Those indefatigable swordsmen, our British police have been giving Ed, an unforgettable explosion in the Balls camp this week. It is almost a relief to find that the latest under-the-covers officer shagging in the line of duty was paying
Continue reading →Monthly Archives: January 2011
The Labour Party has a faux election where the crown of Imperial Marxism is at stake after the mob (us) have deposed the previous Emperor. Two effete brothers fight to the death, both sons of the rich house
Continue reading →Rights roulette
Exclusive +++Did You Commit A Crime In Arizona Today?+++Exclusive.
This is an incomplete post and it will be updated as more information is supplied to me.
Many of you have heard of the Gary McKinnon case
Continue reading →Maddog and Mammon.
The language of ‘cuts in disability payments’ is extreme. It is left versus right; Labour fluffy hearts versus Tory stony hearts; adversarial and impassioned. Benefit scrounger versus tax payer. There is no middle ground, no
Continue reading →Twats Twittering T’Will Extend Privilege?
Standing head and shoulders above the privileges enjoyed by our MPs, is the legal immunity against defamation relating to statements made within the grounds of the Palace of Westminster. It allows them to speak freely without fear of
Continue reading →Smoking and the Bandits.
BBC Scotland 8.30 tonight (available on Sky 101 for those of you not in the area).
Sam Poling’s documentary on the illicit tobacco trade.
The dual attention of the righteous and HM Treasury have combined to turn
Continue reading →Just Wind This Company Up In The Public Interest
Nick Herbert, the Policing Minister, is set to strip ACPO a private limited company of its undercover role following the Mark Kennedy affair.
I suspect that only a tiny proportion of the population realise that this private limited company
Continue reading →Stalking the Stork.
Britain is engaged in a Shag fest. Who knows why? Is it the effect of cheap booze? The denizens of the subsidised bars in the House of Commons are doing their best to stem
Continue reading →The greyness of law
A relative of mine recently changed their number plate at the same time as exchanging cars. Due to problems along the way they had two cars with identical number plates. Garages are not that efficient and the DVLA
Continue reading →Flooding the News.
Yesterday Anna Raccoon posted one of those incredible photographs that tell a story without using a single word – a Brazilian dog by a freshly filled grave marked simply ’305′, with rows of empty graves stretching away behind
Continue reading →Quote of the Day.
But when any of us write something these days, it is like tiptoeing to a cage with a hunk of meat, and nervously prodding it through the bars. Sometimes the blogosphere will
Continue reading →Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus – Dictator Then, Dictator Now
On Saturday Ed Miliband gave a speech at a conference organised by the Fabian Society, by doing so he is endorsing an organisation that is the closest I can equate to an unethical, amoral resident evil still in
Continue reading →The Erosion of Autonomy.
The shoreline of Autonomy has been under attack for hundreds of years. Perhaps since time immemorial. Yet Autonomy, in its philosophical sense, is the single most important ingredient of our persona which separates us from the animal world.
Continue reading →A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.
The world media haven’t found it so easy to wring the heart wrenching front page stories out of the flood disaster in Brazil as they have done in Australia. It’s not so easy to travel in the
Continue reading →The Sunday Sermon – Bankers, bonuses, and the “S” word
This week, as part of my ministry, I was called upon to give comfort to a man who had lost his home. Jon, as we shall call him, had been made bankrupt, and his
Continue reading →Whoopsy Poopsy!
The tree huggers can hang their heads in shame. Humble pie is on the menu for some months to come.
The devastating forest fires in Israel before Christmas killed 42 people and destroyed a
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Unlikely Heroes Of The Revolution
I was recently introduced to a character from recent history by David Farrer of the Libertarian Alliance who is an unlikely hero of the Classical Liberal Revolution and a
Continue reading →The Real Oldham Election Results
How Can Yvette Cooper say on Radio 4 that the Oldham Result gave a clear message of anger to the Government ? They Continue reading →
Breaking Bread With Crusties.PC Mark Kennedy is scarcely the first police officer to include sex in his repertoire of policing skills. Nor is he the first officer to emerge from a period ‘undercover’ psychologically damaged. WPC “Lizzie James” as she was Continue reading →I need your help!Could you just take a minute or two out of your day and do something to help me? I need you to tell me what you think a word means. I don’t want a cut and past job from the nearest on-line dictionary, Continue reading →How to handle interviewsVegetarianism When laws aren’t needed
And You Think We Have Problems Today’s guest poster is Mik Robertson on how the requirement for a £500 deposit and ten signatures is positively open compare to the United States
Unrealistic Expectations.
The Wonders of Modern Policing.Deep in the heart of Bradford, the Police helicopter was monitoring the comings and goings of the community. Serious crimes of Continue reading →This Signals That The World Is Coming Together To Save Europe “This signals that the world is coming together” to save Europe, said Noriaki Matsuoka, an economist at Daiwa Asset Management Co. in Tokyo. “But it’s unlikely the euro will maintain its current strength. It’s unclear whether the market Continue reading →
Super Hero Gets Broken NoseA superhero called Phoenix Jones is protecting the town of Lynwood near Seattle USA. The local Police have advised people not to take the Law into their own hands but to call 911. The Superhero was quoted as saying Continue reading → |