Shall we have a quick burst of Mornington Crescent to lighten the atmosphere? The rules, naturally are known only to me, the winner will be the person who gets the most wrong answers, Sean Connery won’t be allowed
Continue reading →Mornington Crescent.
A Mark-ed Man.
The Ice-bucket challenge must have seemed positively refreshing compared to the bucket of shite tipped over Brooks Newmark’s head by the Sunday Mirror at the week-end. (What is he clasping in his hands?)
A tawdry little
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
The Reality of 'Care' by the State.
Oft goes the cry ‘Social Services should take that child into care’; or ‘parents like that shouldn’t be allowed to have children’ – though I doubt that you would find too many children who have been ‘in care’
Continue reading →My 'Lidl' Pony Back on the Menu?
Never in the field of human emotiveness have so many euphemisms appeared in one House of Commons committee meeting. Not in the debates surrounding the issue of ‘helping’ elderly NHS patients to depart this mortal coil’ with
Continue reading →The Poor shall Inherit the Girth.
Anyone of a certain age will recall that the chocolate bar Milky Way used to be advertised as ‘The sweet you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite’, with the emphasis on can. This
Continue reading →Quackers – now let us see a show of support for ALL the women involved.
Gordon Brown's Bouncing Bomb.
In fact every special interest group is going to have its own parliament. Dozens of them. Hundreds of
Continue reading →Mungo munching, Number crunching, Voter punching.
Tran Qui is so British he could pass the ‘Britishness’ test untutored in some respects. Not that he speaks English, nor even lives here, but he has that essential ‘British’ quality – or arrogance – of assuming that whatever
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
The Salmond and the Darling.
Were watching through the night;
They cheered like anything to see
Such quantities of votes:
“So long as this were going our way”
They said, “it would be grand!”
“O Voters, come and Continue reading →
25 Hour News Special (Scotland Decides)
The End of the World is Nigh…
The end of the world as we know it, that is. Still, we survived the world map no longer being pink all over, and we learnt to call Ceylon – Sri Lanka; in fact some of us refer
Continue reading →Pedagogue or Paedophile?
A long, long, time ago, just after World War 11, six licenses were granted to war veterans that allowed them to take commercial photographs in Trafalgar Square thus overriding the obscure by-law that had long prevented this means
Continue reading →Twitter, Twatter, Twotter…and Thumb Gymnastics.
The Twitterati. The word has even made it into the Oxford dictionary. Because nobody ever wrote anything down until humans learnt to dance a jig on double jointed thumbpoint whilst having breakfast with a lover that
One Man and His Shed.
I needed to open a can of treacle today.
Mr G was off in the middle distance, roaring up and down the field on his tractor; the man who cut the hay had had
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Past Lives and the NHS.
I posted yesterday on the different attitude between France and the UK to families being present in a hospital and helping nurse their relatives. I hadn’t appreciated until the comments started coming in – and a
Past Lives and Present Misgivings – Part Two
Where was I? Oh, yes, Cumberlow Lodge, South Norwood. Politely described as a ‘children’s home’ – no doubt to honour the strictures of the will of the Victorian philanthropist, W E Stanley, who had left his much
Past Lives and Present Misgivings – Part One.
The blog post that won’t go away is still bouncing around in my head; the Sunday newspapers today have further infuriated me – and after long talks with Mr G, I have made the decision to
The Right to Roam
What would you say the main differences were between your average British street today and its equivalent of 30-40-50 years ago? Well, there’s probably more traffic on the roads, that’s a fair bet; and the air’s
On Bankruptcy and Miracles
This is a very personal post. So trust me that although I have changed certain salient details for various reasons, the essential crux of the facts are true. In fact, the full story is a
A Requiem for Popsy.
I was in my 30s before I got round to wondering why none of my relatives spoke to any of the other relatives. I just accepted it as a child. Questions were not encouraged.
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25 Hour News
A l’Eau, C’est l’Heure
Thank-you for being here, you are such a comfort to me.
There I was, minding my own business, as one does when one has an Important Man
Continue reading →A Shropshire Lass.
When I wrote of medieval ale houses, I had in mind old Flossie Lane’s establishment.
Flossie’s grandparents acquired the licence to sell beer and wine from their front parlour to the local farmers
Continue reading →Littler Britain or Scottish Blood, English Heart
As you’re no doubt aware, just over two weeks from now the people who make up one-quarter of the four constituent countries of the United Kingdom will vote to decide whether or not they want to end a
A Shaggy Corgii Tale…
Mr T, who came before Mr G, in my dyslexic litany of marriages, once offered to move a boiler for me so that I could squeeze another piece of kitchen equipment into the resulting space.
Ms Raccoon regrets…
You got up far too late today to catch sight of the Raccoon – she was up and away, on her travels again, before you even put the kettle on…
Once the good Doctors
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