Greenpeace is not a charity

Over in New Zealand it’s been decided, at High Court level no less, that Greenpeace is not a charity. They do too much lobbying and their political activity is not in keeping with a charity. Many of their activities are also potentially illegal which is a further reason for them not be a charity.
Here in the UK, Greenpeace is not charity. However it does have a charitable arm called Greenpeace Environmental Trust which exists to take legacies from people’s wills.
However they still do the same potentially illegal activities as their NZ brothers and sisters. Now that taking bribes is a criminal act it seems that UK companies doing stuff which is legal in the foreign jurisdiction (or at least not illegal) means that they can still be taken to court for their offshore activities.
Does anyone think that Greenpeace’s activities deserve such action? What about stuff that is illegal in the foriegn country, should UK companies be take to court even though they haven’t committed the crime here in the UK?
May 11, 2011 at 06:46 -
Don’t give them any ideas. By the way, as a Kiwi, I can confirm that government here generally has the same lunatic tendencies as what you experience.
May 11, 2011 at 08:11 -
Our Gaia, which art in The Treasury
Dissembling be thy name
Give us this day our energy bill hype
Forgive us our cynicism
As we don’t forgive the bastards who want to kill granny with hypothermia
Let us keep our vehicles
For they provide you with unlimited funds and autocratic control
For ever and ever
Harm-men (& women) -
May 11, 2011 at 09:13 -
“What about stuff that is illegal in the foriegn country, should UK companies be take to court even though they haven’t committed the crime here in the UK?”
A fine principle is being established here – globalisation of law. There should be no escape for criminals, purely on the basis that they live within different jurisdictions.
So when can we expect the first women to be stoned to death in England, for having committed adultery or for having been raped within an Islamic jurisdiction?-
May 11, 2011 at 11:05 -
I think the principle, and it’s one that has been established for at least one hundred and fifty years, is that if ‘persons’ domiciled in the UK commit certain offences anywhere in the world, they may be held to account for them in the UK. The offences include murder, certain sexual offences and now forms of bribery.
May 11, 2011 at 11:38 -
Well done to the New Zealand legal authorities – I wish people here in England would realise what the true nature of this organisation is.
May 11, 2011 at 16:12 -
Any organisation with green in its name (or implied) is automatically suspect at trying to rip off the general public.
May 12, 2011 at 10:31 -
Putting aside any arguments as to what they do or how good or harmfull they are.
I always thought what defined a charity, was that they survived on voluntry donations or/and a voluntry workforce.
If they take voluntry donations and use that money to go round smashing up peoples heads, I would still think of them as a charity, just not one I would give money to.
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