Which is in itself a thought provoking question. Or is it the Crown Prosecution Service, which decides upon charges to be brought, which is determined to be the catalyst for unrest?
We have here two incidents, both
Continue reading →Which is in itself a thought provoking question. Or is it the Crown Prosecution Service, which decides upon charges to be brought, which is determined to be the catalyst for unrest?
We have here two incidents, both
Continue reading →Three years ago, Professor Don Grubin, was given the task of putting his theories into practice by heading up a trial programme to give sex offenders released from prison on parole a six monthly polygraph – or lie
Continue reading →We need one of those endles adverts – the ‘just two pounds a week would save’ variety. In this case ‘just two pounds a week to the Treasury would cut the debt mountain more effectively than the coalition’
Continue reading →Yes, yes, it’s true I tell you. I jest not.
Guardian readers are piling into the comments sections as we speak, in support of smoking. They are armed with endless faux information as to how it isn’t damaging
Continue reading →A Parisian friend sent me this picture of a little cottage on the French coast that they were thinking of purchasing as a holiday cottage. They wanted Mr G to look at it and tell them whether
Continue reading →A spectre is haunting Europe — and, indeed, the civilised world. I’m not talking about communism (this time). Rather, this spectre is of a completely new kind of society. It advances under humanitarian labels: the ‘right to die’, the ‘good
Continue reading →Sam Smith makes the case for sacking Jo Williams immediately, withdrawing her DBE and ostracising her from society.
It has been said that for evil to triumph all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing.
Continue reading →The Australia I remember of 40 years ago was a land of decidedly alpha-males. Beautifully tanned and muscle rippled alpha-males as it happens, most pleasing to the young woman’s eye. The skanky, lanky, English specimen I had brought with me didn’t bear comparison, but in
We hear a lot about “rights” these days. I would argue that save in very rare circumstances where the very safety of society is in peril, every man or woman has the right to live, but more than
Continue reading →I was struck this morning by the similarities between Ian Brady and Julian Assange – the individuals, not their crimes.
You cannot compare the cruelty and callousness of Brady’s child murders with Assange’s alleged offences, though if you throw in
Continue reading →45 years ago to-day the illegal Wilson régime proscribed the best wireless stations in the land (well, actually just off the land) and renamed the B.B.C.’s stations in line with the Labour Party’s
Continue reading →50 odd years ago, Frank and Chick Plant were laying out the pineapple squares and fish paste sandwiches in preparation for a grand party. They lived in the idyllic property illustrated. It was bought in extraordinary circumstances
Continue reading →Not sure about the Latin grammar, but there you go. I have scribed some mumbling carping about LOCOG and the “Olympic Family” and the general bloated and often corrupt corporate culture that goes with it before,
Continue reading →“What matters now is justice takes its course” says The Sun this morning in respect of the Tia Sharp case. Strange that – they are not always so keen on waiting for justice to ‘take its
Continue reading →Let us imagine for a moment that you are successful in your career. The bank balance is piling up nicely, you have an offer on your modest suburban mock-Tudor, and your wife has fallen in love with
Continue reading →I find myself – unusually – travelling the London Underground, from St Pancras to Waterloo; coincidentally during the height of the Olympic boom.
According to Transport for London, there will be an Continue reading →
In the caring, sharing newsroom of The Sun, they know what sells newspapers. And what sells newspapers keeps the advertisers happy. And keeping the advertisers happy keeps your job for another month.
So they dispense with
Continue reading →Ms Raccoon has found that life is unaccountably grating on her recently.
To say nothing of aggravating people.
A change of scenery is the order of the day.
Accordingly she has fled the coop,
Continue reading →I have been watching the rowing at the Olympics. The squad has done Britain proud, and it makes me all emotional. You see, long, long ago in a land far, far, away, your humble scribe had
Continue reading →The best part of 100 years ago, my Father discovered that there was a window you could climb through at the back of the Liverpool Institute. Once through the window, you could wander the corridors and enter
Continue reading →A few months ago I went to see the English film version of one of Stieg Larsson’s excellent novels, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In the climax of the film there is a scene in which a
Continue reading →I have been reading the case of ‘DD’ as she is known, yet another excellent example of the thinking applied to decisions made by the Court of Protection.
There are several comments in the judgment
Continue reading →