I was standing on a chair in the early hours of this morning. Not a mouse in sight. I needed the chair to reach a high shelf to rescue the one and only relic of
Continue reading →Anna Raccoon
The latest occupant of the Max Wall tights.
Tony Blair made the same mistake. Faced with a ‘Big Beast’ in his entourage who needed to have his ego assuaged, he gave Derry Irvine the historic role of Lord Chancellor.
Kitted out
Continue reading →Gay Gordon Gallops Off.
McCluedo – a Righteous game for all the family.
Madeleine McCann would be seven years old today. All across Britain there are other little girls celebrating their seventh birthday – and it is a matter of supreme indifference to all except those
Continue reading →Gordon the Impotent.
So much doom and gloom around in the blogs this morning. The media are no more of cheer.
I, however, in my usual contrary way, find plenty to cheer me.
Continue reading →The Transfer of Power.
A very relieved Raccoon is back behind the keyboard again. Five long days and even longer nights during which the only sniff of a keyboard that I got was a
Continue reading →Dispatches from the front line…
Browntaxer’s last “stand and deliver”
BROWNTAXER was a Money Cat, with funds that he would “merge”;
fact, he is the most imprudent cat that ever had the urge
to tax from farthings
Prescott John: the transport cat
There’s a whisper down the line at oh-six-thirty-nine
when the busy day is just about to start
saying “Prescott where is Prescott, has he made it as investor Continue reading →
To the people of Cambridge.
Robert Louis Stevenson
The last time a maverick thundered across the Cambridgeshire fens and requested the support of the
Continue reading →The power of the Count
Tormented electorate : time to take revenge,
tomorrow’s the day we can finally avenge
many years of wrong-doing and being ignored.
What’s at stake ? Dracula can be fatally
Quote of the Day
“had the best imaginable playing field going into an election. A parlous economic state. Politics reeling from an expenses scandal.
Continue reading →Fishboney Blur: the mystery cat
Fishboney Blur’s a Mystery Cat, he’s called the Hidden Flaw
For he’s the Primal Minister who redefines the law
He’s the bafflement of electors, and Westminster’s
Three Men and a Quote.
I adore the hilariously jingoistic tone of the Express headline.
“UK faces massive bill to bail out Europe’s collapsing economies.”
Perfect, it is a very
Continue reading →The Weakest Link?
Oh to be a Civil Servant now that Spring is here….
They mosey along from week to week, answering the odd phone call, overseeing an occasional by-election.
Then every five years they have an intense burst
Continue reading →Has it come to this?
has said a vast and useless bust of stone
stands in the House. Of a similar kind,
power-drunk, his shattered visage born frown
and Continue reading →
The Wolf of Kabul
Bill Sampson a British Army officer and his trusty sidekick Chung were the scourge of
Continue reading →The Times can’t see the dead wood for the trees.
A fine example of media manipulation. Worthy of the BBC in fact.
THE BBC will have to divert licence-fee money into its pension
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No More Tripe!
I swear Mrs Duffy is my Nana re-incarnated. I saw her buried with mine own eyes, but she lives on, slightly diluted.
Nana was a seamstress in Liverpool for the Cunard
Continue reading →What am I?
A concentration camp in the Middle East? The Russian gulag? An American High Security Prison?
Nope, this is the 17.5 Kilometre ring fence, topped with 5,000 volt electrified wire and 900 CCTV cameras
Continue reading →The teat reserved exclusively for Glasgow.
That Glasgow is a curiously dependant city existing on the hand outs of industrious citizens way south of the Reiver line is beyond doubt now. The inhabitants have been hand reared in the
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Lazy Journalists?
The National Union of Journalists has voted to go on strike across the Johnston Group which encompasses such ‘must reads’ as the Scarborough Evening News, the Hemel Hempstead Gazette,
Continue reading →Women in Labour Too Posh to Push?
Some months back I wrote to every female MP I could think of, inviting them to address this blog, and explain why my many female readers should vote for their party.
Last week I published the
Continue reading →Honest employment for ex-MPs?
An enterprising job hunting firm MyWorkSearch.co.uk have compiled a list of recommended jobs for MPs should they not be re-elected next week.
Gordon Brown as a
Continue reading →Labour Candidate arrested.
Kathryn Smith, Labour general election candidate for Gravesend, was arrested after crashing her car into a roundabout, says her agent. She was breathalysed at the scene. Her agent said she had asked to
Continue reading →Am I right to be suspicious?
Last week, CMA published a report showing that despite Britain apparently retaining its Triple AAA rating, the market had in fact marked us down to –aa.
Continue reading →Re-definitions – Nu-Labour speak; Issue 5
Bigot [ˈbɪgət]n a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race[from Old French: name applied contemptuously to the Normans by the French,
Quote of the Day
Nick Robinson
For those of us who have had
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