The Devil is always in the detail.
Time was when the only civil service ‘perk’ was the tea trolley merrily clanging its way along the corridors of power; they have become much more sophisticated at accruing
Continue reading →The Devil is always in the detail.
Time was when the only civil service ‘perk’ was the tea trolley merrily clanging its way along the corridors of power; they have become much more sophisticated at accruing
Continue reading →Apologies for the last week, folks. I have had the week from Hell!
My computer welcomed me back from my last stay in Hospital by rolling on its
Continue reading →Once again, I see people fulminating about “top execs” being “rewarded for failure”.
As someone who has had some exposure to the processes behind executive compensation in
Continue reading →In some situations I’ve always reckoned it’s better to leave your emotions at home; it’s more difficult to deal with somebody who’s seething with rage or deliriously happy (which can
Continue reading →Not if Christopher Kelly has his way!
”If the public want to take big money out of politics, as our research demonstrates they do, they also have to face up to the reality
Continue reading →I wonder what Julia Reynolds thinks as she reads the daily papers, sated with pictures of the tented ‘99%’ busily focussing media attention on the in tents debate regarding corporate greed and those companies that form the
Continue reading →The New Statesman is quite clear on the subject – you do not have the “right” to discriminate, such a right does not exist.
I would have been quite happy arguing with the headline alone,
Continue reading →You don’t have to shout to be obeyed……..
Just to amuse you.
The meeja love superlatives – watch them climb aboard the latest nonsensical press release from Stuart Hughes, see them gather like bluebottles round @occupylsx ‘10,000 protestors’ (only you can see them, Jeff) – I
Continue reading →Wow! I scarcely believe it. ‘Tis true though. I’ve got there – and I’m still here!
Four months ago I said I wouldn’t comment on the subject ‘til further notice’, I didn’t want to turn this
Continue reading →I would be most interested to hear the views of the readers of this blog on whether our future is one of shattering inflation or indeed price deflation.
First let me say, I
Continue reading →I’ve always enjoyed the links between maths, physics and music, even though I stopped at Grade 4 Trumpet and have been strictly a ‘chorus’ member. This is a brilliant video
Continue reading →The staff are busy again behind the scenes doing stuff which means that we can’t serve you at the bar. Help yourself to the drinks, but please leave some cash on the
Continue reading →The Independent, being a clever newspaper for intelligent, liberal, thinking people – the kind who check things out before reacting – has a section on it’s website recommending the ‘most
Continue reading →“IF AT FIRST YOU DON’T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN. Don’t give up too easily; persistence pays off in the end.” by Thomas H. Palmer in the ’Teacher’s Manual’.
If you really
Continue reading →Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul?”
But it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll …..
Who Are You Tommy? Or rather, who were You?
Her Diary:
Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird.
We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner.
Continue reading →Occupy Fashion, New York Style (Source)
… and in London:
How many facts must a minister ignore,
before his costly dreams are all canned?
How many zillions must tax-payer pay,
before he gives up his stupid plans?
For those of who remember the case of Steven Neary, you will be pleased to learn that his father Mark has written a book about his experiences.
If a recent story by Mark
Continue reading →Many readers of this blog will know about the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). Many readers of all political persuasions will also be of the opinion that the EAW is a step
Continue reading →There’s been a road accident, in case no one heard.
A huge, ‘ginormous, road accident.
On the M5, on Saturday 5th.
As the BBC
Continue reading →Taking an autumnal Sunday afternoon stroll through the Blog heartlands with my trusty keyboard trotting alongside yesterday, I managed to put up an entire flight of feministas – Cor! Feathers everywhere! I
Continue reading →I realise that many of you may see this as something of a specialist rant, if you will, but bear with me.
I was provided with a link to a rather fascinating document about the matter of
Continue reading →I published this piece this afternoon on Dale and co.It has attracted a string of retweets by the predictable few, and some interesting comments.
The consensus of opinion seems to be that because I have never
Continue reading →75 years ago, 200 carefully selected men, in strict formation and their Sunday best, accompanied by a barber – lest they give the impression of being unemployable en route – set out to march the
75 years ago, 200 carefully selected men, in strict formation and their Sunday best, accompanied by a barber – lest they give the impression of being unemployable en route – set out to march the 299 miles
Continue reading →Man City’s astonishing demolition of their city rivals at fortress Old Trafford was too significant as both result and statement not to have any lasting meaning. This bunny is by no means a United supporter, although the
Continue reading →Libertarianism, if it be the promotion of individual liberty and individual responsibility, is neither left nor right. In the British context it is neither Conservative nor Labour. It is not, essentially,
Continue reading →The National Housing Federation has just invented some figures to lobby the government with as they try and push their pet agendas.
Using some figures from a
Continue reading →