The Guardianistas are on holiday. Only their corpus – their spiritual souls are still swarming across Twitter expressing outrage. A moment’s pause in motion brings the fingertips skating across their touch screen. “Oh do look Jeremy, Martha has posted
Continue reading →The Youdathought bird is back…
My Aim is True.
In March this year I was being served at my local Sainsbury’s and was reluctantly drawn into conversation by the woman behind the counter; she revealed she lived on the same street I used to live on
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
The Students responsible for this video have already won an award – deservedly so. Best viewed full screen – and it just gets better and better.
An old story
Continue reading →The Cancer at the heart of the NHS.
‘Save Our NHS’ screech the placards! Who exactly is that ‘Our’ referring to?
‘Our’ as in ‘Our’ union ridden, hidebound, monolithic organisation that can keep endless middle managers in work writing reports, attending conferences, following the
Continue reading →Tin Foil Hattery.
“With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their
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And the Winner of the 'Gammy' Award is…
It was only a matter of time before a helpful neighbour dobbed in the couple who have outraged the Western world
Continue reading →Whenever I hear the Sparrow Chirping…
During the week, I might have as many as 50 ‘tabs’ open on the computer; articles that have generated a germ of an idea, research for an article I might be writing. They just pile up on me. Sometimes
Continue reading →The curse of Ebola and thank God for Fags…
Ebola is coming whooo! Sky news is beside itself with excitement – a new nightmare on Sky1; Cameron is holding Cobra meetings to see if Britain is ready for this new challenge, the World Health organisation is warning
Continue reading →Lest we forget
100 years ago today Britain entered a war in which Europe slaughtered its young men on an industrial scale. Two of the men who fought and thankfully survived were my grandfathers. My paternal grandfather fought with
Continue reading →The Former Gopher Loafers, Moral Relativism, and Thai Take-aways.
Kate Moss went to Glastonbury in a pair of wellies once; wellies hit centre stage as a fashion accessory and now you can buy spotted wellies, striped wellies, flowery wellies, every sort of wellie you care to mention,
Continue reading →An update about the Cat With No Name.
Very regular readers might just recall I have occasionally written about “my” cat – the Cat With No Name.
To reprise, he came into my life when I found my present sanctuary, damn near
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25 Hour News.
An Unsung Hero.
Lucy Faithful was a social worker. A no nonsense, old fashioned, put-the-children-first, social worker. Not one of your idealogical got-to-have-this-Saturday-off because I’m protesting about the ‘bedroom tax’ brigade.
She was so good
Continue reading →False Impressions.
We gain our impression of the world around us from the media, the meeja, the msm, whatever you want to call it. Increasingly, the most humble of us are expected to hold an opinion on that world.
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Requiem for the Male Peacock.
Watching ‘Rebels of Oz’, Howard Jacobson’s BBC4 profile of four artistic Aussies who made a sizeable contribution to the cultural renaissance of the 60s and 70s, archive film of the late art critic Robert Hughes in velvet
Continue reading →Was Blackmail the Reason the BBC Capitulated?
Alice, the daughter of a tobacconist, has been dating Frank, a young up and coming detective at Scotland Yard. After successfully ditching Frank one evening on a date, Alice instead meets up with a young male Continue reading →The Liverpool That Time Forgot.
Liverpool was a proud city once. Rightfully so.King John founded Liverpool when the Magna Carta was still just a twinkle in the Baron’s eyes. 1207, if you are interested. The Wirral was a Viking stronghold –
Continue reading →A letter to a 15 year old girl in America.
I gather there has been another ‘incident’. I am not too sure of the details, but I understand it has something to do with alcohol, being up all night
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
Dioclese taking a pop at Putin. Popbitch with the Sunday Sport style guide. Legiron on MH-17. Jonathan Messing on the massacre in Yarmouk. Adam Continue reading →Dickensian Homophobia.
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Jimmy Savile was an unusual choice of icon for the revivalist ‘fear the Satan in our midst’ movement. That is possibly the reason why he is consistently described as a ‘fixer’, or the ‘go-between’, arranging young
For Queens and Country.
The opening ceremony of International games are a chance to put your best frock on and show the world your defining features – the Weegies are too tough for frocks, they donned thick wool skirts and skitted round
Continue reading →The Minister for Global Porn.
The latest Criminal Justice bill is a hotch potch of planning law, provisions for educating 15 year old girls in a ‘secure environment’ incarcerated with several hundred young men, and a bid for world domination in the Porn market…..the
Continue reading →The Wolf in Sheikh's Clothing.
The Fake Sheikh unmasked! is a fine line between the use of subterfuge and the act of entrapment in the journalistic world. It is the thin ice at the edge of the ‘juicy
Continue reading →Groomed by Labour – Screwed by Tories?
NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading and the 25-Hour News.
The Plane in the Ukraine falls mainly on the?……..Edition.
It is possible for commercial planes to be shot down in the Ukraine and not occupy the front pages. Depends who owns them and who fires the
Continue reading →Rigging the Deck or Kebabing Keir?
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I’m not sure if the departure of a Baroness from the crap table of UK Jurisprudence the other day was expected or not. Given my own recent mutterings about the happenstance of a judge asked to
Nigel Farage explains Democracy to M. Junker.
Kicking the Politically Correct Football.
We used to say that what happened in the USA would be shortly followed by the UK – but these days Australia is the place to study for the diligent student of the politically correct.
Continue reading →All Quail the Pale Male.
↑A fine way to improve social mobility – we have rid the Education Department of the adopted child of an Aberdeen fish-gutter, educated in the local school to such a high standard that he was selected to read English at
Continue reading →They Shoot Hookers Don't They?
They certainly do in Baghdad.
But where is the outrage from the Fem Nazis? Where is the team of ‘British specialists’ sent out to Bagdad to investigate by our Prime Minister David Cameron? Where is Michelle
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