Stephen Neary Unlawful Detention Full Judgement
Steven Neary – Update.
The past few days has seen the Blogosphere, and much of the mainstream media, consumed with the outrage of an Australian citizen, locked up without charge, without evidence of madness, in Wandsworth Gaol. Julian Assange.
MacKenzie Frenzy.
They are multiplying like rabbits; private companies – ‘The Society of Professional McKenzie Friends Ltd‘ offer a directory of ‘self regulated’
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
£10,000 damages awarded against an on-line troll for falsely labelling a Tory politician a paedophile. Or the cost of replying
Continue reading →Prurient Interest v. Public Interest.
Regular readers will be aware of my long standing interest in the Court of Protection. It was the Stephen Neary case, first published here, which opened the door to the ‘Transparency Pilot’ and the admission
Savell on Savile.
Detective Superintendent Jon Savell has finally spoken, albeit briefly. After 3 years of investigation into the allegations regarding Jimmy Savile at Duncroft, it amounts to 17 pages. 17 pages that are notable as much for what they don’t
Continue reading →Duncroft – the Finale. Part One.
One minute I had so many plates spinning in the air I didn’t know which way to turn and began to doubt my ability to keep them all airborne – and the next? Why, if they didn’t all
Continue reading →Groomed by Labour – Screwed by Tories?
NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon
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Probably NOT the Last Post – Who knows?
As some of you have gathered by now, the Leiomyosarcoma cancer, or Leo as I call it, has returned. Bugger, Damn, Shit and Blast, from the woman who swore she would never swear on her blog, is all I
Continue reading →Giving Potential Victims a Voice!
Blimey! You folk have really pi**ed off the authoritarian voice of social services. Congratulations – it does my heart good to see what a difference your voices made.
I was aware before that helping you make
Continue reading →Guido Fawkes and Jiminy Cricket!
What? You don’t know who Jiminy Cricket is? Shame on you!
Jiminy Cricket was the voluble arthropod who insisted on speaking truth to the lying and famously long nosed puppet on a string. Pinocchio’s enforced conscience, whether he liked
Continue reading →The Rotten and Vicious Borough of Hillingdon.
From Hillsborough to Hillingdon in 24 hours. Here we go.
On Tuesday, Mark Neary, Father of Steven Neary, whose battles with the rotten borough of Hillingdon I have documented many times, Continue reading →
Liverpool Expects This Day – Sick Justice!
My regular readers will be well aware that I am a Scouse. Born, bred and married in that peculiar sub-culture of Liverpool known as either ‘bitterly deprived’, by the legion of North London champagne socialist journalists who pontificate on these
Continue reading →A Question for You on the Risk Adverse Society.
How much control should the authorities maintain over those that they decree might pose a risk to society? Any, marginal, none? What is your choice?
Let us take two ‘risk regimes’ and two hypothetical people posing
Continue reading →Eulogy to Anna
Dear Brothers and Sister of the Blog
Many years ago, too many to remember, when the land was threatened by the barbarian and the thug, when law and justice were in danger, and when the nation had
Continue reading →Free Will and Social Services.
The Lord Chancellor, as he was fondly known and had been for about 1400 years, until Tony Blair sought to distance himself from the wallpapering disaster known as Derry Irvine, devising a system of Kremlin-lite titles until finally
Continue reading →Rotten Borough? – the Vicious Borough of Hillingdon.
Social Services have long memories, and a messianic distaste for having their noses tweaked by those with more power then they.
Those with equally long memories will remember the case of Stephen Neary that we so
Continue reading →Caption Contest.
Wigs Maketh Not Wisdom
The European Court and Reform
In 1857 slavery was alive and well in the United States of America. Seeking his freedom a brave slave sued in Court in order to secure his family’s release.
Continue reading →Justice for Sue Angold
Continue reading →More comebacks than Liberace.
Ms Raccoon is amongst you once more – and has enjoyed a perfectly splendid time in Jersey.
Arriving on the late night ferry from St Malo, tired and dishevelled, disorientated, driving on the wrong side of
Continue reading →The Hillingdon “DOL” House – Part 2
The Hillingdon “DOL” House Part 2
By Gildas The Monk
And so where were we…?
Oh yes! It is October 2010. Hillingdon Council have now detained the vulnerable Steven Neary, against his wishes and the
Continue reading →Hillingdon DOL House
The final curtain falls at the Hillingdon “DOL” House
By Gildas The Monk
The case of the unlawful detention of Steven Neary by Hillingdon Council in 2010 is a topic upon which our learned editor Anna
Continue reading →Court of Appeal Abolishes Magna Carta?
As 2011 draws to a close I felt it time for me to put pen to paper and write about the Cheshire West case. This is another unfortunate ‘Deprivation of Liberty Case’ in which the Court of
Continue reading →Blatant advertising
For those of who remember the case of Steven Neary, you will be pleased to learn that his father Mark has written a book about his experiences.
If a recent story by Mark
Continue reading →Autism revisited
One of the defining features of Autism is the obsessive nature of repeat actions. Autistic children are quite capable of maintaining a week long smashing, grabbing, and screaming rage if they are prevented from carrying out some
Continue reading →Another One Bites The Dust in the Court of Protection
Dear Legal Profession,
What fun! I can remember a time when ‘litigants in person’ were mocked as the ‘afflicted’ by the legal profession. A nuisance. Didn’t understand the system. Not
Continue reading →Reform required for the Court of Protection
If you were disabled, how much would you want to be protected? The thought occurred to me today whilst reading about the case of a disabled man living in care in one of the Court of Protection’s
Continue reading →Protecting the Vulnerable?
The recent case of Steven Neary is the tip of the iceberg. Mark Neary is to be commended for winning his case, but the grim truth is that he is an exception and not the rule.
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Weiner’s Schnitzel.
The Schnitzel, as any good cook will tell you, is a lump of immature meat, encased in a crust. The only way to make it edible is to beat it within an inch of its life, and
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