Once upon a time… I had a dustbin. An old-fashioned affair, with a rounded galvanised metal lid atop a rounded galvanised metal body, and a handle on either side. Into this dustbin went the ashes from the fire,
Coming Soon to an Airport Near You!
News from Manchester Airport that from this month they will be testing a new “Eye Scanner”, which will read our irises and help to “combat the war against terror”. This comes only months after the airport introduced the
Tears Before Bedtime.
It’s all going to be so wonderful…Our brave new Coalition government is a government of movers and shakers. Yes Sirree! They are going to take the tax and benefit systems, and shake them by the scruff
The Lost Gospel.
And in the tenth year of the third millenium, there was darkness in the land, and the people were sore oppressed by King Godron and
The Thick-tank.
The Raccoon Economic Thick-Tank (RETT) has reported on its representations to the government, on potential additional taxation. A precis of its
Continue reading →Belt Tightening
Sir John Thingie MP, interviewed in one of the House of Commons’ many bars.
Look — look — it’s quite simple. We didn’t get
Continue reading →The Truth Behind the Truth.
You may possibly have heard recently about a bit of bother near Gaza. It was in all
Continue reading →The Brown Stuff.
Busy, busy, busy… that’s Gordon for you. Things to do, people to annoy, nations to bankrupt…
Our erstwhile
Continue reading →Bun Fight at the U.K. Corral
Open warfare had broken out at Blogwarts, since the results of the first debate had been announced. A raiding party of Cameroons had invaded Slytherin House and debagged Mandelson, the school sneak. In retaliation,
Blogwarts School and “The Deathly Election”
Tales of St. Wayne’s — Chap. CCCLVII “Well done chaps!”
The headmaster’s spectacles gleamed as he turned from the leaded windows of his study to beam upon the three boys who stood
Continue reading →Election News
Your roving reporter has scooped everyone else by tracking down the Prime Minister to a secret meeting of the
Election 2310 AD
Hey kid… it’s only Granpa… can I come in? What’ya doin’? Ah, readin’ up before your election contest tomorrow.
Unseen in Sedgefield
(The following are un-reported excerpts from Mr Blair’s recent speech at Sedgefield, which were mysteriously omitted from the televised version.) Hey, look — I know I promised to be whiter than white.
Spot the Con.
Householders are being warned to look out for roving gangs of con-men, members of extremist cults, who are targeting people
The Tarts With No Heart.
You’ve thought about it before… dumping her. Maybe this time… the Party’s really over. After all — it’s been thirteen years, and
Tears on my Pilau
Dread news from the AP today, reporting from Gauhati in India, where the arms race has taken on a terrifying new twist.
Continue reading →
The Trouser Snake
Screaming Lord Mandelson
Crawls through the undergrowth –
Snake in the grass.
Prince of the Underworld,
Vicious and venomous
Pain Continue reading →