The rolling stock on the Yewtree branch line hits the buffers again. Dave Lee Travis found not guilty on 12 of the 14 charges in respect of the 11 women – including a 15 year old girl (mustn’t
Continue reading →Quack, Quack, Oops….!
Super Star – Freddie Starr.
Freddie said he wasn’t going to be messed around like this any longer – and now that the police have arrested him, but still not charged him, for the fourth time in 18 months without giving
Pit-Bull logic…
Would you? I mean really? You’d leave your 11 month old baby in the care of this charmer?
It seems that you wouldn’t be quite as crazy as the knee-jerkers would have
Continue reading →And before we had Global Warming?
Ruination Street.
‘Tis supposed to be long term financial security for an actor to land a role in an established soap opera – but ‘it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy’ as the Animals once sung.
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This Aquatic'd Isle.
Doge – Dog – Doggone-it!
This is a public service announcement for the benefit of those of a certain age, like myself, who are watching the younger generation take over the helm of our crumbling world, and who wonder whether they really have
Continue reading →Roaches in Roachia.
Roachia, so the ever reliable urban dictionary informs me, is an online roleplaying community with its own religions, culture, and lifestyles where users can create up to three characters and live a virtual life, engaged in complicated and
Continue reading →Exposure: The Day British Justice Died (Spoof)
Starmer-rama and the warped Crusaders.
The urbane Kier Starmer and the somewhat more downmarket, but undoubtedly charming, Kieran Parsons (pictured left) may not appear to have much in common – but they are both looking to cure their unemployment problems by
Exclusive – 'Not guilty!' – Jimmy Savile's Voice Rings Out from the Grave!
Like an overflowing cess-pit, rumours bubble up from the bottom of the Internet and advertise their presence with a belch. The fertile imagination of those who create these stories knows no bounds. Invariably built around single
e-Quality Street pic'n'mix.
I had no idea until I read Lloyd’s Bank’s latest press release, that their senior employees did all their work with the end of their penis. Who did? Not for their
Continue reading →What happens if three butterflies flap their wings simultaneously?
Edward Lorenz’s ‘Butterfly effect’ sounds positively poetic – a beautiful butterfly innocently flutters its wings in sunny Brazil; in far off Texas, ugly storm clouds gather and lives and homes are wrecked as a tornado wreaks
Evidence is a two-edged sword.
‘Evidence’ and ‘Fact’ are two different things. The words are not interchangeable. That basic lesson in the comprehension of the English language appears to have been missing from the curriculum of an entire generation. Time and
Structural Linguistics, Statistics, and other Tongue-twisters.
I have been grappling with the latest meandering thoughts on how a Conservative government can best enlarge the state sector and provide employment for all those annoying lefties….
It is called the “Health
Continue reading →Children's Rights and Solomon's Judgement.
I was intrigued by an article I read recently written by a residential care worker talking about Cumberlow Lodge, a home I was in for a short period. Underneath the article was the usual crop of comments.
All Aboard the New Marie Celeste!
Eh bah gum! The British media know how to stoke the bonfire of fear that we keep warm by in these days of ‘fuel poverty’…
Ta Ra! I give you ghostly hulks of Russian cruise ship
Continue reading →No Laughter Please – We're British!
– And the 2014 National Television Award for light entertainment before the watershed goes to….Haley Cropper for playing so convincingly a trendy transgendered, terminally ill, cancer patient, terrified of the Liverpool pathway….before finally topping herself to
On-line hypocrites.
Not much time today – the woman-sized microwave is calling…..only ten more sessions and I shall be pronounced ‘mi-cuit’ and allowed to resume normal life!
So, contributions welcome from you over the next few
Continue reading →Modern British life!
Liberal Syllogisms.
Not to put too fine a point on it – if you are size of a Beluga whale, and you unavoidably, without sexual intent, ‘violate the personal space’ of every man, woman, dog and child in
The Grand Poobah and Dame Janet Smith – Updated
Twitter is enduring a multi-orgasm this morning; positively trembling at the knees. An army of Observer reading foot soldiers have taken to the airwaves to protest at the apparent ‘news’ that the BBC ‘turned a blind eye
The Leg-end of Larkfield.
“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets…da, dum; da, dum….the innocent children clustered round
Continue reading →One Step forward, One Back…
Thursday morning, both my crazy taxi driver and the crazy nurse were complaining of sore throats and ‘maladie‘ – by Friday morning both had fielded replacements from the subs bench. I’m not allowed a replacement, I
Watch Out! There's a Raccoon about!
Just when you thought it safe to go back in the water, eh?
Ms Raccoon stirred briefly yesterday – as several sharp eyed readers noticed – and thought she
Continue reading →St. Giles knocks ‘em Red in the Aisles.
“If Paradise is half as nice” as Amen Corner, one of those forgotten bits of Wren designed gentile London, whence Giles Fraser was once privileged to lay his effortlessly right-on liberal multi-cultural espousing head, then he may
Continue reading →Lie, Lie, and Lie again, you know it makes sense.
Long, long ago, I thought the newspapers brought you the news. I know, I know, I used to believe in the tooth fairy too.
Then I learnt that they only ‘brought you the news’ that
Continue reading →UKIP and the Little Englanders.
Ian Duncan-Smith lit the blue touch paper under the Internet savvy UKIP members late last night, by midnight they were howling at the moon – 900 vitriolic comments under an article that didn’t appear
Continue reading →Two-Tier Tears.
‘Two-tier’. ‘Post-code lottery’. ‘Deserving Poor’. It seems the media will never run out of nomenclatures for invoking the spirit of ‘someone, somewhere, is getting more than you’. Society no longer appears capable of debating anything without identifying
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