One of the sops offered to Sinn Féin as part of the ‘peace process’ by which they agreed to stop bombing innocent citizens as they went about their business was to agree that Gerry Adams could claim expenses for
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
Watching Me,Watching You,Watching Them
The Westminster village is agog with who has hacked who, for what reason, when and why.
The latest two to join the fray are Messrs Brown and Blair.
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Flying Fish and Other Phenomena.
The Environment agency is ‘poised’ – roughly translated as, risk assessment has been done, contracts for transport agreed, all expert reports in and paid for – to airlift thousands of freshwater white fish from
Continue reading →Without The Hint Of Irony
I was in the new Bristol shopping centre with my youngest son who is back from University for the weekend. There was a bit of a commotion going out side
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Right Cause – Wrong Man.
Four days ago, Andrew Withers was contacted by a man called Brian Howes, in respect of his imminent extradition to America. The interest of this site in the unfair oppression of the individual by the State is well known,
Continue reading →The Last Of England
I was in our local bank today and there was a queue. Being lunchtime, and in the time honoured custom of British service standards, all the tills were closed bar one.
Continue reading →Priapic Plod and A’Kickin’ The Balls.
Those indefatigable swordsmen, our British police have been giving Ed, an unforgettable explosion in the Balls camp this week. It is almost a relief to find that the latest under-the-covers officer shagging in the line of duty was paying
Continue reading →Rights roulette
Exclusive +++Did You Commit A Crime In Arizona Today?+++Exclusive.
This is an incomplete post and it will be updated as more information is supplied to me.
Many of you have heard of the Gary McKinnon case
Continue reading →Maddog and Mammon.
The language of ‘cuts in disability payments’ is extreme. It is left versus right; Labour fluffy hearts versus Tory stony hearts; adversarial and impassioned. Benefit scrounger versus tax payer. There is no middle ground, no
Continue reading →Twats Twittering T’Will Extend Privilege?
Standing head and shoulders above the privileges enjoyed by our MPs, is the legal immunity against defamation relating to statements made within the grounds of the Palace of Westminster. It allows them to speak freely without fear of
Continue reading →Smoking and the Bandits.
BBC Scotland 8.30 tonight (available on Sky 101 for those of you not in the area).
Sam Poling’s documentary on the illicit tobacco trade.
The dual attention of the righteous and HM Treasury have combined to turn
Continue reading →Stalking the Stork.
Britain is engaged in a Shag fest. Who knows why? Is it the effect of cheap booze? The denizens of the subsidised bars in the House of Commons are doing their best to stem
Continue reading →Quote of the Day.
But when any of us write something these days, it is like tiptoeing to a cage with a hunk of meat, and nervously prodding it through the bars. Sometimes the blogosphere will
Continue reading →The Erosion of Autonomy.
The shoreline of Autonomy has been under attack for hundreds of years. Perhaps since time immemorial. Yet Autonomy, in its philosophical sense, is the single most important ingredient of our persona which separates us from the animal world.
Continue reading →A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.
The world media haven’t found it so easy to wring the heart wrenching front page stories out of the flood disaster in Brazil as they have done in Australia. It’s not so easy to travel in the
Continue reading →Whoopsy Poopsy!
The tree huggers can hang their heads in shame. Humble pie is on the menu for some months to come.
The devastating forest fires in Israel before Christmas killed 42 people and destroyed a
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Unlikely Heroes Of The Revolution
I was recently introduced to a character from recent history by David Farrer of the Libertarian Alliance who is an unlikely hero of the Classical Liberal Revolution and a
Continue reading →Breaking Bread With Crusties.
PC Mark Kennedy is scarcely the first police officer to include sex in his repertoire of policing skills. Nor is he the first officer to emerge from a period ‘undercover’ psychologically damaged. WPC “Lizzie James” as she was
Continue reading →I need your help!
Could you just take a minute or two out of your day and do something to help me?
I need you to tell me what you think a word means.
I don’t want a cut and past job from the nearest on-line dictionary,
Continue reading →Unrealistic Expectations.
If you are the manufacturer of a product – say, for arguments sake, to forecast the weather – and claimed 99% accuracy, then after selling 1,000,000 examples of your product, you would be exceptionally pleased to find
The Wonders of Modern Policing.
Deep in the heart of Bradford, the Police helicopter was monitoring the comings and goings of the community. Serious crimes of
Continue reading →This Signals That The World Is Coming Together To Save Europe
Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading (Better late than never edition)
Simon Cooke on political language.
Syniadau on political opportunism.
Charles Russell on political leaks.
Quote of the Day.
They started a relationship shortly afterwards during a Christmas visit to a local pub.
Nadine Dorries MP explaining where and when her ‘platonic’ relationship with John Butler MP became, er,
Continue reading →The New Year Crush to Get Insured.
The combination of the ‘libertarian’ (?) Lib-Dems and the ‘rolling back the State’ (?) Conservatives are bulldozing their way to ever more impressive authoritarian heights.
If your car is uninsured it is liable to
Continue reading →Black and White | Plain Speaking.
Whoa! Haven’t we all got our knickers in a twist? So much so that I find myself in agreement with Keith Vaz – not quite sure what the long term effects on my health that will be – probably
Continue reading →The cruellest hoax of all.
Long ago, I watched a young man create an elaborate ‘cat’s cradle’. It involved perhaps a half kilometre of twine, stretched from cupboard door to cupboard door, rendering the kitchen unusable during its construction. It was breathtakingly beautiful
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