Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.

An excellent, informed contribution from across the water on the subject of interviewing children after tragedies.
Mathew Norman – the best critique of Maria Miller so far!
Tent 101, a new entrant, with a superb broadside on UK Uncut.
Tim Worstall with a solution for the Hodge fund.
‘Comment is Free’ at the Guardian only applies if you make the right sort of comments….
A late entry from Dr Eoin Clarke, but worth waiting for….
December 15, 2012 at 15:16 -
All excellent pieces, Anna.
I would hesitate to pick out a favourite from them…
December 15, 2012 at 15:26 -
Read Eoin Clarke, but didn’t get the funny.
December 15, 2012 at 15:56 -
I presume it’s similar to the defendant convicted of libel for writing that “Half of all bankers are crooks”.
Upon being ordered to write a retraction/correction, he wrote “Half of all Bankers are NOT crooks”.
December 17, 2012 at 00:51 -
Particularly interested in the comment is free post. Mainly because there have been a (very) few quietly anti-Semitic contributors here and it is reassuring to see the lovely Ms Raccoon clearly but quietly direct us to what she thinks of such nonsense.
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