And I won’t tell you no more
Get down, get down, get down
You’re a bad MP baby
I don’t want you ’round You give me the creeps
When you jump Continue reading →
Bill Wiggin filled in 23 consecutive monthly forms nominating his constituency house as his second home for the purposes of his parliamentary expenses even though he and his wife owned it
Continue reading →I’m grateful to Mr Eugenides for pointing me in the direction of this, I’d given up reading ‘ethical blogs’ since the dog days of Derek Draper……….(Mr Eumenides shurly? Far more appropriate.
Continue reading →Charles Dickens – A Tale of Two
Continue reading →The Colin Port saga gets better and better.
Matters hotted up last week as, according to one legal source close to these matters: “Last Friday the police applied for
Continue reading →Wikipedia have just admitted that a Labour apparatchik named David Boothroyd, councillor for Westminster’s Westbourne ward, has resigned after being revealed as the person behind the alias ‘Sam Blacketer’
Continue reading →Parliamentarians, Paedophiles and Doctors, at first sight seem to have little in common, in fact would be horrified to find themselves thrown in the same pot, but this week all have been hoist by the buzzing
Continue reading →Polish photographer Maciej Dakowicz’s holiday snaps of sunny Cardiff-by-Sea may have embarrassed us, but came as no surprise to those who have walked Britain’s streets after dark.
We may all
Continue reading →I am always leery of writing of life in France, it sets off an utterly predictable rash of knee jerk comments from fellow bloggers who seem to think that because one lives in Europe one has no
Continue reading →Leg-iron penned an interesting report from his local hostelry yesterday. One paragraph in particular caught my eye.
One of the other drinkers had been in for an operation on his hand. General
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Any lingering vestige of faith that you had in the Great British Press should have been dispelled overnight. There are no journalists in the accepted sense of the word – as
Continue reading →They say if you stand still in Piccadilly Circus for long enough, eventually everyone in the world will pass by. Rummaging in the murky depths of ‘Operation Ore’ is beginning
Continue reading →It is said of the Law that it is the glue which holds the fabric of society together – if that is so, we are in danger of unravelling fast.
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Following on from Iain Dale’s piece this morning, it would seem that Parliamentary Staff were well aware of the collusion between the Fees Office and MPs on the matter of expenses.
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The present outbreak of the disease which threatens to cull all the livestock in the House of Commons can be traced back to 1976 and Michael Foot’s cowardice in the face of a pincer movement –
Continue reading →The Guardian published this photograph under the title ‘”Gay porn’movie raises ripples on far right” – hmmn, may well have raised a few ‘nipples’, left and right, never mind ‘ripples’.
That was not the only
Continue reading →The Armed Forces will be drafted in to run state schools under plans to drive up discipline and respect in classrooms.
Ministers are in talks with defence chiefs about
Continue reading →The less than transparent Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) has published its SOCA Annual Report 2008/09 (.pdf) (72 pages)
Telephone intercept intelligence
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