Being frightened of Aids is so last year – the great and the good now climb over each other in the rush to clasp Aids carriers to their bosom, nothing to be frightened of there
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
A Tale of Two Teens.
Johnny, the 17-year-old, is upstairs with a horrific cold. No wonder: he spent the whole of Wednesday out on the street in sub-zero temperatures, being “kettled” by the
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Medical Negligence Victims Denied Access to Justice!
That is such an emotive headline – and such has been the response in certain areas of the lucrative Personal Injury legal profession.
In his speech to the Commons, Kenneth Clarke detailed the extent to which the Legal
Continue reading →The Plumber’s Tale.
A bricklayer or a plumber that would have me made,
I wanted all the trappings my earnings would then bring,
A lovely wife and children, a home where Continue reading →
The Migration Cap.
If ‘the cap fits, wear it’ goes the saying – but this cap will fit less than 12% of those seeking to enter the United Kingdom.
In her Commons statement yesterday, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced
Continue reading →Political Suicide.
A decidedly dark subject today, but one that we need to face up to.
Regular readers will be aware that I have long taken an interest in the local politics of Vera Baird’s old constituency of Redcar and
Continue reading →Gawd Bless’em Guv’nor and no mistake……
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. I’ve tried getting angry, tried to rant – I can’t. They are like winsome toddlers taking their first steps – they fall, they tumble backwards, they
Continue reading →Have Faith in the Fridge!
In the light of Anna’s recent piece “On Arriving at Libertariansm from a Quaker point of view,” this week I was prompted to reflect on the nature of faith.
About ten years ago
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Sexual Politics | Storm in a C cup.
The massed nipples at Mumsnet are rigid with indignation, Twitoris ablaze with passion. The ‘beyondretrograde’ (Oh the irony!) blog has thrown up a genuine old fashioned feminist scandal.
A woman’s nipple was shown in
Continue reading →Parochial Headline of the Week.
A bonus prize today for the Liverpool Echo with their headline:
“Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney’s divorce lawyer to go to House of Lords.”
No doubt the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Standard will be firing back with:
“Charles Wales’
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I Am A Lib Dem Minister, I Am Not Responsible
Ed Davey– I don’t want to get involved
Yesterday was one of those days when you know that being a Libertarian is the right thing to be, and
Continue reading →The Benchmark for Job Cuts.
In the crowded field of the economically suicidal, Liverpudlian councils are renown for their ability to rise above the common herd and lead by example.
The local MP is Bill Esterson, an ex-Medway Councillor, who the
Continue reading →On arriving at Libertarianism from a Quaker viewpoint.
I realise that I shall probably come in for some shtick for even mentioning any form of spiritual faith in the same breath as Libertarianism, Hey Ho!
One of my readers picked up on the fact that I
Continue reading →She Is A Lovely Girl And All That Stuff But….
I am trying hard to fight it, because I do think this is not the usual Windsor family botch up, where Charles Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was forced to marry the
Continue reading →Our Recidivist MPs.
The Right to Hate! The Right to Bluddy Hate? A Riposte from Anna!
This harness is uncomfortable – but necessary. I have had to be tethered to the ground this morning for fear that I might blast off into cyberspace – 3,000 feet and rising! Mr G, ever the practical
Sic Transit Gloria

I Present The Anarcho-Dandyist Ball
brogue forward to stage the year’s most dapper shindig. This “night of a
thousand waistcoats” will give followers of Continue reading →
Are We Nearly Scared Yet ?
HSBC – Love ‘em or Leave ‘em?
The telephone disturbed the afternoon peace a few minutes ago. The line echoed in the manner of a Skype call; I had answered in French naturally, and the caller sounded hesitant.
‘Ms Raccoon’ said
Continue reading →The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month
In a forest in Northern France lies the little town of Compiègne. There you will find an exact replica of the historic railway carriage where Foch and Erzberger signed the agreement which ended the terrible
Continue reading →The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Blogito, ergo sum.
Abject apologies for the abysmal appearance of the Raccoon blog over the past month.
It has been a month to forget, or should have been, were it not for the many individuals who offered unexpected advice
Continue reading →Well His Name Is Not Jim Hamza Is It
The British Free State
Why Are We Relying On The French For Defence
Tweet Storm- Gary McKinnon November 5th
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Now that we have a supposedly pro civil liberties inclined government in power it will be interesting to see whether they keep to all their promises regarding Gary McKinnon and his extradition to the USA