Impotent fags – the silent revolution.

Is this self-delusion on the part of the Righteous, or a sinister plot to increase company profits?
The American senate voted overwhelmingly yesterday, to limit nicotine in cigarettes. The legislation, one of the most dramatic anti-smoking initiatives since the surgeon general’s report, would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate the content, marketing and advertising of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Obama said:
“It will make history by giving the scientists and medical experts at the FDA the power to take sensible steps. At any given moment, millions are struggling with their habit or worrying about loved ones who smoke.”
The legislation gives the FDA power to evaluate the contents of tobacco products and to order changes or bans on those that are a danger to public health. The agency could limit nicotine yields but not ban nicotine or cigarettes.
The nation’s largest tobacco manufacturer, Philip Morris, USA, has come out in support of the legislation. Its parent company, Altria Group, said in a statement that on balance, “the legislation is an important step forward to achieve the goal we share with others to provide federal regulation of tobacco products.”
Strange? Not really, the FDA ban on new products will enshrine Philip Morris’ gargantuan share of the market for ever, and reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes will ensure that those of us who are addicted to our 1.0mg of nicotine every day will have to buy more cigarettes than ever to compensate…… anyone who ever attempted to switch to low nicotine cigarettes will testify.
In the UK the percentage tax burden incorporated in the price of a packet of cigarettes has actually gone down since 2001 if you exclude Vat ( surprised? I was, I thought the government was trying to stop raising an average £8 billion a year from we smokers……..) cutting the amount of nicotine in the cigarettes is a nifty way of driving up cigarette sales whilst maintaining both the moral high ground (filthy habit, don’t want your tax pennies) and blaming it on the US.
It will, of course do wonders for the cross border cigarette smuggling industry, especially those phony Marlborough’s coming out of China, that even Philip Morris employees can’t positively distinguish from the genuine article. They’ll be able to now, they’ll be the ones with lead in their pencil……..
God help Gordon Brown when 20% of the population are suffering from nicotine deprivation.
June 12, 2009 at 4:47 pm -
June 12, 2009 at 4:51 pm -
Aren’t the American people miffed about this Anna? Obama is becoming dangerously dictatorial like Brown. He won’t be in power for long if he keeps this up!
June 12, 2009 at 5:12 pm -
If you want an extra nicotine hit, try nasal snuff:
June 12, 2009 at 5:32 pm -
I gave it up 15 years ago, you poofter junkies.
June 12, 2009 at 5:45 pm -
I enjoy a smoke. I smoke cigarettes, tobacco and pot.. it’s all legal here in Spain. I can smoke in pubs and restaurants here too.
I admire those that have given up but I don’t want to. I like it.
I can’t see America putting up with this.. you really can’t force anyone to give up anything they’re addicted to, it has to be voluntary.
June 12, 2009 at 6:13 pm -
I have just been trying to get some information on some of the apparent 599-odd ingredients in a ciggie; I was going to suggest that it wouldn’t be a bad thing if most of them except nicotine were removed but then the page wouldn’t load, so I went out and had a fag instead.
June 12, 2009 at 6:19 pm -
(which made a nice change from skulking indoors leafing through Slimming Magazine while polishing off the contents of the sweetie-tin.)
June 12, 2009 at 6:20 pm -
Funny thing, what you said about it being 1 mg a day for smoking cigarettes.
Last time I looked on the side of a pack of cigarettes it said something like .1 mg per cigarette for “ultra-lights”, one of the terminologies to be banned under the new FDA programme.
However, when one looks at the nicotine products in the pharmaceutical aisle one sees them being 2 mg to 4 mg (gums and lozenges) and 7 mg, 14 mg and 28 mg per patch.
So that is to say they are claiming nicotine is a health hazard, demoralizing the use of a product producing .1 mg of nicotine in favor of pharmaceutical products producing 2 mg, 4 mg, 7 mg, 14 mg and 28 mg of nicotine instead.
Missing in the US propaganda machine today are any stories on the Senator Lautenberg pharmaceutical lobbyist connections as well as those same connections between pharmaceutical giants and the newly appointed heads of CDC and the HHS Department.
Although Obama was reported to have been seen smoking according to the DC based “The Hill” newspaper less than a month ago, with passage of this legislation the propaganda in the US has suddenly changed from “Obama who was smoking” to “Obama who once smoked” – at the stroke of midnight through a stroke of the pen – this has now been re-written, in less than one month’s time.
Amazing how the US believes in the SHS studies based on statistical hearsay while ignoring the actual findings on one of the largest studies ever done to date (BMJ 2006) which shows there was no significant if any correlations between SHS and purported disease.
Even the infamous recent SHS/heart-attack studies were proven cherry picked and inconclusive, yet it’s the Bible upon which the secular drive comes to initiate the bans, to denormalize use of a legal product, to now put it into the hands of one of the most corruptible agencies in all of DC, the FDA.
FDA complicity with the pharma-industrial-complex has lead to untold health hazards and deaths resulting from pharma products rushed to market with unfortunate side effects, such as death in the case of many statins, pushed under the table – since FDA relies heavily on fees by pharmaceuticals to fund the FDA.
With the new legislation in the US, tobacco companies will be reponsible for providing financial support, fees, to the FDA now too, as is the already case with pharmaceuticals. And as comes payment of fees from private industry to a government agency, so comes corruption, the fitting of statistical data to match profitable marketing campaigns.
One can only bet that FDA will soon be making cigarettes quite legal and smoking normalized, to the profit of FDA and mainly Philip Morris both as they have already done the same with, as some might reasonably argue, definitely dangerous pharmaceutical products whose effects are demonstrated on a per individual case basis, not on the manipulations of statistical databases to provide possibilities as in the case of tobacco.
In the absolutist world of black and white, tobacco is evil, pharmaceuticals are Godly, as it stands currently.
There is a difference between supposed and possible diseases and death based on statistical manipulations like those biased against legal tobacco products and the actual cases of death resulting from pharmaceutical products which can be traced directly back to their source.
The US legislation, complete with the full cooperation, support and propaganda provided by the US media, which depends today on vast advertising revenues from pharma products (print and TV both in the States) will thus continue to lead one to believe that it is big and evil tobacco the cause of all our worldy problems based on statistical possibilities and lead one away from visualizing what has been going on for decades now, in complacency between an FDA funded by pharma giant fees, that genuinely dangerous products, sometimes for concocted but marketable illusions of illness are left unchecked.
When is the last time anyone complained about cartoon advertisements on American TV that normalizes to children the idea of taking prescription drugs on a regular basis for whatever petty reasons made believable, yet the smoke-screen case against tobacco provides the distraction upon which the pharma-industrial-complex gets away with it, in broad plain daylight view, no questions asked.
Phillip Morris is just jumping on the same bandwagon that the pharma-industrial-complex jumped on years ago in getting its product out there.
And if I sound in defence of tobacco, bear in mind I do not smoke, but to each their own, in a free-choice society.
There are just some illogical perceptions being bandied about and hypocrisies being ignored by media propaganda that do not add up to me, is all I am saying.
June 12, 2009 at 6:27 pm -
I’m with Rightwingit here. Wimps, the lot of you.
June 12, 2009 at 6:37 pm -
I suppose the quantities of Nicotine content in pharmaceutical products differ due to the variation in absorption rate via the lungs (fag) compared to the the digestive system (gum).
Can’t see the problem really, why not ban Nicotine?
No one has a problem banning Speed, Crack or Heroin why not the the most addictive of the lot?
Nicotine and the other lethal chemicals it helps deliver kill 54 million people annually and even though its deadliness has been proven, repeatedly, it is still sold worldwide due the funding the industry has provided politicians for the last hundred years.
June 12, 2009 at 7:04 pm -
When the UN reports on Global Warming alarmism listing statistical numbers killed or why DDT should never be used even while hundreds of thousands of genuine non-statistical actual deaths occur in impoverished African nations from mosquito spread infections I fully believe those UN reports also.
UN and WHO, always a good reliable unbiased source of information, especially when they have the same cozy relationships with the pharma-industrial-complex the FDA has in the US and has it down to a science, naming the names of all those hundreds of thousands statistically dead.
June 12, 2009 at 7:24 pm -
The UN reports. The others quote. That’s how propaganda works in the modern age.
400,000 unnamed deaths is a lot of degree of error, statistics being one thing, manipulatible, actual deaths being something else.
June 12, 2009 at 7:57 pm -
Thing is reducing the tar and nicotine in fags has been happening for a while in Europe so if anything the US will be blaming us for the idea.
I’ll see if I can dig out some images of packets with 14mg tar and more nicotine than they currently do.
June 12, 2009 at 9:09 pm -
Are you perchance a reformed smoker Zak?!
June 12, 2009 at 9:37 pm -
Anyone got a light?
June 12, 2009 at 9:44 pm -
There’s no smoke without fire Saul, consider yourself lit.
June 12, 2009 at 9:48 pm -
I went for so long without lighting it, all this talk of nicotine was the straw that broke the Camel’s back.
June 12, 2009 at 10:02 pm -
You’re a posh geezer and no mistake – I’m a Woodbiner doncha know.
June 12, 2009 at 10:06 pm -
Just because I have Lambert the Butler?
June 12, 2009 at 10:15 pm -
Well, I’ve got Benson who does my Hedges but he’s no Marlboro Man, that’s for sure.
June 12, 2009 at 10:18 pm -
Well look who just rolled up.
June 12, 2009 at 10:18 pm -
Ms Raccoon, you light up my life.
June 12, 2009 at 10:21 pm -
That’s right, Saul, make me the butt of your jokes…
June 12, 2009 at 10:23 pm -
Don’t make light of it Glo.
June 12, 2009 at 10:24 pm -
Sobranie Cocktail, anyone?
June 12, 2009 at 10:25 pm -
Can you still buy Gauloises in France? Now that’s a man’s fag!
June 12, 2009 at 10:26 pm -
Now your Balkan on the ridiculous Glo.
June 12, 2009 at 10:26 pm -
Ok, you’re more than a match for me. I give up. Again. I’m going to change my blog moniker to Nick Quittin.
June 12, 2009 at 10:28 pm -
Are you keeping tabs on me?
June 12, 2009 at 10:34 pm -
Ash if.
June 12, 2009 at 10:40 pm -
Good. That would be a right drag.
June 12, 2009 at 10:46 pm -
On a lighter note….. it would be a gas.
June 12, 2009 at 10:50 pm -
Annoyed at being out-pun, Smudd shoots Saul a flinty look…
June 12, 2009 at 10:56 pm -
Sorry, didn’t mean to get on your wick.
June 12, 2009 at 11:00 pm -
I’ve had to turn to Mr Smudd for ideas: “Oi! Get out yer thinkin’ Cap,Stan!” Or words to that effect.
June 12, 2009 at 11:04 pm -
Talk amongst yourselves, I’ve just dropped the ronson gas bottle with the multi nozzles on the floor, could be some time before I can fill up again.
June 12, 2009 at 11:08 pm -
I’ll count to Number 10 but after that I’m due back at the Embassy. Hope you manage to get all your nozzles balanced back into the lid.
June 12, 2009 at 11:11 pm -
After Consulate ation it’s time to go.
June 12, 2009 at 11:14 pm -
I’m buggered if I can think of those exotic cigarillo type fags. Probably for the best.( the one’s with the built in holder).
June 12, 2009 at 11:16 pm -
Ah well, it’ll come to you in the end. Tar-Tar for now.
June 12, 2009 at 11:22 pm -
Good night Glo, you certainly light this place up. No one else is a patch on you.
June 12, 2009 at 11:31 pm -
And you’ve been inhale and hearty form tonight but I seem to have run out of puff, so, g’night!
June 12, 2009 at 11:41 pm -
I’ll say again, I did not inhale!
June 13, 2009 at 1:00 am -
Low nicotine fags are the worst aren’t they? Something to do with the user taking deeper drags and smoking more of them.
This has echoes of the food industry. Packets, portions, servings and wagon wheels have got smaller but the price stays the same or goes up. It is hidden inflation in the same manner lightbulbs have become more shoddily made and things don’t last like they used to. Producers are hardly going to say no to the Government giving them a licence to make more profit now are they.
It’s also the protection racket the Governments of this world excel at – ‘voluntarily’ do things our way or we’ll make life difficult for you. Like salt and fat in food. Salt doesn’t cause heart disease it exacerbates existing heart disease. Fatty foods don’t make people fat, greed does.
The choices are all made for us even when it comes to political parties – which statist do I pick from? The consumer has never had it so bad.
June 13, 2009 at 1:27 am -
Excellent article Anna. Shame some of your commenters failed to get the point, as you nailed it handsomely.
Rightwinggit: Who gives a fuck if you gave up. Well done you and all that, but some don’t want to. Are you an arbiter of their choice to enjoy a legal product? If so, that makes you an authoritarian wanker in my book, so fuck off.
Cato: You too, cunt.
As Anna has correctly identified, this is a clever ploy by Philip Morris to ring-fence their market share while appearing to be generous to anti-tobacco. It is also an ingenous way for the righteous to show they are doing something while surreptitiously … err … not doing anything.
Plus Tobacco Free Kids get a nice backhander too.
Everything hunky-dory then. Except, as Anna has pointed out, nothing has changed except that more fags will be sold.
For a libertarian blog (IIRC), there seem to be a whole lot of ill-informed, bigoted and prejudicial morons posing as libertarians here.
Perhaps the WHO should call another pandemic to that effect.
June 13, 2009 at 1:33 am -
Cato: Having second thoughts about the above after seeing your usual stuff. Perhaps you were being tongue-in-cheek. If so, I apologise.
If not, bollocks to ya’.
June 13, 2009 at 4:30 am -
I wish I lived in a more civilised country like Spain where one has the choice of a smoking or non-smoking bar,(they still treat people like adults ove there).It’s easy to tell which are the non-smoking bars – they’re all empty! Aaaahhhh……lovely tabs…….although I think the guy in the picture is talking about something else entirely!?
June 13, 2009 at 7:21 am -
My waking thought was …. Cafe Creme Cigarillos, sold with and without filters …. those the ones, Saul?
June 13, 2009 at 12:14 pm -
Dick P; It’s called having a sense of humour.
I’ll take the piss out of anyone, including myself. -
June 13, 2009 at 2:16 pm -
Good god Anna, £1.65 (RRP) for your average pack of twenty only eight years ago, according to the Facts&Figures listing. A very informative and enlightening piece. I havn’t took any notice of nicotine content for a very long time and, as I’ve just bought a new pack of rolling tobacco I had a cursory look but can’t find the nicotine or tar contend for all the shit, picture of open heart surgery and a load of warnings about my purchase being the biggest killer of mankind, emblazoned on it.
Having sat through four videos for the F2C blog (about 8 hours worth) from the Scottish Health and Sports committees regiging of their earlier tobacco control efforts to bring about the hiding of tobacco products from site and destroying a whole industry, namely cigarette machines, I saw one solitary representitive from a tobacco company, namely Japan Tobacco, which I’m sure does not get near the top three. This is part one, evidence gathering, and there was a ratio of around 4 to one on the anti tobacco side.
In these days of consumer affairs, where there is a plethora of information about your rights as a consumer, which has, in turn, made large companies sensitive to their consumers…but not Big Tobacco! I, as a consumer of legal tobacco products, will no longer stand for this! If the supplier of the goods that I want don’t treat me as a cherished customer then I will find another supplier, and I don’t mean legally!
Rant over
June 13, 2009 at 2:28 pm -
If you can’t say it without swearing perhaps you haven’t thought it out properly, i’m not saying swearing doesn’t have a time and place but don’t you find an argument much more refreshing when it is delivered with articulation and wit?
I am Indeed a reformed smoker who is all for smoking reform. Personal choice is one thing proliferation of a deadly disease inducing cancer is another. Very few smokers advocate the health benefits of smoking, rather they retreat to a cocoon of ignorance and reel out a tired defence of ‘my choice’ or ‘I could quit if I wanted’ when confronted with indisputable evidence. However, if you wish to smoke- that is fine, in 10 years there will be many fewer of you to complain.
June 13, 2009 at 3:34 pm -
Janes you are indeed a brainwashed anti smoker who must have thought very little of yourself when you smoked. If anyone gives up smoking, drinking or eating to excess then that is great but please don’t trip out the usual tripe about “proliferation of a deadly disease inducing cancer.” Yes, cancer can be a deadly disease but why is all cancers laid at tobacco’s door? Name three people who had on their death certificate that they died because they smoked? You can’t because they say that the death was ’smoking related.’ It doesn’t matter if the deceased was overweight, or lived in a built up area where they were constantly inhaling a deadly coctail of Diesel and Petrol fumes for the best part of their lives. Tobacco smoke ‘toxins’ are measured in nanograms, picograms and femtograms, and many can’t even be detected in these amounts! Diesel and Petrol can and have been found to be at much higher levels as to be quantifiable as true human carcinogens. Second Hand Smoke (SHS) does the non smoker no harm at all.
I think you Janes are ignorant. Your smugness at giving up tobacco makes you think you have the right to denormalise smokers for their pastime or comfort, whatever you want to think it is to them, and can only come from your weakness as a person who has only done one simple act in their lives, given up smoking, the very thing you castigate…If you can why can’t every other smoker, how come you are so special and we smokers are so weak? Because they like smoking, that’s why! And no, there is no ‘indisputable evidence’ because I, and many others, including scientists, despute it!
I used to be tolerant of people, no matter of their lifestyle, but since the smoking ban and the onslaught of bigoted lies by the anti smoker I am tolerant no more, it’s time to fight back!
June 13, 2009 at 5:03 pm -
Oops, I read it wrong, it was Zak replying to Dick and Janes, my apologies Janes, please do forgive me cos I should have been addressing that Zak, so If you are reading this Zak, did I mention Zak? You are a pillock. Lol.
June 13, 2009 at 5:22 pm -
Dick and Janes? Didn’t they have fun robbing a bank?
June 13, 2009 at 6:36 pm -
Couldn’t read the right name on a blog, think i’ll take my scientific opinion from someone who doesn’t make such an easy mistake. I can see how the bold font fooled you.
You are right though, smoking related deaths are rife just like bullet and vehicle related deaths; they really have nothing to do with cigarettes, guns and cars.
June 14, 2009 at 1:36 pm -
“Couldn’t read the right name on a blog, think i’ll take my scientific opinion from someone who doesn’t make such an easy mistake. I can see how the bold font fooled you.”
No Zak, take your scientific opinions to Freedom To Choose, there you will see ’scientific evidence’ that has been gone through with a fine toothed comb and have found glaring holes that do not add up with the propganda of the moneygrubbers like ASH et al. Or you could just follow the money trail itself.
(After looking at many blogs, with different formats, I think it is very easy to reply to the wrong person on a blog but that does in no way suggest that I do not know about a given subject until it is debated in earnest.)
“You are right though, smoking related deaths are rife just like bullet and vehicle related deaths; they really have nothing to do with cigarettes, guns and cars.”
That last statement is Quixotic at best and you seemed to have pulled it out of thin air.
June 14, 2009 at 5:54 pm -
Quixotic! Brilliant word.Secondly,
You are doing the same thing you accused me of doing, getting your information from a flawed source. I have read around and find it amazingly difficult to find information supporting tobacco in any way. Cancer Research UK has a very measured in depth analysis here.If you don’t believe smoking is dangerous I think you should take a trip to your nearest pet shop and buy two hamsters or dogs or whatever you want, then expose one to a low level amount of tobacco smoke over the lifespan of whichever animal you choose. The one who was exposed to the smoke, even a small amount will die in a fraction of the time compared to the other animal.
However, as I mentioned before, you should be free to smoke – in particular – in your case I would encourage it. Smoke two at a time, three if you fancy, sounds like you will need to with the strength decrease anyway. The funny think is that most smokers are happy when their friends and family give up so I wonder why you seem so intent on preserving the sale of something which is expensive and deadly.
Sorry about the cheap joke at your error; on closer inspection they are a little indistinct.
My last statement highlights the feeble futility of your argument and that you would be in good company with someone who didn’t believe that a body riddled with bullet holes died as the result of one or a combination of the bullets that caused the holes, or someone that had been flattened on a road with ‘Goodyear’ repeatedly indented across their body didn’t belive they may have died when a car ran them over. In short you say smoking isn’t or can’t be a direct cause of death when heavy, medium and light smokers have black lungs and constricted arteries and tumours throughout their whole body.
Everyone who isn’t stupid or stubborn knows this, some people just choose to ignore it.
June 14, 2009 at 11:25 pm -
Dear Anna, I sincerely appreciate all of your posts, but unfortunately me being a foreigner living in another foreign country, I have hardly ever anything to comment, which would contribute to “your” [plural] discussion. Now that finally you have a topic, which is close enough to me and nationality doesn’t matter, I find that all that could be said by me, has been said already …
Apart from maybe
ZAK what about the 90+ year-olds who drink and smoke and outlive us. Weak, I know, but not to be neglected. Good night
PS: I’m smoking cigarettes with only tobacco and NO additives, so have only to kick off the nicotine by the time I’m ready to stop. Jaja.
June 16, 2009 at 1:27 am -
Well said Anna.
I wonder how formaldehyde is so safe for “the children” when it comes to Johnson&Johnson baby products, and other lesser known companies, I should think. Yet soooo dangerous when it comes to smoking it, how strange. I shall call them J&J “formaldehyde Babes”
Big Pharmas pills in some cases have the soooo dangerous “formaldehyde” in also. I believe the FDA regulate drugs, do they not, so they “must think it is safe”. It will be interesting how they get around that one. In the UK we had one of those propaganda smoking adverts, it showed someone in the “morgue” and the chemical “formaldehyde” looked to be responsible hmmmm.
We also have arsenic in the water, taste fine to me, how many litres are we encouraged to drink?
The healthist encourage us all to eat our vegetables yet (Rosie) who comments a lot on Michael Siegels blogs, has so much information about the “nicotine” content in some of them. It is a shame the media does not give us this information if “nicotine” is soooo harmful.Sorry for the rant Anna
mandyv for smokers and non-smokers alike, fighting for choice and TRUTHHows this for the scare-mongering media –
Cigarette smoke contains 4,000 chemical constituents and more than 40 of them are known to cause cancer in humans. Some experts say that it’s usually not the nicotine that kills but these other chemicals. A few of these chemicals are cadium, a highly poisonous metal that is also used to make batteries, formaldehyde which is used to preserve dead bodies, and lead which is a highly toxic metal.
The trace levels of certain compounds found by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics can result from processes that make our products gentle for babies and safe from bacteria growth. The FDA and other government agencies around the world consider these trace levels safe, and all our products meet or exceed the regulatory requirements in every country where they are sold. Experts such as MDs, toxicologists and clinical scientists regularly review the safety data for all ingredients used in our products. In addition, we test our final baby product formulations for safety. Once our products are in the marketplace, we continually monitor consumer experiences and review evolving scientific data.
We are disappointed that the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has inaccurately characterized the safety of our products, misrepresented the overwhelming consensus of scientists and government agencies that review the safety of ingredients, and unnecessarily alarmed parents.
We want to reassure parents that JOHNSON’S Baby Shampoo and all our baby and kids products are safe, gentle and mild products that they can trust and use with confidence.HYPERLINK
With thanks to Marcus
As I have stated in an earlier post, the of RWJF (the source of hundreds of millions of dollars for smoking bans) was none other than the founder of Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical; but the ties to the pharmaceutical industry don’t end there.Current Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) board of trustees:
The Nicotine Content of Common Vegetables
Vegetable Nicotine in ng/g g per 1µg nicotine
Cauliflower 16.8 59.5
Eggplant (Aubergine) 100.0 10
Potatoes 7.1 140
Green tomatoes 42.8 23.4
Ripe tomatoes 4.3 233.0
Pureed tomatoes 52.0 19.2
Rose -
June 17, 2009 at 8:25 am -
I haven’t had a chance to look at all the links yet but as I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a very big difference between eating something and smoking it. Your digestive system is designed to handle volatile substances your respiratory system is not.
However, I am not a doctor – it would be nice to get a comment from one or two.
You should also bear in mind that chemicals when slightly altered, lets say by raising the temperature to 700 degrees centigrade… can take on very different properties. Take salt for instance, harmless, consumed by billions daily. Split the compound in two and you are left with a pair of elements, sodium and chlorine; two things you would neither want to eat or smoke.
June 17, 2009 at 8:26 am
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