Main Stream Media v The Blogosphere (again) (yawn)
Tikka or Treat?
Jack Straw should have seen it Cumin.
The Legal Beagle has bhaji-ed in where other candidates fear to tread, and treated 700 constituents to a slap up- curry at Jan’s
Continue reading →Odds on its still a sin.
I had always though that the Catholic Church regarded gambling as a sin.
I was surprised to learn (not partaking of that good book too often!) that the bible doesn’t
Continue reading →Brown’s Campaign Bus Narrowly Misses Rabbit on M.4.
‘Tis always a quandary, every morning ‘tis a quandary. Which of the many stories, rumours and salacious gossipy bits do you pick up and blog your opinion on?
Whenever I am trying to master a new
Continue reading →Privilege.
‘Privileged background’ is the buzz phrase in this election.
Cameron apparently has, so does Clegg, Gordon Brown would tell you that despite being the son of Manse in a poor
Continue reading →An Elective Dictatorship?
My inbox this morning contained notification of a new book on a subject dear to my heart – the development, nature and power of the office of the British Prime Minister. The authors are Professor
Papal Bull!
There seems to be a bit of a witch hunt going on at the moment with regard to the Catholic church.
Of course a lot of the negative publicity
Continue reading →Café En-lite-enment.
The onset of spring is a private delight in these parts. Our little community watches the nest building antics of the Tourterelles long before the
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
The Dangers Of Fighting The Last War
All organisations are made up of individuals; they are ‘human’ organisations which means that they have human failings and weaknesses. One of the greatest of human weaknesses is not to accept change. Humans get ‘comfortable’
Embarrassing Candidates?
Gosh, following local candidates is unexpectedly fun.
Tonight the Libertarian party are celebrating, having welcomed Nikki Sinclaire into the Libertarian fold.
Nikki might have thought she would be standing
Continue reading →An Exclusive Look at a Candidate for Hornsey and Wood Green.
I didn’t think someone like me could be a politician. I am second generation immigrant and came from a family with very few books where we were just expected to
Continue reading →Main Stream Media v The Blogosphere – Sequelae
The aftermath of my blog post on Monday regarding the biography on a parliamentary candidate put out by the Sutton and Cheam Guardian has been an education; highlighting the difference between the
Caption Contest.
Saving Voter Ryan.
COBRA, shorthand for the Cabinet Office Briefing Room A has, as it always does, stepped up to the breach in an emergency. This is the same team of top flight Ministers from
Continue reading →On Yer Bike Laddie.
Down in what used to be known as leafy Croydon, but is now gun crime central, the candidates are battling it out in the various wards.
I took a look at Thornton Heath,
Continue reading →Clegg Dancing.
Nick Clegg bounced along through the last debate, all floppy haired and puppyish, and the message he seemed most eager to get across was that he was quite unlike ‘you two’ as
Continue reading →The Eugenicists are back.
Barbara Harris runs a eugenically minded American charity which offers drug addicts desperate for their next fix £200 to be sterilised.
Her aim is to permanently prevent drug addicts having
Continue reading →“Disgraceful Journalism” – The Main Stream Media v. The Blogosphere.
Unless you have a poorly canary, or some other obscure use for recycled dead trees – it is officially a waste of money relying on newspapers for factual and balanced reporting during this election period.
Continue reading →Sprouting Nonsense.
Ahhhh! This morning we have the delectable Ms Winslet, arms held aloft in prayer to the almighty, roped to the bow of yet another creaking tub full of screaming
Continue reading →Saul on Sunday
Remember when Tony Blair and Kevin Keegan got together for a bit of head tennis?
It helped to convince a lot of people that
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Out of Africa.
The South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) proudly calls itself ‘South Africa’s Leading Research and Policy Organisation’, so it is a little surprising that they ‘desisted from issuing
Continue reading →Blowback in the Weegie Sewer.
I have for some weeks been regaling southern readers with the hitherto hidden tales of corruption, lies, graft, drug taking and gangsterism in the murky depths of Labour’s Glasgow heartlands. It has seemed a
Beauties and the Beast.
Gordon’s people had negotiated his position to the right of Cameron, so that he appeared to be leaning over to look at the others rather than squinting at his notes.
Continue reading →Joining the dots…
Good Lord – there are some interesting candidates standing for election in the Cambridge area alongside Old Holborn.
One who particularly raised my eyebrows is Helene Davies-Green who is standing for UKIP in South
Continue reading →The Latest Ban – Boning.
It had to happen; everything else that you might possibly enjoy has been banned. Why would they allow boning to continue? Obnoxio
Continue reading →So, you have pretensions to be a proper journalist?
It was painful to watch a professional journalist degenerate into the pub bore on the Daily Politics show.
I refer of course to the once respected Andrew Neil, for many
Continue reading →Quiz Time….
Is this picture exploiting the war in Afghanistan for a propaganda stunt? Or the Prime Minister expressing solidarity with our boys in Afghanistan?