A sleepless night thanks to Sister Eva Longoria!
Stony hearted? No, that’s not it. Stone – didn’t feed horse? Nope! Dobbin, Dobbin, Dobbin running around the neurones. Think! Visualise the cloud, don’t panic, you wrote
Continue reading →A sleepless night thanks to Sister Eva Longoria!
Stony hearted? No, that’s not it. Stone – didn’t feed horse? Nope! Dobbin, Dobbin, Dobbin running around the neurones. Think! Visualise the cloud, don’t panic, you wrote
Continue reading →Much ruffling of Guardianista feathers today. The Prime-Minister’s speech in Munich stating that we must all try harder to integrate and adopt ‘British values’ may be responsible for the appearance of this article in the Guardian, one of our famed
Continue reading →10 out of 10 for raw courage Mr Cameron!
This morning he will dive head first into the hornet’s nest of multiculturalism.In a direct assault on the sacred behemoth of the far left, he
Continue reading →A Swedish TV company is today reflecting upon the Ombudsman’s (surprised they have a word for it, really) ruling that the above picture is sexist and offensive. Someone complained that it was and
Continue reading →Carol Hill is the school dinner lady who committed the heinous crime of telling the parents – what’s it got to do with them? – of Chloe David that she had been bullied at school. Tsk!
Continue reading →Our sex drive is a basic instinct, one of our prime motivations in life. Without it, there would be no more humans. You might imagine that our judiciary, if only in order to keep up a willing stream of
Continue reading →Censorship of the press is considered a heinous crime best avoided even by those political parties who would cheerfully see the UK emulate North Korea in all manner of things.
Can you imagine the outcry if
Continue reading →A guest post by Juliet Shaw – feel free to retweet it, it’s essential reading for those interested in how the media operates. Regular readers will remember THIS ‘disgraceful piece of journalism’.
I grew up with the Daily
It is, perhaps, a surprise that a human figure, as revered as a priestly relic; part wax effigy, part mortal remains and part fancy sits at the end of the South Cloisters of
Continue reading →Harry Shindler is tough. Decanted onto the beaches of Anzio by a grateful British Government in 1944, he successfully dodged bullets – and landed a few in the right places – as he fought his way up
The Mises Circle, a libertarian group that meets in the European Parliament, is running a competition to find the best new definition of Libertarianism. Here are the details….
The Challenge
Online crime maps ‘putting power in the hands of the people’ scream the headlines.
They would appear to be accurate – going onto the fancy new police web site HERE today I tapped in
Continue reading →Another knee jerk reaction from our sober politicians, this time reacting to the ‘speculation banquet’ attended by all the national newspapers in the wake of the questioning and subsequent bailing of Chris Jefferies in the Joanna
Continue reading →The ‘Political Consequences Of Mr Brown’. Now that Ed Balls is now the Leader of the Labour Party (De Facto) he is calling for a plan B to stop jobs being
Continue reading →I have been stirred into print this morning by a new ‘mental affliction’ discovered in America – where else.
I am not, it would appear ‘normal’. I suffer from a defect in the brain. A ‘fault’.
Continue reading →Deportation, or transport to the colonies used to be free. It was a punishment. Not any longer.
Grimsby man James O’Neill proved his eligibility for convict central, otherwise known as Australia, by leaving one
Continue reading →It’s the commentators that make this blog – erudite, witty, emotive, angry, endlessly fascinating, they come in all shapes and sizes, and are the whole reason this blog exists – here are my favourites from this week.
Roll up, roll up, roll up from the bottom.
Whilst you were asleep, Nanny’s found a nice new cavity for her to insert herself into.
“More modern interventions are selected from a palette
Continue reading →Katabasis strips away the BBCs claim to ‘impartial news’ with surgical precision.
The background to this story is the ever bubbling slurry pit of ‘climate warming’, which has been a happy playground for Libertarian bloggers, commencing
Continue reading →Brrr! Brrr! Brrr! Brrr!
‘Good Morning! “Job Centre”, how can we help you?’
‘Ah, Radio 5 here, we’re making a documentary about porn stars and we need a talking head who can give
Continue reading →This is not a new one, it is about three years old and goes to show that bored policemen should not point their toys at anything other that cars.
Continue reading →Andy Coulson has been forced to resign for a second time – apparently for the heinous crime of not ensuring that he was charged by the Metropolitan Police for conspiracy to infringe s 55 of
Continue reading →I could not believe this when I read it ! and there is a nice little EU Tube to go with it.
The European Commission and your government are promoting a
Continue reading →The Militant Brothers have reached agreement on raising an ‘army’ of 10,000 mercenary activists who will be paid from an initial £250,000 war chest
Continue reading →OK, explain it to me!
Not the offside rule – not interested. I want to know whether they were sacked/resigned for complaining that the linesman didn’t know the offside rule – or a woman didn’t know the offside rule – which is
Continue reading →I have just been reading the Telegraph’s little scamper through the colossal waste of money the last Labour Government were responsible for. If you were a district councillor responsible for
Continue reading →A chance conversation with a commentator has made me realise something.
I am bored – I am reading the same blogs day after day.
The impetus for a new blog getting on my reading list used to be Iain Dales monthly posts detailing
Continue reading →Guilty on all six charges of false accounting – majority verdict – so his excursion into ‘race victim’ did him no good at all……
Some ‘Is it ‘cos I’s black’ gems from his evidence:
He was told by teachers he could not be
Continue reading →