Close bosom-friend of the Libertarian;
Conspiring with him how to groan and cuss
With venom, the parliamentarians that circles round us run;
To joust with argument aplenty,
And fill Continue reading →
A Frenchman who is taking a commendable interest in English political blogs asked me the other evening why so many of the blogs professed to be Libertarian. It was a good question, and one I struggled to
Those of us of a certain vintage remember walking to school. Everyone did it. Most of our parents didn’t own a car anyway. If they did own a car they certainly wouldn’t have taken
Continue reading →
I think I might just burst a blood vessel today. I am being assailed on all sides by press releases which turn out to be backed by ‘campaigns’ involving charities, web sites, meetings, initiatives,
Continue reading →If you had met the team of people supporting Julian Huppert’s campaign in Cambridge for a seat in parliament, as I did, you would possibly have the same impression of him that I do. Only a muppet
Your starter for ten points! What is the point of having your dog micro chipped?
Stuart Bell has been the Labour MP for Middlesbrough for 27 years. The good people of Middlesbrough have put him back in parliament year after year in grateful thanks – for what?
During the past
Continue reading →Jean Beaumont had lost her husband, and her health. She was gradually losing her mental faculties. At 81, the world was changing round her in ways she coud no longer comprehend.
She was grateful when the
Continue reading →Wot we need like, in my ‘umble opinion, is a little respectability. Respectability can be purchased, off the shelf. It is surprisingly cheap and available.
Cheap for good reason, for it is quite sham of
Continue reading →The lunatics appear to have taken over the asylum – and I am so very grateful to them!
Especial thanks to Thaddeus, Andrew (Guthrum) Obnoxio, Grumpy Old
Continue reading →At the core of the government’s plans for a Big Society is the belief that people across the country will diligently take up voluntary work in their local communities once the bureaucracy of an over-bearing state has been
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This morning I received my copy of ‘Citizen’, the magazine of Unlock Democracy.
Let me have a confession here the first political organisation I joined
Continue reading →I wrote last week of the incredible decision on the part of Newcastle City Council to announce £500,000 worth of expenditure on a load of bollards – on the very day that
Continue reading →Following on the recent launch of our special papal souvenirs, here’s some more items from Pope Benedict ‘Kiss the Ring Tour’ range :
Feeling unclean? Then try our Benedict brand Pope on a
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It was only last month that the Parish council at Uppermill was debating whether they needed to spend £500,000 on updating the Civic Hall. The consensus of popular opinion was that
Continue reading →Deep in Ed Balls’ fiefdom lies the Town of Morley; there the Town Council have come up
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Once long ago, Tony Blair wooed the Labour Party.
‘I forsake all other politics, you are the very one for me’ he trilled, fluttering his bambi eyelashes.
He spent the
Continue reading →God's Army – Harlow church division sets off on patrol?
A small press release from the Conservative MP Robert Halfron caught my eye. He wished me to know that he
Continue reading →My apologies for the long break in service this morning, we needed to brush off some of the cobwebs that have been accumulating around the place.
Hopefully the site will load a lot
Continue reading →The Burlington Coat Factory opened its doors in 1924, wholesaling ladies coats. The founders cannot have imagined that they would one day be the centre of a world wide controversy.
They built
Continue reading →On the day that the news agenda will be dominated by the Experian report commissioned by the BBC showing that the North of England will be hardest hit by the spending cuts – and we
Continue reading →I began to despair back in the dog days of August. Could there ever be enjoyment found in writing of politics again? Was it just a long grind ahead of us reporting that the Coalition was doing nothing very
Continue reading →I haven’t quite managed to get excited by the idea of one bunch of religious fundamentalist lunatics burning some else’s holy book in the hopes of provoking
Continue reading →An easy mistake to make.
Burly half naked Rugby players milled around the dressing room in confusion.
The Newton Abbot team manager did his best to instil order. One player appeared to be
Continue reading →Emily Barr is part of the brave new world of journalism. Not for her the 60s ‘use your initiative’, tear the world map out of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, beg, borrow and steal, hitch lifts