Anna Raccoon
Child Abuse.
I try, I really do try, to get worked up over whether Stuart Hall kissed a 13 year old on the lips 20 years ago. Perhaps it did ruin her entire life. Maybe she was so traumatised
Continue reading →A question for Nigel Farage – Has the UK got room for another million people?
Are there houses for them all? How will the roads fare with another half million or so cars on the road?
Could the hospitals cope? – a particularly pertinent question given that many of them suffer from health problems…will the GPs surgeries be able to
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading – Birthday Edition!
And indeed it is – the Birthday Edition! For this noisy, brawling, lusty blog is four years old today.
2,700 posts over those four years – 1,700 of them I find I have written…an average of
Continue reading →I am the very model of the Paedo-finder General.
I’m investigating celebrities, and I’m chastely puritanical,
I twat on Twitter and with privacy I’m economical;
I’ve learned to speak at conferences, colloquia and seminars
I’ve even sent impassioned pleas to European commissars
I never Continue reading →
Jack’s the Lad…
A good start to the New Year; a gentle reminder that the 50% of the population bearing XY chromosomes are not all feral youth, tattooed along the neckline, engaged in abusive behaviour towards repressed females. Some of them are mighty useful members of the world population.
Such an emotive word, abducted. It plucks at childhood memories of the dark Grimm’s fables; a world quite unlike Disney’s Hollywood version where Dad manages to jump back onto the speeding runaway train and with less than
Continue reading →How to make an old woman happy – Part One…
For hearts that bleat solely for themselves at this time…
Best ignore the adverts urging you to donate to charities for the homeless, the mentally ill and the drug addicted. Take a plate of minced pies out to the streets instead, it will do more good.
The ‘former chief executive’, Mike Potts,
Continue reading →Parish Notice.
To celebrate the fact that the End of the World has failed to materialise – and as a suitable accompaniment to the Brave New World about to commence, (and I trust you have all noticed, that it is now
Continue reading →The pic n’ mix Pollard Report.
Along with several other interested parties, I have spent the afternoon digesting the Pollard report on whether the Newsnight ‘Savile’ programme was pulled from the transmission schedule because of ‘pressure from above’ or not.
Watching Twitter on the subject, the
Continue reading →Exclusive – A Panoramic View from the BBC.
Pan·o·ram·a (pn
, -rä
) n.
1. An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area.
Feudal dynasties will lock horns tonight. Old scores will be settled between those with limitless pockets. Panorama
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
An excellent, informed contribution from across the water on the subject of interviewing children after tragedies.
Mathew Norman – the best critique of Maria Miller so far!
Tent 101, a new entrant, with
Continue reading →The Bansturbators are back in town.
Licking their lips and salivating over images of grieving Mothers and frightened children. More than 10,000 people were shot dead in the America last year – but 26, in one place, not just children, but infants even, oh and a suicide thrown in
Continue reading →50 Shades of Grey on the kitchen table…
I first met him in Bordeaux; engorged with blood red corpuscles, not an inch of fat on him, he lay waiting for me, silent, still, gleaming and glistening.
Trouble was, he was the greyest, least interesting, specimen I had ever set
Continue reading →Christmas Bonuses Courtesy of the Taxpayer…
The Taxpayer, aka, Northern Rock Asset Management is to hand back some £270m to 152,000 customers. Apparently the Taxpayer wasn’t used to running a Bank and forgot to print on the statements the amount of the original loan; this meant that it
Continue reading →The Economics of Obesity.
Reality TV, that neanderthal peek into freak lives, is going to explore the morbidly obese on Wednesday night. Have dinner early, you won’t feel like eating later.
I am fascinated by some of the statistics that have emerged
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
The Secret Court of the Twitteratti.
The Secret Court of the Twitteratti makes the Court of Protection look positively transparent. We do not know who sits in the Court of Twitteratti, most judges rejoice in cloaking their identity behind amusing non de plumes. Some are professional judges, paid to inform opinion in one
Continue reading →Wearing your heartfelt denial on your sleeve…
The perfect Christmas gift for the elderly celebrity in your life. Forget the reindeers and Santa Christmas jumper this year for Grandpa. Buy him the latest shawl collared fleece jumper at Macy’s, with a handy pocket on
Continue reading →Week one of your Baird investment…
Good morning Northumbria! The temperature is just hovering above freezing, you have a North Easterly wind blowing in from Siberia at 21 km an hour, and it might get as high as 2 degrees this afternoon. So just to cheer you
Continue reading →Parliamentary Chugging.
As through this world I wander
I meet lots of funny men.
Some’ll rob you with a six-gun
And some with a fountain pen.
-Woody Guthrie, “The Ballad of Pretty Boy Floyd”
Parliament, in the ‘robust’ shape of Margaret Hodge,
Continue reading →Would you Adam and Eve it?
No sooner was the ink dry on my post, than Ms Raccoon was proved, both satisfyingly and depressingly, right – yet again.
It is all OUR fault. Us.
Continue reading →Wemmick of the Wolds.
Wemmick was the humble clerk in Great Expectations who desired to turn his humble Elephant and Castle home into a fortress, complete with drawbridge, with the Dickensian version of a Gatling Gun on the buttresses to ward
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts worth reading.
Fanning the flames in the Ethical Vacuum.
‘It’s all the fault of the Internet’, cries the dead tree press. ‘We have to compete with them, and their wild landscape, and that has driven us to excesses we would never have thought of without their insane ramblings’.
Continue reading →Pot, Kettle, Tabloid.
Whilst we wait for the Leveson report to be regurgitated by the media, a quick round up of comments on Twitter and Facebook reveals that the media fear that Leveson will take a few extreme examples of
Continue reading →Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises.
Though in truth, you should be mighty afeard; Calibans’ ‘thousand twangling instruments’ are in full throttle and care not how they put at risk our hard won and historic rights to fair judgement by our peers.
In the light of
Continue reading →‘Thackerism’™ and the ‘Long March’.
Rudi Dutschke coined the phrase ‘Der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen’ – ‘The Long Walk through the Institutions’ to describe his desired outcome of governmental institutions being infiltrated by those who shared his belief in Marxism and would be in a position to influence future generations;
Continue reading →Updated! – Trial by Posthumous Innuendo.
Following last night’s episode of ‘Exposure’, the prosecution’s case for the demonisation of Jimmy Savile was completed in the sense that the audience have been invited to give their verdict. No doubt if we fail to give the required verdict, the
Continue reading →