When Susan returned to Duncroft, she gave the records to Ms Jones, the head mistress. She found herself closely questioned about this meeting with a celebrity from the music business – she had, after all, had some previous
Continue reading →Exclusive – The Origins of Savilisation – Part Two.
Exclusive – The Origins of Savilisation – Part One
There it is. Evendon’s Lane, Wokingham. ‘X’ marks the spot. I have finally nailed down the origins of the ‘Savile was a monster’ legend – the greatest media hype this century.
Continue reading →Exposure: Once Upon a Time (Spoof)
The ‘Yewtree’ Victims.
They look so young and innocent, such sombre faces.
They were groomed
Josie Cunningham – The Abortion Debate.
‘Kingbingo’, a committed Libertarian, writes: The 16 week ultrasound scan was a source of utter delight for us both. Being first time parents, neither of us really knew what to expect. About all I did know was that
Continue reading →The RSPCA – Feeding the Five Thousand on Two Little Fishes…
It’s that time of year – the airwaves are full of dietary advice. The RSPCA couldn’t resist the temptation – they have jumped in with a few quick prosecutions to help us decide what we can
They'll be Coming Round the Mountain…
Or rather they won’t! Was I the only person who raised a silent cheer at the news that the Nepalese Sherpas had walked off Everest, and that thus ‘this year’s Everest expeditions
Why UKIP should join a 'European Union'.
I do understand that if you are a UKIP supporter it is because you really don’t want anything to do with Europe, Brussels, foreign sounding names or incomprehensible policies foisted upon you – or the Euro!
Continue reading →
Vote Dom! You Know it Makes Sense!
Selection on merit for parliamentary candidates – I’m a great believer in it. Forget ‘all-women’ lists, and parachuting ‘friends of the party’ into safe seats. Every candidate should be individually selected on their aptitude for the
The Return of the Bionic Raccoon.
Done it! Done it! Done it! Been there; got the t-shirt; everything is behind me now – literally!
It was far from ‘the breeze’ that I expected it to be – probably the most testing week
Continue reading →The Miller's Tale (with apologies to Chaucer!)
Wake me up before you Go-Gojam!
Gojam, the ever present, malodorous, spiteful, demanding, unreasonable, illogical, presence in my life, who had no other function in life than to spout bile, has been given his marching orders. From Tuesday afternoon he will be
Top Tories in Grooming Scandal – Cameron urged to e-Jockulate.
e·jock·u·la·tion [ih-jok-yuh-ley-shuh
n] noun. 1.an abrupt, exclusion of Scottish MPs. 2.the act or process of ejockulating, especially the discharge of Salmond supporters by Westminster parliaments. Origin: 1706–1707; ejockulate + -ion
It is the frequently repeated manta of ‘no taxation without
Continue reading →Wales to ban E-cigarettes?
Dear Professor Mark Drakeford,
For your information, ‘smoking in public’ has never been made unacceptable – what you mean is, ‘smoking indoors in public spaces’.
Smokers have continued to smoke in
Continue reading →British Phlegm.
As most of Nato, the Warsaw pact and China join forces to search the Indian ocean, forsooth they find the odd body part that may have fallen from the sky, if it didn’t land in North Korea, or
Continue reading →Hollande and the Dutchman, Willy Wonka and the Wily Winker.
Elections are confusing times, locally we have been trying to make sure we know the difference between M. Castagner and M. Castanier. You have to listen closely – it makes the life or death difference between yet another