Are they part of the Bilderberg, common purpose thingy too? Can anyone join?
April 17, 2011 at 13:53 -
Just read IPJ’s “rebuttal”. Can’t really comment on the why’s and wherefores of the matter, but there is a curious feel of paranoia in it.
Then I read his post addressed to TalkTalk, called “Cease and Desist”
More paranoia here… I think he may have been hacked (as my own WordPress site has recently) and misunderstood what has happened. But he is threatening to invoice Talktalk £30,000 for every reoccurance of their bot visiting his site and showing up in his web statistics.
“I care not whether you are acting alone, or on behalf of a 3rd party or government, its £30,000 per invoice, and the clock starts ticking at the time of this publication.”
I bet Talktalk are quivering in their boots.
Edited by SBML to remove direct link to the other party’s site.
April 17, 2011 at 15:00 -
Very sad when there are so many important issues that everyone, regardless of party loyalties if they have any, should be pulling together to solve.
I just hope UKIP doesn’t commit intellectual suicide because we are running short of acceptable and effective opposition to the big 3! -
April 17, 2011 at 15:09 -
Hello, Agent Tractorstats here, with Agent Bay-Once and Agent Shed-Hire.. Just to let you know Anna we have completed our secret mission reference the Lizard Lover. We’ll now deal with the ‘other two’ as instructed!
April 17, 2011 at 15:25 -
Wot? No Illuminati?
April 17, 2011 at 15:51 -
If you’re a government agent it does raise the question of why Mr Withers was so keen to post on your website…
A conspiracy so vast…
April 17, 2011 at 17:19 -
At the end of his lengthy tome, IanPJ asks readers to draw thier own conclusions. My conclusion is that he is paranoid and self obsessed.
April 17, 2011 at 17:28 -
Is sueing under the Mental Health Act what happens after a solicitor advises that one would be mad to take a case to court?
Reading the various posts, the Libertarian Party’s biggest stumbling block to electoral success appears to be Section 141. So sad, as a Libertarian Party is a good idea. -
April 17, 2011 at 18:32 -
Linking to an earlier post, one must suspect that the CID (Colonic Irrigation Dept) flushed out more than was anticipated.
And the cat is ….. -
April 17, 2011 at 19:20 -
LPUK seems mighty anxious to prove that the sane independent vote is UKIP, or Old Holborn! depending on location. Even BNP seem an island of sanity in comparison to the lizard lords.
Well done chaps!
I look forward to their revised financial report and government oversight of same.
April 17, 2011 at 20:38 -
Well, am I glad I never joined the Party! I thought some of the loonier elements of the LA were bad enough.
(BTW if, in fact, you are an agent, well done for exposing all of this, and any chance you could put in a good word for me with the Templars?)
April 17, 2011 at 21:23 -
If you really are a ‘super secret sleeping agent’ when do you do your typing? I’ve heard of sleep-walking but sleep-typing is a new one on me!
April 17, 2011 at 21:58 -
I’m now so confused, I’ve shot myself in the foot!
I see Looking for a Voice has opened its doors again, in order to fire off a broadside. Wishing SN all the best, & may APW resign from the LP before it is dragged down into total insignificance – he’s done more than enough damage to it already.
April 17, 2011 at 22:22 -
@Paul Byrne April 17, 2011 at 12:22
“… its clear from Ian PJ’s comments that the party investigation has already come to a decision on the matter.”
That’s news to me, and I’m responsible for the party investigation. Still, if you think you know better than I, who am I to argue?
Or, on the other hand, could you possibly calm down a little and wait? That’s not too much to ask, is it?
Nic Coome
Party Chairman-
April 17, 2011 at 23:11 -
Nic Coome, your post of April 16 leaves absolutely no room for doubt as to your opinion of Anna, and of any evidence she gives. And you’re responsible for the investigation? You’re asking us to await your decision, and then accept it as unbiased, informed? I don’t think I’ll bother to wait for you, thanks.
April 17, 2011 at 23:13 -
My mistake, that’s not your post, it’s Ian P J’s.
April 18, 2011 at 01:16 -
Well, let me just say that …. err …. oop’s … sorry, wrong site. Knew l should’ve turned left at Albuquerque …. although reading this post it may be divine intervention!
Now have LPUK version …
April 18, 2011 at 08:48 -
April 18, 2011 at 09:40 -
You’re not a fan of Alex Salmond Anna? Help ma boab, I’m stunned. That’s it. I won’t read this blog ever again. My allegiances lie only with those who think Maximus Eck is the best politician in the UK. Honest engine.
April 18, 2011 at 10:04 -
So the fruitloops – er, sorry – Libertarian Party leadership – think you’re a Trojan Horse, do they?
Ha! Can they not see the evidence with their own eyes? It’s obvious that you’re not a horse – your nose is the wrong shape, your fur the wrong colour, and you’ve got a lovely set of neatly-groomed whiskers of the sort no horse can boast. There’s even a little picture of you by each post you make to prove it.
(Seriously though – this gang of goons have collectively managed to do something remarkable – make mainstream Westminster politicians look relatively sane.)
April 18, 2011 at 15:08 -
I am dumfounded once more because of Andrew Withers’ability for lying. See:
On February 22, 2010 I sent him a bill for my services in the amount of 2500 euros in addition to previous unpaid bills. On May 26, 2010, he e-mailed me: “I am still awaiting payment into my account, to clear your 3000 euros fees otherwise I do not feel comfortable asking you to come to Bristol”. In other words, he was aware that I would not go to Bristol unless payment was made and certainly not on an amicable basis.Then he arranged payment was made for his account through Suzanne Nundy’s helpful kindness.
It goes without saying that I will pursue remedy and indemnification for libel.
Christian Lesecq -
April 18, 2011 at 16:23 -
That’s more like it!
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