The main stream media continue to struggle to make a living, and from a fellow Raccoonteur comes the extraordinary tale of the Daily Mail’s latest cost cutting exercise.
They have
Continue reading →The main stream media continue to struggle to make a living, and from a fellow Raccoonteur comes the extraordinary tale of the Daily Mail’s latest cost cutting exercise.
They have
Continue reading →Proll, an anonymous satirical German blogger, devised a fake poster for Angela Merkel’s Berlin election which invited readers to closely inspect that part of her anatomy on which ‘she rests her
Continue reading →David and Ena Webber, from Christchurch, Dorset spotted me while they were trying to record birds as part of the RSPB’s monitoring exercise, the Big Garden Birdwatch, which took place this weekend.
They called the police,
Continue reading →Terrible news for me this morning. Chief Mustapha Ouank was due to transfer $47,500,000.00 (forty seven million, five hundred thousand United
Troughing is not an exclusively English Parliamentarian pursuit after all.
The German Social Democrat (”we speak for the poor and the vulnerable”) Health Minister, Ulla Schmidt, has been caught out
Continue reading →Even for dyed in the wool English cricket fans, several hours of rain sodden non-cricket at Edgbaston at the England vs Australia Ashes proved terminally boring.
Somehow the on-line conversation turned to Caroline
Continue reading →Chief Constable Colin Port’s Avon and Somerset Police force is in the news again; not for disrespecting the High Court this time, nor for paying £90,000 of taxpayers money to to stop Continue reading →
Oh dear, Oh dearie, dearie, dear.
The Recession has hit the German brothel market.
The Berlin Pussy Club is now offering a flat
Continue reading →Nothing to do with Swan Vestas, I’m afraid, but everything to do with Vestas, wind and the ability to strike…….
Down on the Isle of Wight, 625 workers at the Vestas Wind Turbine
Continue reading →The Learning and Skills Council, which oversaw a mismanaged national rebuilding scheme, allocated £2.7bn more than it could afford to rebuild England’s further education colleges, says a Public Accounts Committee report.
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One Major Stefan Frederick Cook, United States Army Reservist to be precise. Major Cook has managed to energise virtually every conspiracy and counter conspiracy loon on both sides
Back in January, the Guardian published an interview with Sarkozy’s personal trainer, Julie Imperiali.
She claims that her innovative Tectonic exercise regime – based
Continue reading →The whole point of iPhone Apps, the software that places an icon on your iPhone that you can access by touching the screen and saving the time needed to use the web browser is for
Paid to twit or not paid to twit, that is the question. Twitterland is not just a collection of ego obsessed people telling you “Just put the cat out”, it is increasingly being
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Get all of them in one fell swoop…..
US law enforcement agents arrested dozens of politicians and rabbis yesterday in an anti-corruption sweep alleging money laundering, extortion, bribery and even trafficking in
Continue reading →The National Flu Service is expected to go live later today , giving thousands of swine flu sufferers access to drugs without needing to consult with a GP.
Poor little Albion, the once mighty nation threatened by a chipmunk………
We should be indebted to the Daily Mail for alerting us to this danger; the nation is to be overrun, not by
Continue reading →There is a curious anomaly in the football world; in America, land of the free, football clubs are hedged in with rules, regulations, positive discrimination, revenue sharing, salary caps, and enough social mobility experiments to
Barack Obama brought fresh attention to the phrase when he sounded an impassioned call to public service, and warned that the pursuit of narrow self-interest — “the big house and the nice suits and the
Lord Barber gave a speech back in April at Yale University, I missed it at the time, but it has helpfully been reprinted in full in the Press Gazette this week.
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Facebook has created quite enough problems for parents, with its ability to create a space where your teenage daughter could find herself happily chatting into the night with a middle aged creep who has registered
One of my favourites, was ‘the man in the clouds’.
A tough-as-old-boots veteran of the Bosnian wars, he had lost a leg, and crushed his spine so badly that he wore a permanent
Continue reading →Picture courtesy of the inimitable David Forward Old MacBrown, he blagged the farm, EE-YI-EE-YI-YO! About his farm he put out stats, EE-YI-EE-YI-YO! With a ‘boom-boom’ here, and a
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Time will come when you won’t be able to jump into your knickers both feet
Bastille Day today, July 14th, the national celebration of how efficiently the French get angry.
France has staged six revolutions (1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1936 and 1968) in two centuries – not
Continue reading →Is Nick Robinson a blogger? Is Guido Fawkes a journalist? The Question has been hotly debated on the internet. Last week, for the first time, a New Jersey
Back in March 2000, when John Prescott was still a reasonably respected Deputy Prime Minister, and ‘cloth cap central’ was still hopeful that Blair’s brave Nu-Labour world would rain financial largess on their neanderthal ambitions,