Democracy is built on the idea that the people are intelligent enough to make their own decision about who they want to represent them.
The nanny state is based on the idea that
Continue reading →Democracy is built on the idea that the people are intelligent enough to make their own decision about who they want to represent them.
The nanny state is based on the idea that
Continue reading →God knows what has made me think of graveyards and resurrecting dead bodies today, I should be painting my toenails whilst I am still agile enough to reach them…anyway, here goes.
60 million people crammed onto
Continue reading →Trawling through my morning reading, the e-mails, the newspapers, and the various blogs, is like trying to swim through the flotsam and jetsam that washes up in a Greek tanker port.
Dead wood, dead fish heads,
Continue reading →At 11am this morning, Libertarians and all those who believe in simple thrift, honesty, and personal responsibility will be gathering at Old Palace Yard in Westminster to demonstrate their support alongside Old Holborn, Guido Fawkes, Mark Wallace
Continue reading →Normally when you hear about someone being suspended from a school you can probably safely predicate that it is one of the pupil or a teacher. You don’t expect to hear of a head teacher
Continue reading →I understand that Blogger is still down – which for a Libertarian blogosphere, the day before the Rally Against Debt, is disappointing and unfortunate. If anybody has posts prepared on the
Continue reading →After some weeks of deliberation and back biting, punctuated by some extraordinary arguments and innuendo, it would appear that the chairman of the Libertarian Party has finally found a method of publishing the results of his promised
Continue reading →Police had to call in the bomb squad yesterday morning. A potential bomb had been spotted and so it was their duty to ensure that the public
Continue reading →Sitting in on one of those interminable Social Services conferences, the question of the ‘subject’s’ past mental health came up. “No, he’d never attempted suicide before, but he had been a counsellor for the Samaritans for many
Continue reading →Over in New Zealand it’s been decided, at High Court level no less, that Greenpeace is not a charity. They do too much lobbying and their political activity is not in keeping with a charity.
Continue reading →The wriggling and the incredible excuses of those caught out in their lies are a joy to behold.
I imagine their minds whirling at a rate of knots, until finally collapsing into the vortex with a
Continue reading →Going on holiday this year? The following might be useful to you.
In the case of any problems when travelling is not uncommon for people to give family or friends details of their flight numbers and
Continue reading →Are you sitting comfortably children? Gather round.
Once upon a time, the Germans and the French fell out. Rather badly. They were neighbours and it became difficult for everyone. “What can we do to stop
Continue reading →It seems that the benefit claimants can have the cost of having their tattoos removed paid for by Job Center Plus if it means that they might get a job. It’s already been done in 2002
Continue reading →How should a man or woman live? What personal philosophy should we embrace as we live our allotted span on Earth?
This is a question rarely asked, yet it seems an
Continue reading →Mark Wadsworth has listed a series of points that could be used by a future YES2EU campaign based on the same idea that the NO2AV campaign used to push the FPTP system.
In other
Continue reading →Abbottabad was named after an Englishman, British Army officer General Sir James Abbott
Hookworms, a cure for asthma?
Warmenist is a proper word.
Continue reading →Seat up or seat down. Women want it down. Men want it up (ooo-err missus).
Feminists have made a huge issue out of toilets seats. They say that men who don’t care about their fellow earth
Continue reading →Recently a friend of ours lost her mother.
Her mother lived at home, but had a care assistant come round regularly so our friend knew her mother was in safe hands. A neighbour also checked occasionally.
Continue reading →A search is under way in Donald Dewar’s old fiefdom, for the seven men and women that delivered a resounding punch on the nose to the hallowed ground from which the Nu-Labour project was accidentally born.
Continue reading →
A minor milestone was passed recently. This blog has just had its 30,000 comment.
In the 2 and bit years that this blog has been going since its Continue reading →
I went on about the quality of journalism in a previous article of mine. Here I’ll show you how easy it is to actually do it yourself. I’m no journalist so this is not
Continue reading →It is time to take back control of the ‘Libertarian’ label and restore the covenant between those who would seek election on its policies, and those who should choose and fund those candidates.
It is time
Continue reading →A little earlier this week I posted on the death of Bin Laden. Sadly, it was not a very exciting post full of conspiracy theories (he has signed a secret pact with Obama to fake his
Continue reading →‘There Is No Possibility of Mistaking Midnight for Noon, But At What Moment Twilight Becomes Darkness Is Hard To Determine’
I followed the on-line conversations regarding the assassination of Osama Bin-Laden with grim fascination. Certainly he
Continue reading →I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard about the attacks of September
Continue reading →Were it not for that well documented phenomena whereby those who sit above the salt never sweat, though may discretely perspire, I might be tempted to think that Carl Gardner was getting agitated.
Continue reading →The classic ending to every American movie, the moment when the assembled crowd raises their right fist in a salute and whistles, cheers and stamps their feet yelling ‘well, all riiight’ is being played out in front
Continue reading →I suspect
Continue reading →