I was reading a conversation on twitter that gave me some pause. There seem to be an increasingly vociferous number of commentators on both sides of the political spectrum who are completely uncritical about the government’s
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
Left heft by own Petard.
13 years of an authoritarian Labour government has left us with scant few advantages in our daily life. One of the
Continue reading →Porn foresworn.
Much swooning in the sticky socked marshes of Internet land this morning. I
Continue reading →Roll Up! Roll Up! Sale Must end Soon!
Get your cheap Filipino brides whilst you can! Or even your attack Chinese brides to ward off custard pie assaults whilst you are explaining yourself to parliamentary committees. Theresa May is about to change the immigration law.
Spring must be here…
It must be – we have sprouted a new crop of English speaking beggars on the main street in Bergerac.
Impeccably ripped jeans, regulation dreadlocks, and each accompanied by a well fed dog and a large
Continue reading →Update – Portuguese Justice – Graham Mitchell.
The Portuguese have a proverb – ‘Águas quietas são profundas’ – ‘Still waters run deep’; nowhere is this more apt than in their judicial system. Whilst it might appear to the uninitiated that nothing has
Continue reading →The Vera Baird Memoriam Squad.
Just as councils across the land are implored to become anally retentive of hard pressed ratepayers money, comes news that Islington Council is to splatter a quarter of a million quid collecting abandoned turds.
A lucky
Continue reading →Portuguese Trial by Media – Graham Mitchell and the EAW.
The foetid waters surrounding the European Arrest Warrant for ‘First Degree Murder’ issued in respect of Graham Mitchell grow murkier by the minute.
Late last night I received an e-mail from
Continue reading →Graham Mitchell – the Victoria Derbyshire interview.
The media are finally catching up with Graham Mitchell saga. HERE is a link to Victoria Derbyshire’s interview this morning.
Caption Contest.
The Nature of Slavery.
A fearful flurry of left wing petticoats in the columns of the Guardian this morning. It seems that some individuals have been forcibly introduced to the notion of work. It has been a terrible shock to their
Continue reading →Rotten Borough? – the Vicious Borough of Hillingdon.
Social Services have long memories, and a messianic distaste for having their noses tweaked by those with more power then they.
Those with equally long memories will remember the case of Stephen Neary that we so
Continue reading →Size matters to the Police Federation…
Along with many commentators over at Inspector Gadgets blog, I had been wondering what the Police Deaderation were up to, apparently remaining silent and compliant as a corpse whilst the rank and file who paid their
Continue reading →Too many tweets makes a twat
This weekend, a football player had a heart attack on the pitch. Twitter went mad, with people who had no connection with the club or the team grieving and paying fulsome tribute to someone they didn’t
Continue reading →This is the way the Taxes go round, the taxes go round…
I do hope that I don’t bore you with this blog post, personally I’ve been fascinated, and its my blog etc…
There will be lots of talk of millions and billions, and I know that makes your eyes
Continue reading →WordPress.com and comments.
Fortunately for me, I made the decision after a mere couple of weeks to switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, so I am not affected by the current difficulty with comments that
Continue reading →The Rise of the Catwalk Copper.
The House of Winsor wishes to announce its new range of police officers, tailored to meet the needs of a changing demographic, and the demands of ‘community leaders’ up and down the country.
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Non-Jobs for Neets, Milibands latest loony brainwave.
After a week of shenanigans from Labour’s own employees who are less than impressed at their current working conditions, Red-Ed desperately needed an employment friendly sound bite to bury the image of a party who couldn’t organise
Continue reading →Exclusive – Update on the Portuguese European Arrest Warrant.
Oh dear, oh dear.
I would not want to take anything away from Mr Jörling’s achievement in making the most of his life after his tragic injury in Portugal, nor do I seek to make
Continue reading →Portuguese Men O Law
The long tentacles of the Portuguese Judiciary have reached out and wrapped themselves around another Briton. This time it is not just a name that we read in the papers, it is one of our own, a fellow blogger,
Continue reading →Is this the final recognition that the Police are no longer considered ‘part of society’?
On this day after the memorial service for PC David Rathband, I am reminded of that day in 1966 when a shocked nation woke to the news that three police officers, walking towards an old van parked in Wormwood
Continue reading →Russia Today investigates British MPs.
So mortifying when other countries take a cold hard look at the Mother of all parliaments.
Continue reading →The Rabid Left.
I find it hard to like the right wing Tories – find it hard to like any of the current crop of political figures; I am a natural Libertarian from instinct rather than ideology.
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Re-Joyce – No By Election.
MP Eric Joyce was spared jail today for beating up four politicians while drunk but he said that he was “deeply apologetic” for his actions. He swore
Continue reading →An Unexpected Benefit of Gay Marriage?
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: Two drag queens and a transsexual get a cabaret gig in the middle of the desert.
I was so, so, sorely tempted to pinch
Continue reading →Whatever happened to Equality?
Salacious whistles and sexist comments may fall foul of new laws against sexual harassment to which Britain is signing up, the prime minister will announce on Thursday.
The pledge to criminalise “verbal, non-verbal or physical”
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The Neanderthal Mentality of Female SNP Supporters.
What an insight for International Women’s Day into the Neanderthal mentality of a representative example of the women behind Alex Salmond’s prospective throne – Joan McAlpine , throwing her journalistic ability behind the knee-jerking nationalistic pretensions of
Continue reading →Just a Feint Glimmer of Light.
The focus of mental health activists for many years has been ‘deprivation of liberty’ – if you look at the case load of the majority of lawyers who claim to specialise in mental health legal abuses, you
Continue reading →Toad in the ‘ole.
Did you watch watch the BBCs Children in Need programme last year? Were you moved by the winsome graphics of hideously disabled small people bravely soldiering on without the necessary
Continue reading →Buy British?
Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel or the Miliband. Or as that old trade union firebrand Clive Jenkins once put it, “when the British ruling class is in trouble
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