Whilst the Stoke Mandeville report on Jimmy Savile’s association with that hospital grabbed all the headlines, and the predictable hand wringing – ‘if only we had had mandatory reporting we could have sued all these people for not
Continue reading →Where's the Beef, Mum? More Savile 'Revelations'.
Say you Want a Revolution… you Know we all wanna Change the World
How do you get a revolution in the UK? The Sex Pistols thought Anarchy might work but that got them no further than Joseph Conrad had long ago predicted.
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No Sex Please, We're British Neighbours.
Those souls who take the Bible to bed with them, have long pondered the conundrum of where precisely did Cain’s wife appear from? Logically (and who else but I would even dare to put logic and the Bible
Confessions of a Crying Wolf
Confess! Confess! Confess! Hell, the Spanish Inquisition would have a far easier time of it today; back in the fifteenth century, they had to torture in order to grind out confessions; these days, people are queuing up
Continue reading →Putin the Boot In
Whilst enjoying watching the occasional Europa Champions League match on TV of late it has not escaped my attention that the competition is sponsored by Gazprom, the Russian gas production company with a majority stake held
Continue reading →Alphabet Soup and Paedo Hysteria.
Kevin Harrington appears to have spent most of his working life immersed in alphabet soup. He is the author of Serious Case Reviews ranging from Child ‘A’ in London, through Child ‘C’ in Portsmouth, inexorably
Continue reading →The Sunday Post: Eye Weren’t Even There, Guv!
Richard Ingrams once described Peter Cook as a conservative anarchist. The one-time editor of ‘Private Eye’ also regarded himself as such; it’s a canny label that expertly summarises the curious contradiction inherent within those sons of the
Continue reading →25 Hour News and 25 Year Blues
Our beloved landlady suggested this additional feature, which should get a few of you going. What was your life like 25 years ago? Believe it or not, that’s
Cammin’ over ‘ere – Takin’ our Mansions!
Mayfair – a cosseted corner of England preserved in Edwardian amber, national exposure to which is guaranteed to bring out the worst inverted snobbery and chip-on-the-shoulder socialism of anyone from a working-class background. Who cares about these
Continue reading →Don’t Read All About It
Peter Oborne is not someone whose every word I either hang onto or agree with; but every now and again the recently resigned Chief Political Commentator of the Daily Telegraph, associate-editor of The Spectator, and occasional TV presenter makes a
Continue reading →Playing the Race (Music) Card
In ‘All You Need is Cash’, Eric Idle’s 1978 spoof documentary on his spoof Beatles, The Rutles, there’s a scene in which Idle as an inept interviewer grills a veteran bluesman called Ruttling Orange Peel; Mr Peel claims
Continue reading →The Cruel Sea
Hard to imagine such a scenario as you rest your flabby western butt on a comfy sofa and tear your hair out because you can’t find the latest must-see series as recommended by The Guardian on Netflix,
Continue reading →The Mountain comes to Mohamed.
Ms Raccoon has been off scurrying down another rabbit hole. It proved to be a rich seam of material. We may be some time digging into this one folks…
It started when the morning newspapers brought word
Continue reading →The Sunday Post: The Rape of Dresden
Dresden. 70 years ago 13 square miles of the city lay in smouldering ruins. Something like 25,000 people lay dead. Many died from lack of oxygen as the fire storm swept through the city; others were
Continue reading →25 Hour News & The Ladybird Library
Hall and (Wild) Oats
Well, we have now had four episodes of ‘Wolf Hall’ and I read that audiences have been dropping faster than Anne Boleyn’s knickers. I have been glued to my recliner of late (not been too well
Continue reading →Old Lags and Retrograde Justice.
In the year of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, the wheels of Justice appear to be not so much turning slowly as spinning uncontrollably in reverse.
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Sorry Seems To Be The Easiest Word
In the past few weeks, a proposal has been aired by several prominent public figures to ‘begin a discussion about pardoning all the men, alive or deceased, who like Alan Turing were convicted under the UK’s Gross
Continue reading →Someone’s Looking at You
Zirndorf is a seemingly nondescript German village on the outskirts of Nuremberg; in the foreboding shadow of a city that owes its location on the map of European history to grandiose public pronouncements of Aryan supremacy, Zirndorf is probably
Continue reading →Wilde Thing
It may sometimes seem like we are living through an age of finger-pointing paranoia unprecedented since the Taliban-esque era of the post-Civil War Puritans; but we have been here more recently, and a couple of centuries closer
Continue reading →The Sunday Post: That Was The Week That Was
DIY Posts Worth Reading and the 25 Hour News
GCA Trawling Guidelines regarding offences under the GCP 2013.
The GCA recognises that Mr Tesco has used his power and celebrity to groom many vulnerable and innocent vegetables into inappropriate shelf appearances. This can result in long lasting yellowing and wrinkling leaving victims unable to offer
Continue reading →The Man with the Child in His Eyes
A little girl kisses a melancholy man – the kind of sugary, sentimental image so beloved of the Victorian bourgeoisie and a variation on a theme that clings to the coat-tails of the twenty-first century as a nauseating mainstay
Continue reading →The Blair Way To Heaven
The headline in The Times last week that made me froth a little was:
“Censored: Blair’s links with Rwanda”
Apparently, your friend and mine, Tony Blair has been granted a special constitutional
Continue reading →I Think, Therefore I Am (A Pervert)
Everyone reading this will have at some time been guilty of an occasional ‘unnatural sexual proclivity’. Don’t try and deny it, you dirty sods. You got away with it, as well. How do you sleep at night,
Continue reading →Ofgem Go 'Victim Blaming'.
Some three weeks ago, Ofgem decided to follow the lead of Shadow Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Caroline Flint MP, and
Continue reading →Tuff on Rape, Tuff on the Consequences of Rape.
I have never stumbled drunkenly into the hotel room of a Premiership footballer in the early hours of the morning to listen to his collection of ‘Changed Direction’ CDs.
I have
Continue reading →The Sunday Post: Land of Hope and Stories
Memories of how the world appeared when our eyes first looked out on it tend to form enduring impressions so that each change to this original template, whether the dress sense of pedestrians, the design of cars
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