Porkie Farming nearly became a profitable business.
Back in 2007, a young carpenter registered a company ‘Ddc Contracts‘, to carry out a joinery business, along with ‘possibly’ his partner, Lorraine
Continue reading →Porkie Farming nearly became a profitable business.
Back in 2007, a young carpenter registered a company ‘Ddc Contracts‘, to carry out a joinery business, along with ‘possibly’ his partner, Lorraine
Continue reading →Not since Sam Tân stood in a whoopsie, which admittedly was only yesterday M’lud, a microscopic time in outrage land; has there been such a scramble to censor a so far unseen episode of ‘baby sitting for busy
Continue reading →An Australian judge has recognised that the media coverage that those with some vestigial claim to celebrity attract when appearing in
Continue reading →Whips in parliament operate by controlling information that individual MPs would not want to escape. The Catholic priest enjoyed a measure of control over his community by virtue of what he knew. Blackmailers work on the
When Roy Whiting snatched – and then murdered – eight-year-old Sarah Payne, feelings were running high in the entire country; empathy for the ‘living nightmare every parent dreads’ was enormous. Sarah’s mother, Sara, was
Continue reading →It started with a lie; a false allegation; a mendacity, a calumny, a canard. However you dress it up, it simply wasn’t true.
40 year-old Georgina Ray decided that the only possible reason
Continue reading →The Messrs. Oliver, Llewellyn, and Lockwood are sitting at home in the stultifying heat, holding their breath, waiting to see if they can add the burden of an ermine cloak to the trials of
The suppurating boil on the face of journalism, oozing vituperative stories, usually with a left-wing sting in the tail, that has been the internet agency Exaro, has, if one can believe a word that Mark Watts,
Yesterday, the long running saga of ‘delusional, obsessional, irrational and odd’ individuals who have littered the internet with requests for funds to help them bring to justice a supposed band of Satanic baby eaters and paedophiles
This is a well-meaning face. It belongs to Colette Yapp-Davis. She is, I am sure, a well meaning person attached to the Goddard Inquiry. I am equally sure her previous career as a Renewables Obligation Officer
Picture the scene. You’ve raised little Jamie and Chloe from helpless infants to excitable teenagers. You’ve bought a house in the right catchment area. You’ve hung onto your job somehow and paid the mortgage. You’ve tracked
£10,000 damages awarded against an on-line troll for falsely labelling a Tory politician a paedophile. Or the cost of replying
Continue reading →What is a Police Force to do with falling crime figures? Not enough murder and property theft to go round the employees? Start shedding
Continue reading →Freud’s grandson, David, is an interesting man. Let us see if he can survive in his present job long enough for me to write this article. Stay where you are for half an hour David, for pity’s
It’s the latest craze. It’s an augmented reality game that uses your phone’s camera and GPS. How do you play? By
Continue reading →Yesterday, it was confirmed that Adam Johnson was to remain the poster child for those such as the NSPCC that wish us to believe that the gravest danger likely to to befall a child was coming
Long ago, a woman called Rosie Swale-Pope wrote a book which became famous briefly in the 70s. I, along with every other woman of my generation read it eagerly. Rosie had sailed around the world with her husband,
Continue reading →How about some good news for a change?
Ms Raccoon won’t be resigning any time soon.
My last scan was a success. Correction, my last scan was a flippin’ disaster – but
Continue reading →I do wonder if the Iraq war had all gone swimmingly and we were awash with cheap oil and grateful Iraqis, whether there would be quite so much airtime afforded to the grieving relatives of the
Watching Labour tear its own heart out is reminiscent of watching squatters tip a grand mansion into decay.
The damp slowly creeps up the walls; the rafters collapse under the weight of slate and moss,
Continue reading →And with a flick of my wrist, I have just dumped the third post I have tried to write this morning. I can type fast, but not fast enough to keep up with the resignations amongst
Lord Lexden, who used to be Alistair Cooke, a fine author and researcher before acquiring his ermine robes, rose to speak in the House of Lords on Friday.
He paid homage to Carolyn Hoyle
Continue reading →Very little, I suspect. However, Mrs Gove, or Lady MacVine (in the bedroom, with the
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