The ‘Political Consequences Of Mr Brown’. Now that Ed Balls is now the Leader of the Labour Party (De Facto) he is calling for a plan B to stop jobs being
Continue reading →Putting Sand In The Engine And A Potato Up The Exhaust
What is ‘normal’?
I have been stirred into print this morning by a new ‘mental affliction’ discovered in America – where else.
I am not, it would appear ‘normal’. I suffer from a defect in the brain. A ‘fault’.
Continue reading →Never Ending Price Increases.
Deportation, or transport to the colonies used to be free. It was a punishment. Not any longer.
Grimsby man James O’Neill proved his eligibility for convict central, otherwise known as Australia, by leaving one
Continue reading →Minister for Silly Crimes
James Brokenshire (not just his name but his ideas are broken) as the minister in charge of crime prevention has just thought of a new wheeze and a method by which he can raise his image
Sunday Contributions.
It’s the commentators that make this blog – erudite, witty, emotive, angry, endlessly fascinating, they come in all shapes and sizes, and are the whole reason this blog exists – here are my favourites from this week.
Open Wide for Nanny……
Roll up, roll up, roll up from the bottom.
Whilst you were asleep, Nanny’s found a nice new cavity for her to insert herself into.
“More modern interventions are selected from a palette
Continue reading →Libertarian bloggers strip off for Clarity.
Katabasis strips away the BBCs claim to ‘impartial news’ with surgical precision.
The background to this story is the ever bubbling slurry pit of ‘climate warming’, which has been a happy playground for Libertarian bloggers, commencing
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
The Porn Again Expert.
Brrr! Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!
‘Good Morning! “Job Centre”, how can we help you?’
‘Ah, Radio 5 here, we’re making a documentary about porn stars and we need a talking head who can give
Continue reading →White middle class terrorist
From America comes news of an internal (or is it infernal) terrorist called Kevin Theodore Simon who managed to bring down a plane.
Security around planes is extremely high because
Continue reading →What is ‘Justice’ ?
I watched a programme on BBC 4 recently called ‘Continue reading →
Police Should Be Aware That Speed Cameras Are Not Playthings
This is not a new one, it is about three years old and goes to show that bored policemen should not point their toys at anything other that cars.
Continue reading →Double Jeopardy.
Andy Coulson has been forced to resign for a second time – apparently for the heinous crime of not ensuring that he was charged by the Metropolitan Police for conspiracy to infringe s 55 of
Continue reading →Rupert Regrets …
Who wants to spend a year in gaol ?
Who wants their bid for Sky to fail ?
Who wants the bother of a big public fuss ?
A big public fuss is no good for us !
Who wants bad headlines ev’ry
Continue reading →Hurrah ! It Is EU Data Protection Day Friday
I could not believe this when I read it ! and there is a nice little EU Tube to go with it.
The European Commission and your government are promoting a
Continue reading →A Very Short But Very Wise Post
Militant Rhetoric.
The Militant Brothers have reached agreement on raising an ‘army’ of 10,000 mercenary activists who will be paid from an initial £250,000 war chest
Continue reading →Andy Gray – Richard Keys
OK, explain it to me!
Not the offside rule – not interested. I want to know whether they were sacked/resigned for complaining that the linesman didn’t know the offside rule – or a woman didn’t know the offside rule – which is
Continue reading →You Paid How Much For That !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have just been reading the Telegraph’s little scamper through the colossal waste of money the last Labour Government were responsible for. If you were a district councillor responsible for
Continue reading →Step Forward Please!
A chance conversation with a commentator has made me realise something.
I am bored – I am reading the same blogs day after day.
The impetus for a new blog getting on my reading list used to be Iain Dales monthly posts detailing
Continue reading →Lord Taylor of Warwick found guilty.
Guilty on all six charges of false accounting – majority verdict – so his excursion into ‘race victim’ did him no good at all……
Some ‘Is it ‘cos I’s black’ gems from his evidence:
He was told by teachers he could not be
Continue reading →Cheering, Not Jeering.
One of the sops offered to Sinn Féin as part of the ‘peace process’ by which they agreed to stop bombing innocent citizens as they went about their business was to agree that Gerry Adams could claim expenses for
Continue reading →Death
Redditch council is planning on using the waste heat from a crematorium to warm up a swimming pool. Their plan is to save money, nearly £15K/yr by diverting the heat that would normally go
Watching Me,Watching You,Watching Them
The Westminster village is agog with who has hacked who, for what reason, when and why.
The latest two to join the fray are Messrs Brown and Blair.
Continue reading →
Flying Fish and Other Phenomena.
The Environment agency is ‘poised’ – roughly translated as, risk assessment has been done, contracts for transport agreed, all expert reports in and paid for – to airlift thousands of freshwater white fish from
Continue reading →Without The Hint Of Irony
I was in the new Bristol shopping centre with my youngest son who is back from University for the weekend. There was a bit of a commotion going out side
Continue reading →2 litres
We are always told to drink lots of water. We are bombarded with these messages from TV/Radio health programmes, government health propaganda, and advertising from drinks companies.
All this on the basis that our bodies
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Right Cause – Wrong Man.
Four days ago, Andrew Withers was contacted by a man called Brian Howes, in respect of his imminent extradition to America. The interest of this site in the unfair oppression of the individual by the State is well known,
Continue reading →The Last Of England
I was in our local bank today and there was a queue. Being lunchtime, and in the time honoured custom of British service standards, all the tills were closed bar one.
Continue reading →